So we are going to be Duma's faithful servant this gauntlet right? Right?
no, fuck off with your dumb fotm waifu
Celica belongs to the BDC
is there any NTR doujin about her staying mindbroken then getting fucked by duma and jedah while alms watches?
Sorry I'm retarded but is this a good roll?
-Hp and +Attack with middle everything else.
Marth is my favorite character so I'm pretty delighted.
What's the best way to sabotage Team Grima? These nigger assholes are only sending greens and it's pissing me off. Especially since I get put against two reds minimum. Fuck this team. Fuck gauntlets. Fuck ISIS. Fuck Grima. This shitter is getting foddered the second he loses.
No, sweetie.
Team regular Celica first, Grima if she loses, Black Knight 3rd pick.
Why in God's name is Effie's voice so bad? It's maddening how much of a miscast this voice is with her docile art.
Only spent 15 orbs on the latest banner & got a 5-star gunthra. Is she good?
All I see is Alm's cum dumpster
Yes very useful especially cause you will need her for the new mode.
I prefer grima.
>tfw Celica's dumb cunt genes are passed down Alms lineage now
So I'm guessing Robin's getting destroyed This gauntlet.
big time
Lol it's keeps going back and forth with Celica.
Didnt even know who to pick because i literally dont care for any of the characters
Went with derp face Robin
Have fun losing the final round.
>it's because of Celica's awful genes that future Valentia is a shithole ruled by an angry lobster that gets beaten by sleeveless Marth, pants-wearing Marth and a weaboo
how good is Lephaim?
>on team Grima
>constantly fighting Olivias and Lissas
>have Tharjas and Tikis as teammates
Really making me think.
-HP is his best bane, Atk and Spd are his best boons, so you have a really good Marth there. Right now Support Marth is really good if you can refine his Falchion and give him a double Rally and Drive skills. Renewal is fine for 20 HP every two turns but Chill Spd can also do great if you have a spare F!Celica.
Are you fighting the opposite team if so why am I fighting a player with evil Celica when I chose her. Also so many fucking lyn's on this team
Of course. We're probably going to lose though.
Don't give up user.
That's an excellent set. -hp is good because he has too much of it to begin with. +atk pushes his offenses up to 34/34. He'll make for a superb support unit that can also hold his own in a fight, especially with swordbreaker to counter shit like Ayra and Mia
Fuck no, we're going to be backing the BK for all the carrying he has done for us.
>Not going for his better version
So sad
>Join BK Team
>I fight a Zelgius every two matches
The folks at Team Zelgius evidently don't give a shit about their Friends' matches.
New hotness he may be, but it'll be many a black moon before he's made up the ground the BK has tread. Ya gotta respect the classics man.
>Reddit Knight
End your life.
Don't give up yet guys we are so close to winning for Duma
wtf i hate black knight now??
>actually excited for the Falchion banner since I need Aether
Enjoy your Marth.
Grima is so strong he will rarely get multipliers. Better use flags as soon as he gets them.
Remember kids, anything you don't like is automatically reddit.
No. Everyone's gonna get dunked by the Burger King.
I see nothing wrong with this
>mfw was gonna go Black Knight if the roll I did today didn't give me Grima
>Got 40+1 Celica now from that roll
Show them Duma shares bros
>tfw -atk +HP
You fight the other team, but the enemy team's units is based on a user's Team 1 Leader. In this case, Evil Celica is on Celica's team.
She's not quite finished yet, I got a pivot I still need the SP to give her and the 3rd tier B and C skills but I'll do my best
Still can't decide on which blessings to give him since I have all the legendary heros. Anyone know what he would go good with teamed up.
I'd think Ephiram, isn't his one that makes things tankier? Or maybe you'd want Ike for the damage output.
Even then Water and Fire are the elements up right now so Wind and Earth are only for the double SP
>fierce stance
>sharing the character you're supporting in the gauntlet
I don't know which is more retarded. Sasuga Celicafags.
>those defenses
Goddamn that's pretty good.
I rolled another B!Ike earlier. +Spd/-Res. The one I pulled a while ago is +Hp/-Spd. Do I merge or give someone Meme Breath? I don't use dragons and can't give it to Xander which sucks.
Don't bully bitch. What do you have to share?
I mean I literally just set this up today, I mostly just want to use her because even if her defenses aren't fantastic she pretty much deletes most things she'll come into contact with.
Ok done can wait till the new mode.
My +5 Lancina since her drives go well with Celica's Chill Spd.
You could give it to the free L!Ike if you want to use him in the new mode/AA.
Only have one BIke, who's the best user for Steady Breat. Zelgius or Hardin?
How do I build Summer Corrin for a flier team besides using Blarblade? I'm also using Cordelia, New year Azura and Caeda, and Caeda already has fortify fliers so using that on Corrin seems redundant, but unfortunately I don't have access to ward fliers.
Galeforce Soleil on team Robin, who actually wants reds supporting them.
You're giving people a unit they already have and are using for the voting gauntlet. When people get your Celica they already have their own Celica and are stuck with two infantry swords that cover the same shit.
LnD or Fury for A slot and Desperation for B
>Who wants chill speed supporting them.
It's a mystery user.
Blarblade+, Reposition, Fury, Desperation and Goad Fliers if you don't have Hone/Ward.
Do I upgrade a second speed, Savage Blow, or fortress res seal?
>besides using Blarblade
>I'm also using New year Azura
You still use Blarblade because Corrin is beyond broken with it. Fury/Desperation if she's +Spd, Darting Blow/Desperation if she isn't.
user, you keep making these threads, but I don't think you understand that the subject line exists for a reason.
Which they already have you fucking idiot.
>Finally pull Fallen Hero Celica after hundreds of orbs
>She's -atk +def
>Seething, especially after my Valentine's Lyn also being -atk
>Train her anyways
>Realize I can put fury and desperation on her, and with the heightened def, she makes for an okay 1 hit enemy phase unit, who then transforms into a devastating player phase unit
>Now completely okay with her being -atk, least it wasn't speed
>Support Marth is really good
That's a hard argument to make, even if his actual buffing capabilities are good, Marth himself is underwhelming as fuck.
Fuck off.
Yeah and you made fun of him for sharing it. It's not like everyone going to share her since I haven't met a single one on my team.
That's why I said "support". Marth by himself is generic, with ok Spd, Atk and Def, but slap Drive Spd from Tailtiu, give him Drive Def SS and a double Rally or Reciprocal Aid/Ardent Sacrifice and he can babysit a lot of units while still being useful himself.
Finally got him. How is he?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
And he should be made fun of. He's giving Fallen Celica on team Fallen Celica. I don't know how I can make it any clearer how retarded that is.
Perfectly fine neutral Grima.
I didn't know getting neutral stats was a thing that happened. Guess I got lucky that he wasn't -atk though.
>Can't share the character you picked
All of the free units you get are neutral for a reason, user.
>Share the character you picked
>Someone gets the character they're ALREADY USING FOR THE BONUS
>Have 2 infantry swords
>Enemy team has a blue on it
>Wipes your teammate because they had nothing to cover it
>Your dumb ass just fucked over somebody on your own team
If you STILL don't get it I'm going to assume you've been lobotomized.
I've been trying to roll this guy for a while now.
Even with just Sol and Lightning no +, she can do the ranged special map all by herself.
user he isn't using it he's just sharing it. Almost nobody uses infantry reds anymore cause the have so many counters. The majority of people are going to use there strongest units which mainly consist of armors and dragons. The only time I think anyone would use an infantry sword would be alms.
Ayra and Alm are the primary contenders.
>people like this still exist even though it's been a year since the first TT
Please, for our team's sake, listen to that other user and share someone else.
Oh yeah I keep forgetting her since I never was able to pull her. Mainly just use my Zelgius for a sword unit.
Fuck you I need that chill speed everyone else's shares are shit.
user you can use celica without sharing her. That's what most people on team celica do.
>tfw handing out my marth to Grima teams.
is there someone better i could be handing out as a red unit?
Pretty much every other Red unit, his only real niche is being a buffer.
I just want my incest brother.
Grima is green, so Grimafags need blues to cover enemy reds.
>99 stamina
Come on user, you still have some story missions or quests you can finish right? You have 2 days, hope is not lost.
Yeah, good luck with that. I certainly know you'll need it
With all these favors of the month do you really think people want to use Celica. The point of the gauntlet is to win and her stat aren't that great for winning. She's better as a share.
Stop playing this exploitive game.
I can tell you right now, Black Knight is getting slaughtered
I got a +Def -Res Mar-Mar myself, and I use him as a support tank. I don't have any Talitius but I did give him Drive Atk from the free Fjorm since I got a +Res -Def one back during her Legendary banner. That on top of HP +5 and double Renewal, and he's able to fully heal anyone with at least 50 HP every other turn.
He's still not that good of a unit himself, but that kinda goes into his character. At the very least he can tank greens and he's got enough HP to tank red and green dragons despite his shit Res.
Shiro I can understand, but not Corrin.
Don't talk shit about shiro.
>Not a SINGLE fucking 5* from this shit banner
>For the third Legendary banner in a row