Why the fuck did everybody sleep on this shit?

Why the fuck did everybody sleep on this shit?

I'm 4 hours in and it's like I'm playing Bioshock mixed with Dead Space but somehow better than those two things combined.

Prey thread?

I got it during 2017's summer sale, I was pleasantly surprised.

it was good, and the ending was really nice surprise,,
but we dont really talk about good games

Sup Forums gets angry because it was nothing like the original prey game.
This one was fun though, despite the combat being hot garbage. I liked the typhon abilities and being able to do things like turning into a cup and rolling under doors/between gaps.

we've had tons of threads about the game though

oh look it's the daily "why do we never talk about prey? it's actually really good" thread.

>it's like I'm playing Bioshock mixed with Dead Space but somehow better than those two things combined
Because both of those games are derivatives of the System Shock series, which Prey is meant to be a closer spiritual sequel to.

the only bethesda game worth buying these days

I Think Joseph Anderson told people not to play it or something.



really op you should be asking yourself why you haven't at least played system shock 2 yet.

he definitely said it was good though

Dead Space was not at all related to System Shock. Bioshock barely is (developer carryover with some ideas)

Pray was amazing. My GOTY. All I have to say about it, oh and Avellone is genius

>bioshock is barely related to system shock

basically anyone who played the original got super butthurt and constantly flagged out threads discussing the game because they can't stand anyone else liking it.

avellone had nothing to do with the game. he was busy writing embarrassing shit for original sin 2

Bioshock is related in gameplay, Dead Space is related in plot premise.

OP here.

I skipped looking at it over being butthurt at Prey 2 being "complete" but canceled.

Not that many played the original, it didn't sell much and you can't get it digitally these days.

The people shitting on it were still sour they never got the cancelled Prey 2 even though most of the ideas made it into Dishonored instead


I thought it was just some throw away game they made to keep the license, a generic shooter with lazy "swiggle enemies".
Holy fuck was I wong, it's so good but the marketing sabotaged it. I dont know why they emphasized the action portions of the game rather than the exploration and story.

Story was great.
Exploration is great.
Enviroment is great.
Powers are great.
Combat was mediocre.

>Prey 2 being "complete" but canceled.
Makes me sad. We'll know the fate of shadow-yu

>avellone had nothing to do with the game

Yeah I'm sure he had nothing to do with, nevermind the blatant similarities with Planescape Torment or the blatant fact that he fucking wrote for the game

>but the marketing sabotaged it.
why do stupid people blame the 'marketing' for their own stupidity? like as soon as it was announced that arkane was attached to it, surely you should've expected something a bit fun.

why are you lavishing praise on avellone? he wasn't lead writer.

When exactly was I lavishing praise or mentioning that he was the lead writer you mongoloid? The developers deliberately got him onboard to help out with the story and write a bit

>Combat was mediocre.
At the moment the scarcity of resources is making it so impactful that I don't mind if the guns themselves are only a 7/10
>I dont know why they emphasized the action portions of the game
Because idiots like action and people who care about story aren't gonna be pulled in by the advertising. Make sense? Brainlets want booms, patricians already know what Prey is.

Dead Space literally began has a System Shock sequel you retard

>Dead Space was not at all related to System Shock
Dead Space was originally envisioned as a potential System Shock 3 until the devs were told they couldn't get the rights to the series. The game is better off for it honestly, since it works better as its own thing and didn't end up only being known as a sequel that only had a few elements in common with its predecessors (a la Doom 3).

the typhon suck so hard they make the game way worse

>Bioshock barely is
You think the "shock" in Bioshock was included just for shit and giggles?

I liked it a lot. Kind of wish there were more weapons and stuff but the story, gameplay, and atmosphere were really good. I hope there is a sequel.

>it's like I'm playing Bioshock
Biobabs need to die