Why aren't video games good any more?

Why aren't video games good any more?

Because you only pay attention to AAA mainstream titles

Politics, greedy publishers and developers.

the end is near

Fucking this. There are still great, worth playing games around, you just have to find em.

Because youre getting old and you know most of the controls theres no new gimmicks
Also if youre playing multiplayer you have to accept the fact that your game is filled with a bunch of kids

because you grew up

because you're not 12 anymore

Publishers keep spending more and more on marketing and less on development

Graphics are more important than gameplay

Games cost too much to make so publishers won't risk making a game that doesn't use an already proven forumla

DLC has conditioned devs to make a short game just fun enough to make you want the DLC, rather than making the best game they possibly could and making their money back via good word of mouth

faggot kids that grew up with smartphones in their hands and dicks in their mouths are getting older and are now the target audience

You probably have a vidya burnout, do something else.

Games have literally gotten worse
Quit being fags, we aren't talking about music here

Imagine being this retarded

Sega went third party

Because you got meme'd into thinking that liking things is reddit.
And you grew older.

all those games are better than everything up top

there are larger variety of games now and cheaper than ever
But because you only care about is mainstream shit

>Civ 2
I will never go back, bros. Is suicide the only option?

It might be true if games weren't completely braindead retarded compared to even 2005

>bottom only includes AAA shite

Does your carer put a crash helmet on you before letting you on the PC?

Bloodborne is superior to almost everything at the top in literally every feasible fashion possible.

>there are larger variety of games now and cheaper than ever
>But because you only care about is mainstream shit
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know my only options were Call of Duty and FIFA or meme indie games.

Its a fucking shame there was never a time when even the AAA games were jam packed with content and all did cool experimental shit

Liking things is reddit as fuck.

yes most AAA games appeal to normies now. sorry bud.

Having to go out of your way to find just a decent or good game proves the OP's point. The gaming industry as a whole has obviously degraded over the past decade.

Blame google you nerds, those are just the results from googling "games from X"
No cherrypicking, no altering, those are just the most relevant results for games from those years.
1998 has far more classic games than the image shows, but the point is the frequency of quality and cult classic game releases

There are good games, you just have to use a filter (No AAA) and realize you're getting like three good games every two years. Adjust your expectations OP.

Right because we all know the industry in the 90s and most of the 00s was nothing but hit after hit and you never had to dig through a pile of trash to find something good

wow 2014 was hot garbage

You have yourself to blame if there isn't a single game that you like right now. We just came from one of the best vidya years in a lot of time. Sorry games right now don't cater to supreme autists like you, move to another hobby and stop clinging to this industry like a tumour.

>One of the biggest years of all time

guess that accentuates the shittiness of the medium (interactive media)

Not really, people is just too lazy, tired or stupid to try and find anything new and different to play. If people excepts the same old genre that got stale long ago to still be good of course they are ending up disappointed, people who only glorifies the past will never be pleased.


Seriously stop dribbling on your keyboard you fucking spastic.

You didn't have to dig through anything assuming you had a gaming mag subscription or dialup internet. Now you can't even trust reviews.

because you are brainwashed by jews and don't work out


>haha look how much of cynic i can be, i am cool yet?

Reviews still couldn't even be fully trusted. I'm sure that the atari jaguar or the sega 32X was awesome because a magazine said so. Reviewers were never something to be trusted. They always were something that gave good reviews for hyped games or changed the score because what they thought the reader should think rather than honest opinion.

I blame the normalfags, seriously

It's not that they aren't good, it's that you are depressed and burned out and need someone to hold you tight

>I don't believe there is anything wrong with the world, no one can do ill, sun shine and daisy everywhere


>One of the best years


what do you mean?

Ah yes, i remember being an edgy teenager and seeing the world in black and white as well.

No you don't, you probably didn't even have any opinions when you were a kid, just spouting off whatever bullshit you read in a text book. Carries on into your adulthood (obviously) by not acknowledging other world views are just as valid of yours.

So, again. Fag

>Persona 5
>Hollow Knight
>Zelda BoTW
>Mario Odyssey
>Nier: Automata
>Sonic Mania
If you autists really think last year wasn't amazing, you fucked up in life by wasting money on vidya.
Stay cynical, underage faggs.

Nier Automata was pretty good.

this but unironcally

Don't doubt it.

good games in the 2016-2013 things:
dark souls
xcom 2
uncharted 4
fallout 4 (not great but still FUN)
just cause 3
mad max
alien isolation
far cry 4
evil within
watch dogs
dark souls
saints row
last of us
metro last light
dota 2
wolf among us

There still some good games coming out but only 3-4 per year and they're nothing special. Just play some of the older games you haven't tried yet.


If you look through the complete list of any era of gaming you'll see a lot of bad games. When I was younger I had a mix of games for SNES, some good and some bad, but I still played the bad ones once in a while because it was all I had, around 10 games, and didn't complain about it much.

Piracy probably made your requirements for game quality go up too since you had access to so much more. That's probably the main reason that big companies want to stop piracy. Not because piracy directly stops sales, but because it makes you want higher quality games.

There are still good games though, I have a few on my wishlist that I want to eventually buy but I can't right now. But I've still played games from the past 5-10 years that are amazing and that I really like.

a lot of those in the top are not very good games and many in the bottom are great games

like gex and neverhood are not terribly good games and jesus fuck goldeneye aged like milk,

while nu-hitman, xcom 2, overwatch (hey its really well made even if the community sucks), and rainbow six siege are pretty good games by a lot of measures

Not our fault you're only looking at Western trash.

everything is just the same tropes with a twist
over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over

nothing original

>gex and neverhood are not terribly good games and jesus fuck goldeneye aged like milk
>But overwatch, nu-hitman and another Rainbow Six game are great!

>Just play some of the older games you haven't tried yet.
I did this for a while and had a lot of fun. Sometimes even replaying older games that you haven't played for a while can be just as fun too.

I know a lot of people say VR is a meme but I think it would be fun once it gets around the fourth gen of it. I don't think it'll replace traditional gaming too much because I don't see how you could have fast-paced action games like Devil May Cry or Quake work in VR unless you directly control it with your brain or something, but for some other things I think it would work. Can't afford it though.

plz give examples

There's nothing new under the sun. That was true 20 years ago and it's true now.

Just play some old ones,
I'm currently playing Thief 1 and it's a fucking blast.
>before that I played GTA3 and MaxPayne I got from humble. Great fun

Played too many games so now i'm kinda getting bored of it since ultimately it just feels i'm kinda playing something i already played at this point in time.

I'd also argue some gendras didn't follow the path i wanted, single FPS not going on with Hexen/Exhumed for example.
There's a lack of Zelda like games (2d), which seems like a brainless thing to copy with infinite puzzle potential but i guess actual level design is too hard and lame for nowadays standard.

I'm still having fun now and then with trash like Rabi Ribi, Marrow or DBFZ but it's definitly not the same as it used to be as far as i'm concerned.

The same reason movies aren't good anymore:
The costs have gone crazy, and the profits have gone crazy, so the risk/reward is so huge that only things that are most likely to succeed get made.
That means very rarely any new ideas, very rarely any risky innovations, very rarely any new IPs, just pure lowest common denominator.

The only upside is that indie development is easier than it's ever been. There's crowd funding, so you don't HAVE to go to a publisher, there's a wide variety of 3D and 2D engines (both in the literal GameMaker 2D engine sense and the SFML/SDL/Allegro all-the-tools-for-an-engine sense) and they have very reasonable price models for indies (they didn't used to).

t. 36 year old user

>Video games aren't good anymore
>After we had the whirlwind year for vidya that was 2017

Fucking branch out in what you play user because there was a ton of good shit last year alone
>Battle Chasers
>Nier: Automata
>Persona 5
>Yakuza 0
>Gravity Rush 2
>Super Cloudbuilt
>Tales of Berseria
>Resident Evil 7
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade 2
>Tekken 7
>Rain World
>Hollow Knight
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Divinity: Original Sin 2
>Zelda BOTW
>Splatoon 2
>What Remains of Edith Finch
>Sonic Mania
>Nex Machina
>West of Loathing
>Stories Untold
>Little Nightmares
>Hidden Folks
>Robo Recall
>Golf Story
>SteamWorld Dig 2
>A Hat in Time
>Snipper Clips
>Ever Oasis
>Tooth and Tail
>Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
>Thimbleweed Park
>Dead Cells
>Heat Signature
>Total War Warhammer 2
>Mario & Rabbids
>Styx: Shards of Darkness
>Card City Nights 2
>OneShot: Solstice
>Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment
>Dishonored 2: Death of the Outsider
>XCOM 2: War of the Chosen

>Use fucking google results as some sign of quality vidya in various years
>'Guys don't blame me for being a retard and not actually knowing or bothering to research what came out in recent years that was good'

If you want to take the time combing through every game released in those years and only show us the cream of the crop, be my guest.

But the fact that you hand picked them will completely invalidate your image and people will just call you a giant retarded faggot for putting such trash games on a list

Still, go right ahead user.
I'd really like to see how it should have been done. You seem to know a lot about making Sup Forums appropriate images about kids toys, please share your methods with us and produce a far more accurate and comprehensive list that takes all releases into account and only shows genuinely good games

>Blacklist is on that fucking list
dear fucking lord

Bloodborn is overrated souls shite

2017 was a fluke. You are correct, it was a fantastic year, but it's the best we've had in fucking decade. 2012-2014 was especially nightmarish.

>This much passive aggression

vidya went mainstream which means developers pander to the average person to maximize shekels

2018 is already looking like it might be close to as good at 2017 was

You're right, March is fucking stacked for me personally. Hopefully it keeps up.

2017 was literally chocked full of them you retard

Wait sorry?
I didn't quite hear you, did you say "no way, that would be an absolutely insane waste of time. I can't see why I would spend 3-4 hours making an infographic of game releases from 1994-2014 for a banal thread like this"

quake is pretty shit desu

Jeez you really are mad. Calm down nigga


Stick to eastern European/Japanese AA/AAA and indie games and you should be fine.

>This list actually angers people because they've been conditioned to believe that any AAA title is automatically trash
>Most of the games in there are actually good and well-developed

Because youre old,you work a fulltime job and are just exhausted of life and its meaningless

>and another Rainbow Six game

Siege is a hell of a lot different from the rest of the Rainbow Six games, and different than a lot of multiplayer shooters in how it functions as a game

>Goldeneye aged like milk
it really did, try playing it on an N64, it's a fucking nightmare now.
HOWEVER, play that shit on an emulator with mouse aiming and it's god tier.

Because publishers are more concerned with squeezing every last penny out of their costumers while paying as less as possible on games instead of making the best games possible.

I want children to leave.

But who are the children in this case?

everyone under 20 years old that wasn't around to actually experience the decline in game quality but still feels like they're an expert on the subject

because you all keep buying bad games :^)

everyone under 25

So you're the child.

But what if I'm 26 and feel that even though there are less AAA games specifically for me and my tastes, the indie scene makes up for it and more?


jews caught a whiff

Undertale was really fucking good. Mobas are fun. There a lot of decent indie games popping up. AAA games are looking prettier if you're into that.

Overwatch is fun though.

I'm 30 and having a lot of fun still. New and interesting ways to play games come out in the form of mods that later become their own games and are better for it, indie games provide variety, it's easier to find out about obscure games, easier to buy games.


>Undertale was really fucking good. Mobas are fun.

Even if the games are existent, the likelihood that their played is of rarity.

FPS/TPS multiplayer games, RTS, and MMOs are an example. There are fun iterations (even over the competitively-advertised and -played games), but they are often barely played.

AAA games > indie games

You know why.
Be honest you made this thread because you're lonely and want to talk.

i said GOOD games