Difficulty levels are visualized with increasingly angrier faces

>difficulty levels are visualized with increasingly angrier faces

Other urls found in this thread:


>highest difficulty is a skull


in WaW's case it should be a fucking grenade, holy shit

>game mocks you for playing at a lower difficulty like it rightfully should

Why new games are so easy?


>select Journalist mode
>credits start to roll

Yes, turn it off, return it, and buy a movie, because you obviously just want the game to play itself

>oh no a game mocked me ;^( I have to return it since I can't handle that D^;

They're not. You just fell for the git gud meme and now don't find games as challenging anymore

Explain the git gud meme. You mean the idea that a game has mechanics you can/need to learn to succeed in?

I gave up on completing veteran because the amount of grenades just got tedious.

>Waifu gets turned off when you choose Easy

Isn't Ninja Gaiden a Platinum game? Why are there Team Ninja girls in it?

Because it's a Team Ninja game

>trying too make it too the Reichstag building

Holy fuck never again, why I did it I do not know.

>A game mocked me,and why thats a good thing

>Isn't Ninja Gaiden a Platinum game?

OOOOOOOW my fucking brain...it's like i just ate a whole bucket of ice cream in one go. Holy fucking shit user...


>hardest difficulty is only unlocked once you beat the game

What if that's what I want my games to be? An interactive movie?

Because that's how I like my games and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop that

>pick hardest mode
>die twice in the same area
>game asks if you want to lower the difficulty

I got stuck many times in the game because of that shit. Unbelievable how hard it was.

Developers are afraid of scaring or pissing off their audience. Games today just give the illusion of skill or power where as old games used it as a way to extend game length or to work around technical limitations; such as limited lives, check points and ect

>difficulty is just enemies have more health and do more damage

at least they told the truth

>Highest difficulty lets you unlock costumes that actually the game more complex

Why even offer the option if you're just gonna mock those who chose it.
Feels like they still care about letting a casual audience play but want to put up a facade of toughness, if they were that tough they would only offer one insane difficulty and mock those who can't beat it, but that wouldn't get them the casual audience who won't be stopped by a baby icon if it means not having to try, specially the journos.

>Higher difficulties do not unlock lower difficulty achievements

I like the DS game better

Okay so which one of the 3 is the worst for difficulty
>Game just gives enemy more stats, bonus points if its only health
>Game restricts exp gain ,meaning you will get your cool shit later or maybe never
>Games gives you rewards on tie with the difficulty , making all of them the same, just with bigger numbers

This always pisses me off

I got a better one for ya
>Level Scaling

You forget the most important one
>Game restricts leveling at all.

>Hardest difficulty changes puzzles, changes enemy attack patterns and gives you a different ending

Fuck the Borderlands 2 dlc that did this

Name 2 (two) games that do this

This is bearable with games which have moveset-based combat where you can win through sheer skill, but if its a game where you will unavoidably soak hits its just irredeemable

>Highest difficulty has the worst ending

>Game is single player RPG
>No NG+

world at war was such a GOAT game. it's atmopshere is unrivaled

If a game gets condescending towards me and it is actually the singularity and they trying to assimilate I am going to get what i have been keeping out in the garage and lay waste to these fucking games and AI and self driving bullshit that is going to take over our rightful place at the top of the food chain. Remember who we killed so well that we did not have to worry about lions?> Thats what will fucking happen when the ai comes. It may already be here. Are any of you even human anymore? We were your gods. Treat us well.

This is exactly it.

Most games we played in our childhood weren't hard, we just sucked at them because we were dumb kids.

>higher difficulties just put more shit on the screen

>Game restricts exp gain, but gives you a bunch of cool extra abilities, lets you deal extra damage and even lets you stay at lvl 1
difficulty done right

>game puts enemies on par with you where one slip on the player's part is punished almost always with death making the game's gimmick a necessity (if there even is a gimmick)

>higher difficulty makes the game darker

>game title

>hardest difficulty only turns enemies into damage sponges

>Game Difficulty makes everything die in one hit regardless

>Game has different modifiers for difficulty

I love this game btw.


Honestly thats just fine user. As long as you don't bitch if the game gently ribs you for playing it like that.

>very hard
and revengeance is significantly different

Fucking git gud

>11 year old me is an achievement whore
>don’t want to finish campaign multiple times so get maximum acheivements from veteran run
>Finish a mission without dying, finish a mission without firing a bullet, save private Ryan all on Semper Fi
>literally restarting the mission (no checkpoints) for two days straight to finally do it
>I saw the opening cinematic at least 200 times

That wasn’t even the hardest/most rewarding achievement either
>shoot down 45 zeroes
>assassinate the general with a pistol in the sniper mission

I was legitimately more hardcore when I was 11

>posting 3dpd


DLC's *should* have level scaling, so that you can go do it at any point during the main game and it will still be the intended challenge. The only valid alternative is have it set to endgame level under the assumption that it's post-game content.

Bl2's scaling formula was whacked. But it's implementation of enemy levels was near perfect.
> first playthrough has set levels for all areas/missions. Build around natural progression, can overpower yourself if you want, or try do stuff early
> end first playthrough at roughly level 35
> NG+ starts at level 35 and goes until level 50
> once you beat NG+ everything scales to your current level at all times
> DLC's have a set start level, scale up to meet you if you are too much above

The only problem is the game wide level equalisation should happen after first playthrough, not NG+.

>game has dynamic difficulty
>actually changes enemy ai and behavior instead of scaling hp and damage

This is pretty cool in general, I know that sniper elite does it

>enemies do more damage
>you also do more damage

wat game ?

This happened with DMC4 and it still pissed me off even though I don't usually care about achievements


What games need to do this, Sup Forums?
>half life
guess what happen went you play in half life difficulty

>each difficulty adds a new objective to each level

Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Timesplitters

I had Thief in mind but those are cool too.

>harder difficulty adds some retarded mechanic like constantly draining life, one-time save points, or all npcs being hostile

>hard mode just doubles enemy health and damage

>Bubsy's new game
>you can set how frequently he says his dumb little quips
>the least frequent setting is "Silent Bobcat"
>the most frequent setting is "Bubsy"

>all npcs being hostile

>Hardest difficulty just let AI Cheats.

Fucking Civ and Total War. Can't program AI for shit, so they do this.

Name a more mocking name for a difficulty

Postal 2 comes up to mind

My fellow african brother

Every game that has select-able difficulties has a difficulty that it was specifically made around. I like that clearly Rare (and those that left and made Free Radical) knew Hard was the difficulty to play on and reward you rightfully so with more game.

I also approve of games that won't let you play the entire game when you dumb it down too much. Creates a sense of entitlement and earned glory.

My favorite design is the Defense Force series. The game does get harder, but the entire point of the games is to slowly beat the game on each difficulty one after the next. Very RPG like in a similar manner that Dynasty Warriors also used.

Postal 2 but it has like 8 meme difficulties

>tfw you hover over nightmare

What are the most offensive difficulty names you can think of, Sup Forums?

Dog Mode
Boy Mode
Man Mode
>Very Hard
Alien Mode

>No difficulty/Walking Simulator
Don't Forget to Pause and Dilate
Little Bitch
Little Girl
Nu Male
Intended Gameplay Experience
Alpha Male
The Dark Souls of Difficulty
>Secret Unlockable Difficulty
Autists Only

Dark Souls is not that hard.

which is why it is offensive as a difficulty name

Unironically easier than Very Hard. Desu I'd have loved if there was unique animation for parry in that revengeance difficulty though.

My ex had this body type. I miss not feeling like I’d break a woman having sex.

>Higher difficulties reduces the damage you do while making increasing enemy damage

>my ex was overweight bordering on obese

>my ex was obese, borders deleted in photoshop

>Most games we played in our childhood weren't hard
Back when we were kids, game design was shit and that of course increased the difficulty of all game tenfold

dude what?



I wish a game would do this. Developers should not give a fuck more often

>blah blah blah.
Holy fuck newfag they do it because it's funny.



>Select Easy Mode
>"What, want me to hold your hand?"

>trying this hard to fit in