>late 2010/early 2011
Minecraft is the hottest new game that everyone loves.
Nobody talks about it except for children and autists.
What happened?
>late 2010/early 2011
Minecraft is the hottest new game that everyone loves.
Nobody talks about it except for children and autists.
What happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
Notch literally went full reddit.
they keep updating so quickly and adding pointless features and the modding community is barely alive.
It's embarresing to admit being a fan because of the way the game is marketed. If it wasn't marketed strictly as a children's game it wouldn't attract so many autistic people.
>Tfw playing minecraft in the early 2010's when nobody knew what it was and it was fun and you could talk about it and play it without feeling like a fuckin faggot
Its 7 years its lucky to have lasted this long
Plus it feels like a lot of the development after a certain point has been in this more 'childish' direction. Adding things that are just surface level cool and not as much of subtance.
it's quite literally the opposite dude
Rise of cringe culture perhaps affected the game's populariry, where it's now associated with kids and youtube videos
they should come out with a hand holding quest mode that apes Dragon Quest Builders and lets you get all the cheevos just by doing it all
>late 1993/early 1994
Doom is the hottest new game that everyone loves.
Nobody talks about it except for autists.
What happened?
I miss enjoying this game
it's a fad, wouldve died out someday
fuck you
what the
Dang it Bobby
How do you make a world that has a town and shit in it I only played it before they had stuff like that and I don't see an option for it is it in any survival world you make?
Actually heres the whole thing
I've got a trigger happy finger today
Maybe people got bored on an old ass game?
I played a lot of solo. It was fun. Had a personal garden type of feeling
Ask the same about Sonic
Children and autists will inevitably ruin all fandom if left to their own devices
It already made it's 50 gorillion dollars, no need to talk about it anymore
Hasn't been involved for years and it's more Sup Forums than reddit because he's an idle billionaire with nothing to lose from voicing his unfiltered opinions.
Microsoft is in charge of Minecraft now and has been for a minute.
Minecraft came out 8 years ago: Have you considered it was a game for children an autists even then, and you were a child 8 years ago/are an autist now?
>be in middle school
>laptop I was using is dying, filled with viruses since my parents weren't as tech savvy
>runs at 20fps
>see Nodus
>download and load it up
>have a blast getting people mad by stealthily turning on autoaim and autoattack
>eventually get banned since I forgot to turn off auto run
Suck it, Super Craft Bros.
Minecraft is the definition of a sandbox. There's nothing to it other than what you make of it, and people were never to stick forever building a couple of fun castles over and over. What's left now is the people content with that emptiness that they fill with all sorts of stupid shit creating a culture around Memebrines and stinky Steves, and the occasional new players just going through the cycle most already went through
>tfw I was 13 when MC went into Beta.
Beta 1.8 ruined the game
Discord server for an eventual multiplayer session at some point.
late 90's babies get out reeeeee
>What happened?
Notch more or less sold out to reddit. Hardly ever delivered on promises (torches burning out, addition of lanterns), added shallow content like the halfbaked rpg elements or hunger instead of building on existing content.
Hunger ruined the game
Still play. Is hard to find people talking about it though.
Conquest Reforged if you want more content past 1.7.
Hunger Strike (alters hunger to function more or less as it did before with added options, ie food heals you)
fuck off normalfag. autism block simulator is a timeless masterpiece
mineshaft torches burning out sounds really really gay unless you could cheaply and easily make variants that didn't burn out, making the idea obsolete. If torches burned out unless they were made of say, netherrack, then all your building plans and mining would be put on hold until you rushed to the nether, since you don't have permanent light until then.
Towns show up randomly (relatively uncommonly) throughout the world. Theres plenty of mods to make them more interesting, but they are one of the best features of minecraft even vanilla.