This is what happens when a real video game company cares about their product and wants it's lifespan and overall...

This is what happens when a real video game company cares about their product and wants it's lifespan and overall dollar value worth to last longer than a year.

>Fortnite used to be a pve base building game
>now its a pvp battle royal cause lol thats the trend and if we dont follow it our shitty game will die
>fuck no one wants to play, lets make it as casual as possible and cartoony and free so the little kids will like it

When did viewers start to be more important than players in games?

whats the difference between a "Battle royale" and a free for all mode

when Sup Forums became overrun by redditors and newfags

Because it's easy to shitpost with

Fortnite has 40 million players

And yet Epic Games is making millions off of that.

>used to be

But it still has that game mode

I had no idea fortnite has an entire pve campaign until a few days ago, its pretty good.

>now its a pvp battle royal
it's still a pve base building game tho
>lets make it as casual as possible and cartoony
nigga it was already both of those things

you mean monster hunter

i agree they knew what they were doing from the start catering to baby land

no, this is what happens when the chinese start trending on a specific game type

>thought my game launch was bugged
>sat in the choosing pve/pvp screen restarting 5 times until I realized you could click on them

pubg feels so damn boring now that I've discovered fornite. without building or destructible environments, pubg feels shallow, especially as a spectator.

I feel the opposite, the stealth aspect of pubg makes it a lot more interesting for me, fortnite just feels like a typical arcadey-style shooter by comparison. Also, the current meta of spamming towers in fortnite really pisses me off - it's too effective and nearly impossible to counter unless you have a rocket launcher or at least grenades/grenade-launcher (and this goes both ways, I've cheesed many games with the same "strategy" before, I'm surprised the devs haven't tried to counterbalance it yet)

>Spend years developing PvE game
>A few weeks before release
>Lets just throw in an extra bonus mode to get people to buy the game
>Free mod is more popular then the actual game
>Nobody plays the actual game
>All your hard work ruined
>Realize nobody ever cared about your work and people are only playing the free mode that ripped off another popular game


more people care about overwatch than TF2, too.

Nothing wrong with that Overwatch is a genuinely good game unlike that bloated fossil TF2

I like games with skill based movement, there's so much more creativity allowed with fortnite. It will never match the intensity of a late game pubg match, but that's ok, both games have completely different vibes to them.


Rightfully so.

are you sure that isn't just because FORTNITE is free?

the average overwatch player wasn't even alive when tf2 came out

PUBG games have intensity? Hmmm. False news.

Fortnite is more fun to watch and play than pubg.

Whenever I tune into a pubg stream I always see the player sitting still and waiting.

Whenever I tune into a fortnite stream there’s always action going on. Why is this?

>I like games with skill based movement, there's so much more creativity allowed with fortnite
nigga whut? the movement in fortnite is awful, you can't even jump more than 4 times in a row as the amount you get off the ground is arbitrarily reduced since jumping would otherwise be completely broken (and still partially is) - movement makes far more sense in pubg given the playstyle of the game, you won't get people hopping about trying to headshot you with a tactical shotgun in pubg since the jumping physics aren't broken as shit. Also, you have vaulting in pubg which is extremely useful for ambushing people in indoor areas, or just generally getting around obstacles - in fortnite, it always boils down to spamming slopes and hopping around like a retard.

because you can destroy and create cover

you're watching the wrong people, each game is as action-packed as you make it, depending on where you decide to land and go.

Epic? A studio that literally killed all of their other games to jump on the BR bandwagon?

Tell Cameron Winston he's a faggot if you happen to see him around the office.
t. /parag/

>Make your company millions of dollars

hurts alot less

Does the pve have a mode like horde mode where you survive endless waves of enemies?

It's not? Twitch just provides a rough estimate of popularity.

I do not understand how there are people who like a colorful game and such cartoon.

I consider building to be skill based movement, and I don't have problems with jumping and shotgunning since it's not trying to be a realistic shooter to begin with.

building doesn't have anything to do with the actual movement of your character, building is a tool used to create paths but your character's movement and controls themselves aren't good.

but they made it _______________________________________ fun

Well, BotW got GOTY last year

Can you still make your money back on PUBG in like a week or two from drops? I plan on buying a key for 22 Euros .

It has no lootcrates.

what's wrong with colorful cartoon games man?

I guess we see it different ways then. it certainly doesn't have airstrafing or techniques like older shooters, but I wouldn't say the controls aren't good.

yes, easily, it's just a case of time
yes it does retard

Man that game was great, shame they had to ruin everything with the "remake"

I miss the OG version of this game

>This is what happens when a real video game company cares about their product and wants it's lifespan and overall dollar value worth to last longer than a year.

Viewers don't equate the actual amount of people playing or purchasing the game, it only means you've got this many people watching someone else play said game- that can certainly 'lead' to potential customers, but it doesn't guarantee a direct 1for1 turn over.

Further more and to the point: popularity isn't dictated or directly proportional to quality. People are very easy to take advantage of, especially so if they don't have a lot going on and people these days don't have much of anything going on.

>this is what happens when shit is free

>f2p game that copies one of the most popular games ever gets a ton of players thanks to BRs, children and poorfags


the movement and gunplay is bad and the camera is practically unusable, can't see shit with that tiny fov and huge player model

I hate the movement controls, but I generally like the building aspect (at least until the end-game where people keep making those annoying towers, even if it's an effective strat that I use myself most of the time), overall I do like the game I just think it could use a lot of changes to be truly great. For a start, they really need to un-fuck most of the guns in the game, it's undeniable that the shotguns are overpowered and objectively better than any other close-range weapon; it's also apparent that the scar is stupidly overpowered as well, but that's at least rare I suppose. There also should be more ways to damage player-made walls, as too many times I'll be firing at someone with a low-tier rifle, and within seconds my target has already built too many walls for me to be able to take down in time - even wooden walls have more health than a typical rifle will deal in damage.

I appreciate the efforts of the fortnite team but i just cant help but dislike the aesthetic and building mode.

All these butthurt Pubbabbies mad because Epic created a functional battleroyal that isn't a buggy, unoptomized, cash grab

Fortnite has a much smaller play area, which forces players to meet each other more often, and it's damn near impossible to move without being noticed.
PUBG lost a shitload of players to Fortnite because of Chinese fuckheads.

no it doesnt you faggot
you can only get cosmetics on the ingame store

learn to read, they were talking about PUBG

PUBG looks like a game from 2009. How anyone can defend its shit look is beyond me.

>Copies one of the most popular games

hey pubg devs, you don't own the genre.

anyone calling pubg buggy these days clearly hasn't played it or even seen it remotely recently. I'm not even joking when I say fortnite has more bugs by this point.

That's not true and you fucking know it. In PUBG the only chance you have to get some action is dropping into the packed zones at the start of the round, if you want to keep the action lucky you better pray to god you find a vehicle and get lucky enough to find another spot with some action happening, the map is simply too fucking big for anything worthwhile to happens besides the first and the last 30 seconds of the maps. With Fortnite there's almost always something going on since the map is more compact and most advanced firefights require some actual thought.

I'm not saying PUBG is a bad game, but they're completely different games, the only similarities they share are the gamemode. PUBG is more realistic and "chill" while fortnite is more action packed and cartoony.

Don't kid yourself man. The parachute landing is still shady as shit and there are still many glitches were you just die or go down when you vault or climb something

This. A shitload of matches still have some random chinese characters dude sniping an entire team's heads with an unscoped AK. Playerunknown dodges the issue about separate servers and good cheat detection by claiming it would be racist. If Fortnite made their gunplay less shitty I'd be glad to jump games.

Is it still regularly updated?
Is the whole lootboxes & timed items fuckery gone?
Does it feel like a released game of early access trash?

ratto is a cute :>

i keked

This might be the best thread for it, but how is RUST doing right now?
Is it fun? Is it good? What's the community like right now? It released just last month and I'm curious about picking it up.

bullshit, if I drop in school, pochinki, military base, hacienda, or pecado there'll be plenty of fights right from the get-go and it'll continue until late game since the circle almost always ends up in those areas (they're near the middle). Likewise, landing in salty springs, tilted towers, or retail row in fortnite will grant you the same exciting gameplay. By comparison, if you land in the outskirts of the maps in either game then you'll have a lot less going on and a lot more downtime of you running around. At least with pubg, though, you do have vehicles which mitigate much of the walking around (it's quite rare not to find a vehicle in my experience as well)
True, landing in pubg still has issues with the parachute getting stuck (seems to happen when you miss the edge of a roof and/or if you lag during landing), however I've had a similar issue in fortnite just as often where the camera won't be centered properly when the game starts and I'm warped to the bus. I don't know what issue you're referring to regarding vaulting, though.

Community and core gameplay is still the same as it ever was, don't expect big changes.
It kind of faded out of popularity but it's still played at lot.
Worth a try if you're into sandbox PvP voicecom autism games.
If you want a polished and consistently fun exeprience, move along.

The scar is fine for what it's meant to do, which is to kill things beyind the range of an smg and before the range of a sniper. The issue is that the rest of the gun classes need to catch up. Shotguns are a massive problem though. You'll rarely see an SMG late game stealing wins because of how broken they are at even medium range. For me it's the headshot damage, what fucking buisness does a common pump have doing 210 damage?

The two big factors that pushed Fortnite above PUBG
>well optimized, easy to scale artstyle, both of which help it get a good console port compared to PUBG's abysmal Xbox port
That is about it. I think alot of people still don't like Fortnite's shooting, or building being a little obnoxious at times. PUBG basically missed its entire chance at getting the console market, both with being a fucking awfully optimized game and not launching on PS4 aswell.

I agree, nerfing the good weapons wouldn't be the right way to go, really the common weapons need to be tweaked or potentially some of them even removed from the pool completely (something the devs have hinted about before), although shotguns in general should probably be nerfed (again) as their damage output is insane - especially at higher tiers. I don't know what the fuck it taking them so long to sort out the poor gunplay, they've acknowledged the problem numerous times but so far have done little to resolve it whilst adding more crap guns into the pile that they'll only have to rework later.

Yeah and the game mode you worked hard on suck

>bullshit, if I drop in school, pochinki, military base, hacienda, or pecado there'll be plenty of fights right from the get-go and it'll continue until late game
I agree that early pubg at school/military can be just as action packed, I don't agree that it continues the intensity during midgame. And that's my problem with pubg in general. Midgame fortnite 1v1's when everyone has a mixed bag of weapons and enough materials to build is where the game shines.

The whole point of PUBG being its own game (beyond making dosh on the BR formula) was to get rid of that mod feel, yet it still heavily feels like a mod for another game or some cheap indie game.
How could they fail so hard at that?

I wouldn't mind the way shotguns are now if the entire game wasn't around pushing close range. If you try to shoot someone 40-100 meters away with even a Gold Scar, he can just spam build walls and one of you two is getting shot in the side while you both just spam bullets or spam materials. The only way to really stop wall spamming, is the minigun which is fucking awful because they just peek you and hit you instead. Or the grenade launcher, which is just RNG if you get it or not and then he could just get some more distance away.

So clearly if someone is spamming walls to stop you from using medium range weapons, you just build up with ramps and shotgun him. If you watch any high kill game, so many of them are shotgun kills. It is 100 times easier to just build and rush someone with a shotgun than take shots mid/long range.

If they are smart they are taking the time to work test the waters with any potential fix to the guns. It's a F2P game that where a kot of players aren't in it for the guns. Even if a change is for the better, if it's too janky for players on release they might lose numbers

hit the nail on the head, the game punishes you for being good at ranged combat, whilst the shotguns are piss-easy to wield and overpowered

I don't agree with you, pubg generally keeps the action going as long as you go to the right places. Worst case scenario, if there's nobody around you continue looting. Personally, I head towards gunfire whenever I hear it in either game, I find that keeps the pace going and keeps things exciting.

playerunknown figured his time would be better spent pretending he invented everything, complaining about other games existing, and coming up with dumb excuses for why he won't deal with the chinese shitting up the entire game.

doesn't feel that way to me, but each to their own I guess

Shotguns are supposed to be good at close range. Also, they're not that much better than SMGs at close range hipfire on the move.
That game would be trash if it was long range shit like PUBG.

I'm sorry but I strongly disagree, I think it's stupid that most of the weapons are objectively worse than shotguns and I'm amazed anyone could think otherwise. It mitigates any shooting skill by having it this way, there's no skill involved with spamming walls versus actually having good aim. For the record, though, I have no problem with building being a thing in the game - it adds an interesting dynamic to it and can be fun to juke people with it - but it's broken in its current state due to the reasons that user had pointed out.

>I think it's stupid that most of the weapons are objectively worse than shotguns and I'm amazed anyone could think otherwise. It mitigates any shooting skill by having it this way
so it ends up shotgun v shotgun and the better player usually wins, what exactly is the problem

fortnite has rng gunplay

its garbage

I'm kinda sad the cartoony shit is this popular. Fuck the cartoony shit like this and overmeme.

>grab rocket and hide in bush
>wait for the dummies to build their towers
>fire a few rockets at the bottom of their towers and watch it all fall
>jews did fortnite/11

the problem is rocket launchers are rare

That view count is determined entirely by what Shroud and DrDisrespect are playing at the time

the problem is most guns are inferior or even outright useless, also shotguns hardly take any skill at all - they do a ridiculous amount of damage and generally will kill in one hit even if it's not a direct hit. You don't even need to be skilled at positioning as you can simply spam stairs/walls to confuse an opponent.

>what is grenades?
>what is guns
>what is pickaxe
>what is autism?

>free, yet still runs better and on more platforms
>doesn't need to draw in people with virtual economy jewery
>shitloads of people working on it so something substantial is added every week to keep it fresh
>devs actively look at the game to see what needs to be tweaked, aren't afraid of changing the meta or removing things that don't fit
>actually has it's own identity, choosing style over bland realism allowing for fun gameplay mechanics

I can't think of any other example where one game was so quickly demolished by a copy

Chinks don't like fortnite because they can't cheat.

>cares about their game

Their riding a wave until the wave dies down, they've already killed off their other games. Fortnite STW also costs 40 dollars plus pinatas that speed up your progress. If you think Epic cares about anything but your money, you don't know epic

Fortnite players don't care about good gunplay. It's why they keep playing it because RNG gunplay mechanics keeps it casual. You don't even need to aim anymore to win a duel, not even CoD stoops that low.

they fixed that tho

>also shotguns hardly take any skill at all
>You don't even need to be skilled at positioning
how can you actually believe this, why is everyone so mad about shotguns in this game?

Shitters mad they get BTFO by purple shotty when they rush

where? I looked about it and in the f2p was completely removed, and the previous one sold on steam doesnt exist in the shop anymore

it's true, you don't need good positioning as you can literally make your own new positions by building. Shotguns take almost zero skill compared to any ranged weapon, since a shotgun has spread and they deal a shitload of damage (1 hit kill in most cases)