Why the fuck is this shit allowed. Also go team Duma.
New rule for dumbos rolling on b8%:
If you dont like at least 2/3rds of the b8% banner, do not roll because you will get pitybreakers and they wont be your most desired unit.
How are newfags enjoying their first VG?
When are we getting the CYL units?
We're my Grima boys at?
Why aren't you over at /vg/
No one knows. The last CYL was released in August
When Nintendo figures out what to do with Veronica.
I just wish i could get my brown waifu, athena is cute but i cannot live much longer without my girl laevatainn.
The spic moved back
No he still hangs around here as well.
Intelligent Systems are the developers, you unintelligent retard.
>finally get Summer Corrin
>get another one immediately after that
>+atk -res
I just wish I had Pallas lying around for goad. Also managed to get Shiro and Dorcas but their IVs are less than desirable for me. Even with that though I got what I wanted from this banner and now I'm done with it.
Wtf bros we can't let this happen.
Why don't you go /vg/?
>5 bil points
We're gonna get stomped, aren't we?
IS has to release base Veronica first since the banner will likely have an VG with the winners and runner ups in their base forms like in the first CYL
Most likely lol.
Obviously but I don't really care, I'm just participating to get the orbs.
Look on the bright side, it won't be the curbstomp that the NY vs WF one was.
takumis are at 1.6-1.7 bil
You still might pull a Shanna and get the bonus for the last two hours to steal the win.
I remember at the last few hours that Ryoma was tied with Azura and then Ryoma team just stopped for some reason and Azura won. Kinda wanted Ryoma to win but I never pulled him and I had a NY Azura.
>Ryoma didn't win the whole thing
Easily the worst gauntlet.
I was more referring to Azura smashing through Lissa with a lead of over 10 billion points.
Yeah that shit was funny.
Didn't really stand a chance vs all those pretty seasonals.
Have you thanked your Barst today?
L Ephraim ate my last one.
That Gauntlet was fucking magical.
Probably the least overall butthurt I've seen from a gauntlet result though, just a few "damn we got fucked hard" and everyone moved on.
you are awesome fodder, thank you barst
because there's fuck all to post about
gauntlets are boring as fuck my man
games boring
That fucker is the only 5* I got after 80+ orbs. At least he's +DEF.
This isn't /feg/
I bought a bunch of orbs for this Legendary banner. Regret it because I told myself I'd try to be F2P forever but in a moment of weakness I just kept going mainly because I wanted an Ephraim that wasn't -ATK or -SPD. Of course I kept getting Shiro and S!Corrin.
Ended up getting:
- 7x S!Corrin (currently all merged into a +ATK/-RES)
- 6x Shiro (best one is +HP/-RES, don't know if I will merge or fodder yet)
- 3x Ephraim (currently all merged into a +HP/-RES)
- 2x Dorcas (one is +ATK/-SPD the other will be Infantry Pulse fodder)
>pick related is my S!Corrin
I plan to give her a bladetome, just have no feathers. Still have 200 orbs left which will be the foundation for my CYL2 stash. Time to go monk mode and try to get back into being F2P
Shiro is a good unit.
Mostly lurking now, I only post if I feel like it
>tfw out of orbs
I really hope the next like 20 banners are all Jugdral and Tellius characters or something cause I need to stock back up
My rule on 8% banners is don't roll at all because despite being 8%, I never get any of the special units where as on 3% banners I can get everyone in 100 orbs.
He seems like an underwhelming Jack-of-Trades.
Even in his niche, which is being a physical wall, he's beaten by Lukas, a common 4* unit.
were you summoning every orb regardless of color or would you keep resetting for blue ones?
I really wish I got Ephraim
how much are you making to buy that many orbs
Same shit happened to me with the LA Banner. I really wanted Hectors cause I like him. In the end I got
3 Hectors one with +atk -hp, and -hp+def
2 Lyn the best being neutral
2 shit lilina
And one shit IVs Roy
I was pretty happy in the end so it good.
I wish I didn't, the two that I got could have been Shiro or Corrin instead.
Same mine was -def +res so I kinda hate him
This is a fact. I miss Ike's old literally who VA who was also terrible at acting, but had a better sound to his voice. The only time Chun has ever been successful is as Lukas who is actually as emotionally-retarded as Chun sounds.
Eh, I liked his Eldigan a little, Ike and Ephraim are garbage though.
I gladly trade Lukas' slightly superior defense to not have to look at his shit art or hear his shit voice.
regular takumi is the way to go for this tournament desu
Okay have fun lossing I guess.
you'll see motherfucker
I haven't played since around launch. Used some free orbs on a whim and got these.
Are they decent units?
Yeah I'll see you lose.
Dorcas and Mia are both very solid for their color/movement types. Gunnthra is a Legendary Hero so she will be useful in the upcoming new game mode and a very effective unit with a unique niche.
>You have exceeded your maximum number of allies
I don't know what to do with them all. I don't even have any 3 Stars left to get rid of.
Thanks I guess
>10% pity rate on leggie banner
>>>>>still haven't gotten anything
I was pulling just blues with the occasional green thrown in as I still need a Gunnthra. I was getting pretty lucky as my overall rate was like 35 orbs per a 5*. Never hit 9.5% pity rate.
I work your standard close to six figures IT job. Have a ton of money saved up. I did spend like several hundred total, like maybe around $400. Still hurts to think about.
I scored big time on the LA banner. A +DEF/-RES Hector and a +DEF/-RES Lyn in 40 orbs. I quit while I was ahead when it came to that banner. I also got a free -SPD/+RES Hardin on the fallen heroes banner too. My luck has been insane lately.
>pic related is my hector collection since we are the subject of hector
>tfw they all were pity breakers/off focus pulls
Merge the 4* together so
What the fuck are you doing you fucking faggot
Great units user. This is a strong pull. Enjoy.
Thanking him of course.
user that's not how you thank him
I haven't rolled a Barst since like December. I'm so thirsty for Reposition.
i work for minimum wage so that sounds like a dream
Oh yeah forgot about bartre
try 10.50% bruta
Why even play this shit game when you have to invest money to be even slightly relevant? I just can't comprehend you retards that have actually payed money for this garbage
>when you have to invest money to be even slightly relevant
You don't. All content can be cleared without spending any money.
>needing to spend money
You can beat everything without spending a cent, and you can easily stay in the top few tiers of the arena as a f2p as well
only autists with no self control spend money on this
I'm talking about any pvp content the game has. It's unfun to play game when you have to get multiple dupes to even think maxing character when it can be relevant to compete
You literally don't though, you can do everything in the game without spending money. Only people who have an addiction spend any money at all on this game.
you can only reply to this post if you have a unit that has at least 50 speed without buffs
You are afool. At least you can use them for SI fodder. This on the other hand is a nightmare.
The only PvP is in the arena where you're matched against people of your own level. You can get to the highest arena tier easily as a f2p, and if you're lucky enough with the gacha (a stipulation whether you spend money or not) you can build units worth enough points to stay there.
>speed refine
>fully forged sacred seal
>summoner support
Buddy, that's cheating and you know it
>Download game
>First few rolls and get a 5 stars
>Game throws orbs at me for just being a conscious being
>play story while I shit or wait for a class to start
>Get free rolls from new banners and more free orbs every day
>Just got 20 orbs for some award shit they won
>Implying I'll even spend money on this game when they're shoveling orbs in my face as much as possible
all it takes is one dry streak
you'll have no orbs and be itching for that one unit you really want
How much orbs you get per month? Want to compare this to other shitty gachas
Just wait when you pull nothing in 200 orbs
also when's the next schedule getting posted
>47 atk
nice meme dude
I know the feeling bro
all they need to do is form that habit, and leave it to you to continue scratching that itch
It hasn't always been consistent, but the average is somewhere above 200. There were some weak months last year that only gave out ~180, but most of the recent ones have been around 220 or higher, and the most recent month has given out a ton more for the anniversary. There's a spreadsheet tallying all the free orbs floating somewhere.
A full roll of five characters takes 20 orbs (5 for the first, then 5, 4, 4, 4, 3), and the star rates start at 3% for a 5-star (highest "rarity") focus character, and the rates increase with every non 5-star pulled. It's still a gacha, but it's not bad compared to others.
Aren't we still in the middle of the most recent one?
>tfw I wouldn't send any of those units home because "what if I have a few units who need Luna/Darting blow/Hit and Run?
I'm such a hoarder. I need help
I need more Jeorge.
>+3 merge
What the fuck was her IVs
Once I get enough feathers for LND3 she'll have 50/50 with Blarblade
So its worth to get in to this game and you can actually have FUN as a f2p?
Rawr xD
Wish I could give you mine cause they are useless too me
Kana pls