Has there ever been a video game remake that was superior to the original version in every conceivable way?

Has there ever been a video game remake that was superior to the original version in every conceivable way?
Even the best remakes I can think of still faltered in some areas compared to the originals, if ever so slightly.

fuckers ruined the fucking lobby scene
post those multiplayer girl squirrels

Resident Evil Remaster

Final fantasy 3(ds)

Castlevania Adventure Rebirth, if that counts

Chrono Trigger DS
Final Fantasy 3/4 DS ports (even with 4 being harder, it's way better than vanilla)
Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology
pretty much all vanillaware remasters

While that's a great fucking game, it's basically a completely different game.


They're not even my favorite games, but FR/LG and HG/SS are objectively better than the original games in every aspect.

Peace Walker HD on 360 and PS3.
Serious Sam first and second encounter HD versions.
Metroid: Zero Mission.

it has pokemon past gen 2 in it so it's shit

FFX remaster. no hope in hell for the FFVII remake though

crash bandicoot n sane trilogy

HG/SS are objectively better than any other pokemon game released since, too

>fucked up physics in the first game

Not until post-game.

abe's odyssey remaster was absolutely atrocious 0/10 just play the original game that came out one billion years ago

Kirby Ultra.
Banjo Remasters.
Remade Mario Kart courses from Wii onward.


>Art Style
>Great Jumping Nitros!

>Superstar Ultra

not with those shitty remade stages with major aesthetic changes and floating platforms everywhere


It's too easy and the Crystal Tower loses all of it's memorability as a result.

I think I speak for all of us when I say Young Conker might not be a remake, but it is superior to the original in every conceivable way.

MGS HD Collection unless you actually care about skateboarding and the nightmare level

my guy, they did the best they could. you really think that the ds was as powerful as an N64?

Wait, it fucked the aesthetics up?

It's closer to a ps1

Yes but the 360 version which removes the shit-for-brains pressure sensitive buttans.

>all these people saying the REmake

You are absolutely right and have excellent taste.

Considering it's competing with Conker's Bad Fur Day, that could've been true. It'd be hard to dethrone that game's multiplayer, though. That stuff is kino.


Yeah, definitely. Completely makes part of the game impossible (dog tags)

Also, Black Mesa isn't a replacement for HL1, but it's definitely great

You're confusing Super Star Ultra with Nightmare in Dream Land (Kirby's Adventure's remake). I do prefer Super Star's art style on the SNES over it's DS remake though.

I remember this game was always at the top of the most played on Xbox Live lists right under Halo 2 so I bought it because I loved the MP in BFD but they changed it to hero shooter shit and I could never find a match with more than 1-2 other players and it was always never ending DM with the Spy class

That is not a remake retard, it's the same game so it's just a port.and it's not perfect, the new content was lame.

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

it is a different game. It's as different as castlevania nes and castlevania 4 are

Diddy Kong Racing. I liked it more, at least. I know Banjo and Conker weren't in, but it's not like they're needed, so...

i unironically blame this game for my furryism to this day. it came out right as i hit puberty and it played it constantly.

im pretty sure the first thing i ever jerked off to was fucking berri.
i was doomed from the start

I could care less about the details, Mario 64 was absolutely FUCKED by the DS's controls.

I'd disagree, but not much, if only because you can't connect to Stadium/2 for postgame fun in FRLG. Slightly less so with HGSS. Even still, removing GSC Mystery Gifting and the ability to decorate your room was a dumb idea, especially when they put a fucking IR port in the game card for the Pokewalker anyway.

You can actually get some of the Gen IV evolutions of Gen I/II Pokemon in the main game (without trading), namely Lickilicky, Mamoswine, Tangrowth, Ambipom and Yanmega, since they didn't want to block the evolutions of the previous form because everyone hated that shit in FRLG and they also didn't want to make you trade to DPt to get them even after the postgame. Hence why the HGSS Johtodex has 256 Pokemon instead of 251.

>Forced to use touchscreen or blow into mic at the start of every single race
Fuck off. The DS remake of DKR was god awful for this very reason. Also, no analog control.

did you spend ages in the club trying to get a good angle too?
i liked how in reloaded you could go in the cage for a better view but they ruined the music for me so i didnt spend as long as i did doing it in 64

I don't remember Rock Solid's music being any different in the remake

But I liked doing that. It worked fine w/o analog, though it'd be better with it.

The L&R version had overall better production and some different percussion. That's it.
Most people probably wouldn't even notice it. It's a great remix honestly, but it does sound more modern, if only slightly.

oh yeah, i remember going inside the cage for a while.

then there were THESE sluts

>Those nips
Is this real? How did I never notice this?

This really does look like a furry artist drew a Jet Force Gemini character.
>Those nips
Jesus Christ, Rare.

>FFX remaster

Composite video out is a bitch.

because the original game was like 140p

Wait, what was wrong with it?

>FFX remaster

>tfw no xbox emulator with netplay


>Peace Walker HD on 360 and PS3.
>Serious Sam first and second encounter HD versions.
do you not understand the concept of a remake?

>it came out right as i hit puberty

Same thing happened to me with Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Star Fox Adventures coming out the year I turned 13.

I still have sexual fantasies about Rouge and Krystal.


but that always existed

Yes. The Dragon Quest V remake for the NDS is the definitive version of the game.

>Starfox Adventures
Fucking Christ, this one was hardcore furbait. The way they made Krystal's walking and running animations so extremely detailed really did a number on my dick.
Also, she has differently textured fur between her legs. Just thought I'd point that out.

>could care less

I heard the opposite, that it was so stupidly hard that it became tedious.

Why is her waist so tiny? It makes her belly look weird.

too bad it was a boring zelda clone

I thought it was a pretty decent Zelda clone. It did some things way better than TLoZ, like item management and general movement.
Everything was so smooth in Adventures. Felt good to play it, but the game was too short and combat boiled down to spamming the same combo over and over.

The first game controlled like a fucking tank in the original.

runescape classic to runescape 2 was a straight upgrade
but runescape 2 to 3 was a downgrade
rs2 to osrs is debatable

I found the /vp/ escapee.

Dark Souls Remastered

Shadow of the Colossus. Played the OG when it first released but I don’t have nostalgia goggles. The remake is superior.


Heartgold/SoulSilver is the only thing that comes to mind

If you said that a month ago, the entire board would be foaming at the mouth

Pokemon HG and SS were better than their gen 2 counterparts, easily

Tanks control well, though.

I'm about to use this term unironically

It was a different time.

Top left is better and bottom right is better.

Especially in Mario Kart 8, considering they actually remade the tracks as if they were all-new instead of just porting them over.

I actually like Live and Rolaoded more than I should. It's just the smallest little things that feel wrong.

>A couple of animations look really janky (Particularity the Great Mighty Poo)
>The extra censorship
>The squirrels voices don't match their new models