Best Story: 4

>Best Story: 4
>Best Characters: 7
>Best Art Design: 7
>Best Music: 6
>Best Voice Acting: 12
>Best Main Hero: 4
>Best Main Villain: 6
>Best World: 7
>Best Leveling System: 5
>Best Battle System: 10
>Best Minigame: 8

Other urls found in this thread:

>>Best Story: 4
It's literally the most generic fantasy story ever told. FFIV is a fine game but it's not like plot was an actual reason it's so loved.

Best girl: Lightning

Is there anyway to facilitate having both Tifa's milk-engorged tits on my face while also having Aerith's delicious bubble bum on it too?

>Best Story: 4
No, if only because aside from being fairly generic it pulls the "OH THIS CHARACTER DIED, BUT NOT REALLY, FOR NO REASON BUT TO LET YOU KNOW THEY ARE ALIVE" shit and the "HE WAS JUST POSSESSED" shit too much.

>Best Characters: 7
No, that's 6

>Best Art Design: 7
Again, 6

The only good character from 7 is ZACK

6 is best everything

>FFIV is a fine game but it's not like plot was an actual reason it's so loved.

lol what are you talking about?

The story is very generic but it's well done for a generic story.

The gameplay is by far the worst in the whole franchise. (Yes including 2 and 3. At least they tried new things.)

>Favorite Character: White Mage
>Favorite Spell: Lit3
>Favorite Grind Spot: Boss of Ice Caves

>Best Music: 6
Incorrect. In terms of music, it goes 14, 11, then 12.

Also 8 has a very underrated soundtrack.


FFIV did ATB first though.

>Best Story: 7
>Best Characters: 6
>Best Art Design: 9
>Best Music: 9
>Best Voice Acting: 12
>Best Main Hero: 9
>Best Main Villain: none, all trash. If i had to choose Nidhogg from FFXIV.
>Best World: 9
>Best Leveling System: who cares
>Best Battle System: 10
>Best Minigame: 9

Thanks, glad I attended your personal award ceremony. Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to?

ATB is just turn based arbitrarily slowed down. The best thing the jRPG genre ever did was abandoning that piece of shit

>Best Story: 4
+5 = and then you're right.

Fuck off, Toriyama

>Best Story: Tactics
>Best Characters: Tactics
>Best Art Design: 9
>Best Music: 6
>Best Voice Acting: 12
>Best Main Hero: Tactics
>Best Main Villain: 6
>Best World: Tactics
>Best Leveling System: Tactics
>Best Battle System: Tactics
>Best Minigame: 14

Look for your glasses

tactics is cheating, it's the only FF game where the story exceeds "ok" status

>not placing tifa's other arm around cloud's waist

I think they are all at least good games in their own right. FFIX and Tactics do the most right for me personally. I hope we can all agree though that the series is at a decline in almost everything but gameplay and music, and that the next mainline release hopefully recaptures that special something we chase when we start up an FF game.


>The gameplay is by far the worst
>Yes including 2 and 3
t. retard
4's gameplay is standard ATB, that 4, 5, 6, and 7 uses. I personally find 6 to have the worse gameplay out of the ATB games though, if only because one character requires you to put in a string of button inputs like a fighting game just to use any worthwhile skills.

>Best Story: 7
>Best Characters: 9
>Best Art Design: 9
>Best Music: 11
>Best Voice Acting: 12
>Best Main Hero: 5
>Best World: 11
>Best Leveling System: 8
>Best Battle System: 10
>Best Minigame: 8

All of you people in this thread are dumb nostalgia fags.
There is no such thing as a good Final Fantasy.

>Best Main Hero: 5
Bartz is total bro tier

>>Best Story: Tactics
>>Best Characters: Tactics
>>Best Art Design: Any Ivalice
>>Best Music: 8
>>Best Voice Acting: VA is for faggots
>>Best Main Hero: Any with ensemble cast
>>Best Main Villain: 10 for Sin, not Seymour
>>Best World: Ivalice
>>Best Leveling System: 11
>>Best Battle System: Tactics
>>Best Minigame: 7

>Best Story: XV
>Best Characters: XV
>Best Art Design: XV
>Best Music: XV
>Best Voice Acting: XV
>Best Main Hero: XV
>Best Main Villain: XV
>Best World: XV
>Best Leveling System: XV
>Best Battle System: XV
>Best Minigame: XV

"Best" doesn't mean "good" you retard. It's a superlative. Learn English and come back later.

XV-kun please leave

Calling something the best implies it did something better then the rest. But what happens when literally none of them did anything better then each other? IT MEANS THEY'RE ALL TRASH

>Best Characters: 7
>Best Art Design: 7
>Best World: 7

Not even close. Why are 7 fanboys so delusional?

>Art design
Buddy that one doesn't even make sense, sure they had some good pixel areas but ff7 cutscenes and the way they used shadowing made it a a joy to navigate areas like sector 7/8

>6 best everything
Those are some heavy nostalgia goggles buddy, a lot of ff games had a lot going for them

C'mon man, that was the weakest bait I could have ever laid down. It doesn't even sound like him, I didn't go into a massive autistic tirade.

Aeriths theme in 7 is too good to ignore, and as shilled as One winged angel is, it's pretty iconic.

Because it's all true

When they say 7 has the best characters they usually mean Tifa's tits.

>best art design

it's one of the worst

Literally the only Final Fantasy games that manage to be worse than 7 are 8, 13, and 2.

FF7 may have better ~*GRAFFIKS*~ than FF6, but it still doesn't hold a fucking candle to more recent FF games.

I really hate the Final Fantasy fanboys.
6 fans call it the best because they don't want to say 7 or think 7 is too overhyped even if they liked it.
7 fans call it the best because its 7.
8's fans are poor losers who think the story is deep when its really just bad.
9's fans aren't that abundant but still exist.
10 is about the same as 7 but worse now because its no longer hip and cool to say you liked 7.
5's fans are minimal at best but can still be obnoxious if you say you don't really care for it.
4's fans are mostly silent because people just act like 4 was either bad or just okay.
1 gets shit on but has its fans, 2 just gets shit on, 3 just gets forgotten, and anything after 10 generally gets shit on for one reason or another.
11 gets shit on from people who hate MMO's or people who play ones like 14.
12 gets shit on because its not like the older games.
13 games get shit on because... Well they because it sucks.
14 gets shit on by 11 fanboys who haven't moved on, and non-MMO fans.
And 15 gets shit on by everyone but has the most retarded fanboy of all here on Sup Forums, XV-kun.

Best FF: Bravely Default

Why is 2 so universally reviled as the absolute worst FF? How is it even possible that you guys manage to successfully have a unanimous opinion on that?

dated and shitty level up mechanics. Random encounters are also tile based so if you step on the wrong tile and get in a battle with something 20 levels above you tough shit. Dungeon design is also abhorrent

Because of the way gaining stats worked.
>gain HP from taking damage
>can hit yourself to gain HP

>4's fans are mostly silent because people just act like 4 was either bad or just okay
IV is an awesome FF game though and my favourite

>And 15 gets shit on by everyone
Until PC version got at doors.
Now everyone is "hyped" and "wants" it.

Makes you wonder.

6 fans call it the best because they don't want to say 7 or think 7 is too overhyped even if they liked it.


>Story: XIV
>Characters: XV
>Art: X
>VA: lol
>Hero: XIV
>Villain: no preference
>World: VII
>Leveling: Anything but II
>Battle: VII if animations didn't take 10 years
>Minigame: lol

>Calling something the best implies it did something better then the rest
Yes, the rest of the Final Fantasy games you fucking illiterate retard. Just like whatever shitpile Latin American country you belong to probably has an HDI in the 0.800s. Chile has the best HDI in South American and it's still only 0.847.

This isn't rocket science. Learn English and come back to Sup Forums when you're not a blubbering illiterate.

Which should I play first, IV, V, VIII, IX, or X?

>Characters: XV
Fujo detected

>replying to bait posts

I just finished X tonight. It’s fucking great

>dat OST
>dat world building
>dat mind-bending plot

Most importantly is how unique it feels. Are there any other southeast Asian flavored RPGs?

Should I be worried that I find Cloud the most fuckable of the 3 in this picture?

reminder that X-2.5 is a thing and its literal shit.

>Best Story: Tactics
>Best Characters: 10
>Best Art Design: Tactics
>Best Music: everything Uematsu touched
>Best Voice Acting: 15
>Best Main Hero: 1's Knight/Warrior of Light
>Best Main Villain: 2
>Best World: Ivalice
>Best Leveling System: 5
>Best Battle System: Tactics
>Best Minigame: 7 since half the time you will find yourself playing one

>Not counting 13 for best music
One of the few things this game did great and none of you faggots want to give it credit.

>Best Leveling
>Best Battle System
>Not A2

This is how I can tell you Tacticsfags never actually played TA or TA2. FFTA2>FFT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FFT>(x???)>FFTS

>best battle system 10
>not 13-2
off yourself

I'd only agree if Second wasn't also released

>ctrl + f chronicles
>0 results
whats with all the shit taste in this thread?