I don't fucking understand. Did this have Valve's blessing? How were they able to just use these characters and assets? They had to have Valve's permission, right? Does Valve actually give 0 fucks about their own creations to the point where they just don't give a fuck anymore?
Hunt Down The Pop Filter
ughhh mitch mmmmm please oh yes mmmmmm
gib proof
Don't most games do this? I remember an old PC game where the kid assets had penis and vaginas in their texture maps as well.
It baffles me less that Valve allowed the game to be sold, but more that Valve still hasn't pulled it off Steam even after it's proven to be a dumpster fire.
It's because that guy stole the models from porn mods being used in SFM or some shit.
>its illegal to model a child with genitalia
Is this the power of america?
He did NOTHING wrong
it's the power of the projecting losers on facepunch who have gigs of cp on their hard drive
>mitch oh~ mitch
*sensual moaning*
uuuuuh mitch please
I wonder if this will generate any Yaoi
Why do these face models look so inhuman despite being technically correct?
The devs got lazy and used a Makehuman. By the default the male textures have a penis and balls regardless of the age of the character.
It's the lifeless eyes
>Does Valve actually give 0 fucks about their own creations to the point where they just don't give a fuck anymore?
At this point, I'm convinced that they gave it the green light BECAUSE it's so bad. It's their final "fuck you" to Half-Life fans. This wouldn't be surprising, if true. It's already pretty obvious that Valve wrote the end of Episode Two after they had already decided not to make Episode Three; they wanted the worst possible ending for the series, to punish fans for not giving Episode One good enough reviews.
They never gave a fuck about anything other than money or control to begin with, if that never occurred to you then you are a fucking idiot.
Valve was purely about money and control from the get go, Half Life 2, which was a gutted tech demo for Source with its MP sold separately and was the first case of online client DRM for a single player game even with the physical release, was the bait and people fell for it. Valve never rose to begin with, they just sunk into the abyss that they always inhabited.
You people will continue to give them a pass though.
The modeler fucked up their faces.
Please *uuhhhh* Mitch please *uuhhhh*
He fucked a man's face without cumming on it afterwards
>this is current state of PC gaming
>PCfags will buy shitty mods for 20 youros
and you call yourselves master race?
Who said I bought it? Who said I even played it? I'm in these threads to laugh at the memes.
>asian american
>played by white british man
How do we save it, bros?
Can we strike down facepunch forums on child porn laws or something?
If Valve took games off Steam just for being a dumpster fire then the Steam library would be a lot smaller.
More players than fucking Lawbreakers
Mitch, I...
Someone post it
mfw they made a videogame around the SFM porn filler male characters
>Did this have Valve's blessing?
>How were they able to just use these characters and assets?
The dev paid for a Source, Havok and Bink video license.
>They had to have Valve's permission, right?
Kinda. They had to pay for the license.
>Does Valve actually give 0 fucks about their own creations to the point where they just don't give a fuck anymore?
Good news is the Sup Forums dub is nearly done.