Beat this for less than 10,000 denarii

Beat this for less than 10,000 denarii.

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just spam equites and charge

mass rout = win

ok i use spy from team fortress 2 to kill hem all lol u lolse noob :)

mass cretan archers with heavy greek cav, position archers to outline the shape and have them shoot the unit on the opposite side of the way they're facing, with some keeing fire on the roman archers (which suck dick)
if the formation moves out or a unit routs, have cav chase them down

Just spam cretans and cataphracts

It's amazing how much better Medieval 2 runs than Rome 1 on my toaster portable.
Pic not related.

I'm surprised that I'm enjoy arena. It's pretty fun

>just spam equites and charge
They didn't charge so good

shoot in the back of the far side because im not a retard

shoot them in the back


Cavalry and siege units.

>Teleports behind you
>'*psst* nothing personal julii"

I'm convinced they will run out of ammo but we'll see

Man vanilla Rome 1 is massively overrated these days. I remember the launch and shit was a disaster.

Why are you nerds playing the obsolete version?
It's been surpassed in every way by the newer ones.

Just use field artillery.

Eh, less of a disaster than the other games.

is the noob box allowed to move?

I'd probably use spartan hoplites

HOL UP a battle-centred version of Civitas exists?

I wonder how many of those troops a single standard Chaos Chosen can kill. I imagine there's a good chance they might not even be able to get through its armor except for lucky arrows through its visor.

>He doesn't know about RTW

they ran out of ammo here. a melee charge didnt go pretty for them after
it would have been better if i remembered i could testudo lol
tried it already, they cant keep the phalanx and actually route from all the ranged when they get close
and yeah unboxing makes for an easy flank
and even aside from that, when they did hold the phalanx urban cohorts have such stupid armor that they barely killed anyone

Germanic doctors and scientists about to enrich the Roman society

who brings field artillery to a sword fight
but yeah that works

not really, considering it is the very same engine and they had years to improve it and the performance.

nothing personal, kiddo