Sup Forums's thoughts on video game analysts?
Sup Forums's thoughts on video game analysts?
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It's No Masterpiece
I can enjoy some videos from said analysts from time to time.
I don't give a fuck video games to me are about fun not manchildren on YouTube arguing about the philosophy of video games. Fuck off.
He's ok
At least he isn't a faggot like cleanprince who throws up cartoon clips and sesame street vhs tapes with clickbait shit
You can learn much more about games by listening to some like Joseph Anderson for 5 minutes than you could learn from reading Sup Forums for days.
Hes no MrBtongue.
>tfw no new MrBtongue vid
matthew is our boy
Could you discord shills make your shilling a little less blatant?
I miss the old Vid Doc trailers where you get the see the tech preview now its just cinematic trailer or the first 15 minutes of "gameplay"
thats it, brainlet just turn your brain off
Literally a pedophile pizzagate apologist
Poor man's Matthewmatosis
Also, he needs to edit his videos better, most of them are useless crap
>When I was a young boy, I used to have a dog called Mario
Who the hell cares, just tell me why it sucks.
I like Superbunnyhop. I think he's succint and makes better use of his footage than Anderson or hbomberguy
His mgs2 video is a must watch
Matthewmatosis is good too.
More like fuck over thinking video games. Fucking retarded pseudo-intellectual troglodyte.
Here's your average videogame intellectual.
> Sup Forums hates video games so much that they would rather listen to e-celebs hate video games instead of playing them
>Literally a pedophile pizzagate apologist
Tell me what he did in exchange for this (You)
Well, why don't you make one?
Fucking autists who got a voice because of fucking Patreon.
Patreon was a mistake, all things considered.
Have you ever felt amazed at a game?
Some people feel like articulating why
"analyst" huh
shut up
Or they just like saying big words in their British accents into their $2k mics for their thousands of fans to cum over because they're so """intellectual"""
>Stop making shekels from doing what you like! Stop asking for donations!
>You should put up ads that everyone is forced to watch! Only those should be allowed to make money who the corporations allow to!
>It's not a real job unless it's 8 hours a day and Mr. Goldbergstein gets a cut! Anyone who doesn't have a miserable job should be dragged down to my level because I'm a proli cunt
is joseph a nu-male?
David Seaman was a hardcore Pizzagate shill, but that trend died out. Youtube mostly annihilated related content, but Seaman's stayed, and now he has a new channel (CP Gaming, I'm not joking) that is gaining rapid views and followers. CP Gaming has a clear advantage among the many similar channels. Why is hardcore Zionist David Seaman getting a free pass to push his terrible content when even having a second of spongebob could get your YouTube channel deleted?
joseph "Ten points" anderson
You're defending you giving them money for making one 40 minute video a month. Pathetic. Who's the good goy?
>video games to me are about fun
Is that why you come to Sup Forums to argue about them?
At least the real, miserable jobs kept the autism and SJW-ing in check. It all fell apart since its introduction.
No, I don't have to give them money, but if I want to I can. I watch everything for free.
It takes power and control from ((corporations)), so it's a good thing for me
What's there to analyze? They all say the same surface level bullshit that anyone with half a brain already knew because that's all there is to video games.
Yeah man fuck the corporations *dabs* *smokes weed*
Since they get more money the longer people watch their videos they’re now 2 hours long or more. If you’d rather waste 2 hours of your life watching someone else play a game or expound their opinions rather than do your own then it says more about you than them. And they’re faggots.
No you don't, you pay for the electricity, for the internet or for your phone to watch them (unless your parents do that job for you).
Yeah, you can learn to be better at games by basically doing the opposite of him. The man couldn’t even walk in a circle.
Give it time. Someone will post the webm
The Chad Matosis
>Reviews whatever the fuck he wants
>Doesn't cater to a demographic on contrarianism
>Videos go into detail about game mechanics and structure, not just 'they should've done it this way because my ideas are smarter'
>Has a slick irish accent
>Turned off his patreon when he stopped making content, not trying to leech off his viewers
>Is actually fucking good at video games:
The Virgin Anderson
>Reviews only highly-acclaimed games and put his tiny pecker all over it like he understands
>Caters to contrarianism in an obnoxious manner, assumes that people who do not agree with him are uneducated idiots
>Videos are padded on with base-level criticism, thinks he's the most intelligent person on youtube
>Has an average american voice
>Keeps his patreon on 24/7, only cares about how many views his criticisms get, not the content of them
>Is a fucking moron who can't even run in a complete circle
Most games are not complex enough that they really require any real form of analysis.
Either way, you don't need someone to tell you if a game is good or bad. You should be able to figure that out for yourself and if you enjoy it anyway, does it really matter?
Not interested in clickbait, I would be down for analisis for someone that's experienced in the industry and actually knows what they're talking about but that leaves it to the devs themselves. They talk about that shit at events or interviews, they don't really make youtube videos.
imagine being so pathetic you praise a canuck with the face of a ham. His discord and twitch chat are the absolute pseudo reddit audience you would expect and even try to """""""raid""""" us with these threads. He's like Cap and Manlet Tears, trying to whine for attention while being completely unlikable
It doesn’t matter to well balanced people with a life who play video games as a complement to their lives.
It matters a lot to the losers who form the majority of this shothole who have no friends on real life and supplement them with e-celebs.
>you don't need someone to tell you if a game is good or bad
thats not what analysis is for. its interesting to hear different perspectives
>thats not what analysis is for. its interesting to hear different perspectives
No it doesn't. 90% of the time, it's either all about different tastes, subjective things being called objective or the same old "yeah, no game is perfect, no shit sherlock".
That's the thing though, I am the latter for the most part but I still have no idea why people consider e-celebs as replacement friends. I don't want friends, I want to be left alone.
I don't need the perspectives of others, I don't listen to anyone but myself anyway.
thank you
I like Mauler, he's a level 99 autismo supremo.
theres that completely wrong word again.
of course you dont need it but other people find other thoughts interesting. you clearly dont and obviously have a stonewall approach to ideas different from your own
You have to be to make a 10 hour video literally just picking apart every word in someone else's video.
And then making one more 3 hour video talking about it.
>you clearly dont and obviously have a stonewall approach to ideas different from your own
I see no reason to adopt other ideas when I have no intention of physically interacting with the rest of society.
>listening to = adopting
also you are interacting with with other members of society right now
Pretentious cunts
I like those kinds of videos, I'll usually play them as I'm playing a game myself. Not sure I'd ever hang out with any of those people, maybe a chat over discord but even then...
Sorry if it goes over your head
Hence why I said physically interacting, and more importantly I consider this place the rejects of society. Either way I don't speak to anyone outside of a computer screen, my family is wealthy enough that it allows me to be a recluse.
well its been interesting interacting with you and exchanging ideas.
They're okay.
For the most part it feels like they're talking about shit I already know. Also, more game-design stuff would be appreciated over standard game reviews.
I enjoy them, in a world where most reviewers are bought and use frivolous buzzwords to basically say nothing noteworthy about the game they are critiquing, people who actually try to go a step beyond in understanding a game are appreciated. Not to say those same reviewers should completely change their style because by god not all pieces of thought on a video game need to be as long as the game itself, they work fine as "short previews", just wish a little more effort was put into constructing them rather than "none at all", which seems to be the most cases.
>this total faggot ass again
Calm down entitled shitbag. Youre on a fucking website.
No kidding.
>FO4 release, everyone excited and loving it
>makes a video shitting on it
>month later people figured out that the game actually has a lot of flaws
>makes another video praising it as some of the best game ever
Video game analysts are like Jordan Peterson, they're saying shit you already know, and if you didn't know it, then you're probably just a fucked up person and the exception to the rule.
MauLer and Tesnakerer are literally the only good ones.
Too autistic for me, and I actually have autism.
I would like to think, that somehow we'll figure out how to make it better. There might be some way, even still that we could create great games. It's not like we already killed the industry. Yet it definitely seems like it.
Is this Anderson? Pretty sure you're making that up. The most praise he gave 4 was that the gameplay loop is enjoyable, despite the story
Just make the games you actually want to make. That's all that really matters, and more importantly that's all that's really needed.
I get that. His scripts are art though
Yeah but at some point I just have to go "dude, let it go. It's just a game/movie, it's not impending nuclear war."
This. If you just make the game you yourself want to play, odds are there will be others who want to as well.
And even if they don't, you'll still have your perfect game.
>says "what the fuck game" at least 20 times when somthing he doesn't like pops up
>drops controller
>"still better than merio"
>echos shitty memes from chat
>can't understand obvious ques from the game (he kept sending Ann to attack Kamoshida
I've watched a few of his streams and have no idea as to how anybody can sit through this shit.
>his face
It's No Masterpiece
Don't forget!
>Fucks his cute imouto just for the pleasure
>Fucked his grown up wife twice for the sake of procreation
We're trying.
It's not like we sit there and say "how can we fuck with this guy?"
I don't know if its entirely a product on contention with him. I think he genuinely wants to be good at what he does to an extent. His ego shows when he talks about it as a possible career and I think in his mind he's trying to provide his own take on long form content in being the final boss of long form content.
Absolutely based guy. Hbomberfags eternally BTFO.
I actually liked him on the TOVG podcast, but his attempts at vidya analysis is garbage.
I know almost no one on this list aside from Mandalore. Who I enjoy but he only has like 10 reviews to his name
Worthless jobs fueled by fanboyism and the god awful advertisement based economy we have today.
I only just looked at his channel but I like that he actually reviewed EYE and Dark Messiah. I'm guessing his schtick is games that other people don't talk about.
Brilliant: Mechagamezilla
Retarded faggots making video for the brainless people who can't think for themselves.
Digibro's Mario Odyssey video was the only good critique of that game desu
Well I mean plenty of people have talked about the Dead Space trilogy so I think it's just more of whatever he wants to talk about. I just want the 40k: Fire Warrior video to release already.
That being said, his description of EYE being the greatest game ever because the basic smg having two firing modes (full auto and "fuller" auto) made me laugh.
Why is shoop da woop making a resurgence?