Reminder that this man, being one of the best PUBG players in the world...

Reminder that this man, being one of the best PUBG players in the world, and his team who played PUBG every day were completely btfo in a tournament by a literal retard that has practiced 30 minutes before the tourney and his ragtag team of autists that was put together a day before

Other urls found in this thread:


Well sucks to be him.


wtf bros csgo players were supposed to be the #1 in fps

any vods?


who killed him?

i heard he died on that one tournament because he was outside the circle.

Pretty sure this guy makes something in the mid six figures just from streaming. I think he quit csgo because he hated not competing and not streaming.

Literally who?

>Competitive PUBG

That's a very low bar.

Please for the love of God, let there be a link. I really like seeing pros getting shit on, like "pro" fighters

Probably more, doesn't he have 70k subs? That's $187k pm at the lowest sub rate, then factor in donations and the like.

video pls

hes a streamer, not really a pro

He only won because he played with a known cheater. He will be banned anyway with the new twitch tos since he maintains a community of racists.

>e-Sp OMEGALUL rts ready

>wins 3/5 games
>gets second

the tournament was bullshit anyway

I wonna kiss his sexy lips.


the winners vod:


What makes shroud so famous? I never cared about him.


>the tournament was bullshit anyway

No fucking shit? He's basically a pro at roulette.

somewhat skilled with 0 personality so he doesn't offend anything

he was big in CSGO too, destroying pubs and dropping in LANs in group stages

>makes hundreds of thousands of dollars pubstomping normies in pubg

I'm sure he's devastated by this outcome

Well i don't know why someone would watch him over someone with more personality like imaqtpie


mfw shroud defense force in this very thread


he has a sexy voice

>making that much money in a game that's not a popular e-sport

Good one user.


Thoughts on Tyler1?


So how does a PUBG tournament even work?

The only "fair" format I can imagine is basically a bounty system. Nobody ever drops out of the "tournament", but instead there's an equal cash prize for every game.

Those who place first, second, third each round gets one prize.

Those who have the most kills, second and so on get another, equally large cash prize.

>40k subs
>minimum share of that is 50% but more popular streamers get more
>minimum 100k per month before donations

forsen1 forsen2 don't talk to me or my trophy ever again :trophy: forsen3 forsen4

>being one of the best at chink infested, shit show shovelware

get a life or KYS, faggot failure

>twitch streamers are now representatives of Sup Forums

Not the history I want to be a part of.

Why are you so angry user?

The game has a team mode, so all you need for a competitive match is to pit the equivalent of two full parties (I assume 4v4) against one another. I guess a fair match would involve everyone receiving equal amount of gear and supplies, very scarce to keep it sort of true to early game of normal PUBG. At that point, you can just have a normal bracket tournament.

But I haven't seen a single video of competitive PUBG, so I don't know how different the reality is.

Someone explain

Oh yeah, I guess some sort of poker like system could also be added to add some tension to the later matches.

Like, you collect money as you win, but there's no payout before the last round and poor performances lowers your prize total.

weren't the twitch streamers the ones who lost to a few randoms?

Shrouds team that won 3 out of 5 games got second place in the whole tournament, while another team that got to top 2-top 5 constantly got overall first place despite not winning a single game

>earns his money by playing this game
>is not a pro
you don't seem to understand what "Professional" actually means

Yeah, but the problem is that that system is shit, because PUBG is super RNG. If you just try to make it an ordinary team match, it becomes super random who wins and the matches gets increasingly boring as you lose participants (and thus decrease the amount of stuff that happens in a round) as the tournament progresses.

>Dr Disrespect goes on a run of bad luck the whole tourney
>only entertainment was him raging rather than making it to endgame and talking smack

feels bad man

That's why ultra random games sometimes opt for a more rigid format for competitive games. I've seen it happen with Heroes of Might and Magic, where custom competitive maps were wildly different from what you'd expect to play with your friends over hotseat.

Fighting games and MOBAs are the only genres I know where regular matches are almost 100% representative of competitive experience. And most modern FPS, I guess.

They're all streamers.

You can find out how many subs a streamer has by looking how many emotes they have.
The emotes are set by amount of subs you have and he has 42 so he has between 4400 and 4600 subs.
Thats just under $10,000 a month.

Yeah, but then what's the point in competing in PUBG? Play a more rigid game.

The tournament has to play to the game's strengths. If a traditional tournament format doesn't work, it's better to rework the tournament format than reworking the game and losing the game experience.

Why are you watching a cheater user

It's not really surprisingly considering 99% of Shroud's kills are fans trying to streansnipe him for attention and don't really make an effort to kill him. In fact, a lot of them go out of their way to protect him.

>it's a stealth forsen thread

>being a fan of someone who plays video games

Love or hate doc, you have to admit he puts in some effort.

I dont understand how Forsen got such a meme following. I tried watching him a couple of times, he just sits there nonchalant while the chat is going crazy.

He earns his money from subs and donation because he's a streamer. He doesn't even stream pubg that much anymore.
You can only have maximum 50 emotes, and you don't have to fill them all. Shroud's sub count is way over 30k.

it's the community and the fact that he enabled it back in the day

42 emote slots is maximum you can get

Mostly because he tolerates shit no other streamer would. His early days were almost completely unmoderated and that's when it became a spammy clown fiesta

nope, it's 50


I guess he does put in some effort, gonna be completely transparent with you

I wonder where they're at now.

You are right. I googled shroud sub count and he has a video from 5 months ago showing his twitch stats when he first reached 30,000.

Childhood is enjoying videogames

Adulthood is getting bored of videogames and enjoying the tribulations of some poor sap trying to play them


>it's literally just D OMEGALUL C
I mean what's the point? You can type it out in chat just as easily

t. normalfaggot brainet

he is retarded

some channels dont have omegalul since its BTTV, but its still fun to post it on clip pages

Didn't he and his team just win the charity tournament a day or two ago? What tournament are you talking about?

Wait, forsen won a tournament? Is he that good at the game?

Yeah. Totally.

Are you doubting our literal gaming god?

Would be funnier if it was just a floating hat and chair tbqhwyfam

play stupid games, win stupid prizes

>Tournaments are being held for early access games in the year 2018

What a tremendous leap forward for mankind.

its cloud9 shroud

He won 3/5 games while the """"'winner""""" actually never once won one game. I honestly dont care about this shit tournament about this shit game but why so you lie?

it's released

Its almost as if PUBG isnt a game of skill

what about this emote is it shit too?

i only get 3 emotes i need better ideas.


>Says the autistic anime virgin

Why are americans so shit at esports? Any time i hear about csgo or LoL americans are always being laughed at

This is shrouds reaction to not winning the tournament.
put dots between clips twitch tv

the mutt genes damage the skill

pubg doesnt take skill
it's based on chance

Who cares

shroudfag found


Here's (You).

Well it's not a skill based game.

>oh nooo he called me X-Fag, thats top tier argument right there

>People also consider these games “released” and full-fledged products in the year 2018

It just keeps getting better and better.

>letsss goooooo

youre retarded