Stop watching streams

Stop watching streams

>Stop watching streams
Streams are pure shit, there is exactly no entertainment or value to be had from watching some neckbeard playing Neptunia for 14 hours. All you're doing is WASTING time that could have been spent on much more productive tasks, such as watching Let's Plays on Youtube.

For me, Let's Plays on Youtube is the most thought provoking, intelligent, and entertaining way you can SPEND your time doing.

Aris is pretty good though.

i dont cause im not 9

But streams are let's plays.

Lets plays are vastly superior to streams when they have no commentary and no face camera taking 1/4 of my screen with his ugly mug and I would only ever watch one when I'm not able to play the game due to console exclusivity or some other reason that stops me from playing it myself.

I don't in the first place

that's a walkthrough, you fucking faggot.

I have no friends and interacting with streamers makes me feel like I do. Is this wrong? Why do you care?

Because I want the best for you. And despite the short-term happiness you may feel, it is absolutely no substitute for friendship.

Then walkthroughs are the only non cancerous way to watch games. Fuck your streams and lets plays you lonely beta faggot.

There's more streamers than shouting friend simulators that always hop games
I'm pretty sure you have to go out of your way to find those

Well, thanks for caring, Mr. Random Internet Stranger. I will continue watching streams though. I have no real reason to trust your arguments and ideas.

>Lets plays are vastly superior to streams when they have no commentary

Then it's not a let's play. If you're going to watch someone play through an entire game and prefer no commentary, then you're probably have lethal levels of autism, or you're too dumb to look past the top results and think everyone is a screaming retard appealing to kids.

DSP is obviously the most based let's player, and streamer.

Who's your favorite streamer?

>streamer has to thank every xxx_cocksucker69_xxx for donating 2$
Why the fuck do they keep doing this

what if i'm watching a stream that doesn't currently feature gaming content?

Reminder that twitch is pay chicks to titstream

>watches DSP play games and masturbate on camera
Sure I am the autist here.

getting your name read and thanked is being part of the community, so now you'll donate more.

Okay let me just go to the friendship store and get a friend... oh shit, those don't exist?

Guess I'll just keep watching streams.


I only watch programming streams, you Norwegian fuck.

>streamer has a celebratory ritual that takes 30 seconds every time somebody re-ups their subscription, donates money, etc.
>Streamer has celebratory audio/visual shit that goes off every time somebody donates a specific amount of money
fuck that.
I got SBFP in the background, and while I know their channel has been going downhill I'd take it anyday over "Fuckwit38 has donated 420 bits! *airhorn* SM-SM-SMOOOOKE WEEEEEEED *airhorn*"

What can you say? They promise nothing and deliver even less. I still like them as background stuff, though.

I only donate to MANvsGAME couple times a month, its really not that much, 5 bucks is like going to a shitty movie theater

I did donate larger sums (50-100 bucks) when he played bigger boss battles in Souls games, loved the reactions, already have $200 lined up for the Smough and Ornstein fight in the DS remake

Nothing wrong in supporting content creators.

Holy shit that's pathetic

Do these steamers feel no shame collecting money from children and the mentally ill?

Never should of come here



>when your little brother drops out of university to try and become a professional streamer

Nearly half his friends are trying to become professional youtubers are streamers, what a weird world Gen Z is living in.

I don't understand how anyone can watch youtubers, mainly vloggers who always record themselves, who gives a fuck what some faggot on the net thinks about something?

Chances are your brother was a retard from the very beginning and wouldn't have graduated anyway

Sadly as somebody who listens to a lot of twitch streams from TFS when they're uploaded to youtube, I hear the same few usernames donate 1-5 dollars every so often. You quickly realize the only reason they do it is to have some kind of connection to the content creator, almost like a surrogate friendship.

uni is a meme but he's still stupid for not bothering to finish it, what a retard

Something else I don't get is why do so many people donate money to thot streamers hoping they flash their tits or something, why not go to a fucking strip club where you'll at least 100% get something for your money

I don't watch streams or lets plays. Who the fuck would want to watch someone else play a game other than for the purposes of finding out whether a game is good or not before buying?

Who the fuck would want to watch someone for hours playing a game unless you are watching a pro gaming competition?

I seriously don't get it. Play games guys, don't waste time watching hour long plus streams and CERTAINLY don't pay any money towards them.

>go to a strip club
you mean go out in public and be forced to interact with a woman 1 on 1? You're giving these guys a lot of credit man.
I don't donate to camwhores because it's easy enough to find that content for free elsewhere. As for the strip clubs, I honestly would be more comfortable getting a prostitute. If I'm hungry, I eat. Why would I pay money to sit in the restaurant and just look at the food with a bunch of random other hungry people?

I never started. Even I have better things to do with my time, and I post on Sup Forums so that's saying something.