If you donate money to streamers, you are a fucking retard. There's no denying this...

If you donate money to streamers, you are a fucking retard. There's no denying this. I can't imagine being such a loser that you'd donate money to some guy playing a game. Get a grip.
The worst are those betas that donate hundreds to titty streamers. Anyone who doe that shouldn't be allowed access to the internet.

Anyone who donates a hundred dollars to a streamer deserves to have their money license revoked.

Anyone who donates money to a streamer deserves to have no money.

>watching streamers in the first place

I agree. I also think that if you watch people play video games as a substitute for playing them yourself then you're also retarded.

You could say the same for prostitution, smoking, drinking, gambling anything, really.

People are just going to keep doing what they do. I mean, I think you're right but so what?

>Watching streamers in the first place

This. It only makes sense to watch a streamer if they're playing a game you can't afford or pirate.

joke's on you, the only streamers I watch play Hearthstone

Not all streams are private people. If it's a group that organises events to watch they can usually use every bit of donation they might get. All the more reasonable if you are part of the community you support.

I can't imagine being such a loser that you shit post on v about something that doesn't involve you at all.

Also sage.

Am I bad for donating money to get a shout out for my friend on his birthday?


t. braindead stream donater

You could donate to me and I can get some bread to eat for the day.


Jokes on you I just donated 10 bucks yesterday to a streamer I like

I sub to some streamers since it’s free with Amazon prime now.

But donating to them is retarded. Especially if you are donating to the ones with 20k+ viewers. Why are you giving money to streamers who are making $300k+ a year?


>Has a smartphone, Internet, a PC, probably a TV and consoles of some kind
>No food in the fridge


just let people ruin themselves as they want you fucking moralists

look at this disgusting fat cat with a working fridge