I can't believe that fucker Kaplan is going to get me to reinstall this shit

I can't believe that fucker Kaplan is going to get me to reinstall this shit.

>mfw she changed comp forever

why? she's fucking worthless and boring. i guess learning her well will pay off when the inevitably overtune her just like every new hero introduced to the game

Why? I have been out for a while

is reinhardt tapping that

Further strengthening the fact that you should only be playing Tanks and Supports in this shit game. You're a cuck if you ever pick offense or defense heroes, like lambs to the slaughter.

No, but Doomfist is

Just hold out for the SFM porn user, be strong

>Shirt says "I like exercise" and has a kettle bell in the place of a dinner plate

I'm glad such a cutie is coming out when SFM is hitting its peak. FOW's Helena animation was insanely good. I can only hope Brigitte gets ravaged by a hundred dicks as well.

looks like a fortnite character

She counters winston, who is at the heart of most dive comps.

how big is her ass??

Doomfist is too busy fisting Reaper to have time for that.

>tfw she looks nothing like OP's pic as a playable character
Fucking hell I wish they'd fire the person who makes all the OW women faces look the same (except for the varying hues)

she counters rein and hog too, so what?

furthermore, Winston has a large enough healthpool that brigid is one of the worst healers right now at taking him out herself, and her passive is worse than lucio unless you were standing right next to her last time she made a hit (and won't go through barrier, just like every aura based ability)

Winston will still hold left click on you and probably win most times you aren't playing with your team. The difference is, the brigitte is designed to be in the middle of the team, so retards might start standing next to eachother so that they can ACTUALLY counter dive

>fresh off the ultra cancerous Mercy valk meta
>took several months for a nerf despite the fact Mercy had a near 100% pickrate across all levels of play, including pros
>buff Sombra into retarded levels through the most unfun game mechanic imaginable

Buckle up, it`s gonna be a rough few months

She still looks pretty cute, user.

Although I might just be blindly love with her slim waist.

Gotta eat big to get big brah

Brigitte is cute! CUTE!

I still can't get over how a manlet could have such a beautiful daughter.

>she counters rein and hog too, so what?
How does one counter Rein?

Is this like the only picture of this bitch?

Shirt actually says
>I like exercise because I like eating

Oh, nice, a healthy girl


yeah she's really obnoxious now because of translocator coming back so quickly. now she just pesters all game constantly with quick hacks and quick teleports to safety. gotta really bundle up and blow her brains out the second she shows up now or someone will feed guaranteed.

Also hacking is way easier and prevents you from doing a lot more stuff. And this is all because they didn't like how building up her ults through healthpacks worked, I thought that was one of the coolest, most unique things in the game

it's the only good one, her in-game model is just zarya with freckles

I'm not seeing how this is relevant to Overwatch

>zarya with freckles

haven't played overwatch since december of 2016, but i watched the trailer for her
and holy fuck is it the most uninspired boring shit ever, it's all so predictable
>I don't like seeing people die
>so I'm taking matters into my own hands!!!
how about she's so hellbent on keeping people alive that she modified her own body to become a cyborg freak that is extremely efficient at keeping people alive, but is a monster of tech and flesh

Overwatch lore and art style has always been the most vanilla shit imaginable

End your life

Show me how it's done

So you wanted her to be Moira?

She better be getting armorless skins.

I hope she has some legendaries that hide her butterface.

does she have a muslim bf like a proper swede?

Are there no skins on the PTR?

it just makes me sad that there's so much potential, but they go with the most marketable shit first and foremost
I already see a shit ton of overwatch merch where I work, and I can already see this bitch being on someone's t-shirt

I just watched the trailer for her, and even that is pretty safe in terms of design, I'm talking about some system shock 2 cyborg midwife design
also, doesn't zenyatta already have yellow and purple balls?

Is Reinhardt muslim?


She cries out ALLAH when using her ult.

Its one ACKBAR short of a suicide bomber


her shield bash beats his everything is what hes talking about, it flat trumps charge

if a mini rein clone with "anti-dive" stun spam is all it took for you, then you're a weak-willed human being

She is just recycled mechanics, why the fuck are people excited? for the porn right?

this isnt worth the reinstall.

Oh fuck off - not more of this shit.
It's already bullshit that doomnigger can cancel out your charge, now this little shit can do it too?

shes a melee support that's actually fun to play. stop talking from your ass, oversimplifying heroes like that.

finally a version of zarya that is guaranteed to get dicked.

Why tho? All you need is the sfm porn and that comes for free without the game

i wonder who theyll copy next