You could grate cheese on those abs!

>You could grate cheese on those abs!
I never got this saying. You need holes to grate something. If you tried to grate cheese on a cut dudes abs you'd just be smearing cheese on his belly.


you've never heard the saying "You could grate cheese on those abs!"?

Are you literally autistic?

the belly button is kind of a hole though

Have you ever cummed in your own mouth, Sup Forums?

What a fantastic video game thread.

>thinking i could grate my panties on those abs
>thinking i could grate my panties on those abs with me in them

yeah, but how is that video game related.



everyone who hasn't is probably gay

i've only had someone else

Do you think that guy gets embarrassed when his abs get all cheesy and smell like cheese? I wonder if some gets on his nipples too hahaha. Do you think he'd be embarrassed if I licked it off just wondering lol.

But the saying isn't "Wow you could grate cheese on that belly button!"

All I'm saying is that the shape of abs isn't condusive to grating. Maybe grounding something, like pepper, but even then you'd need two guys abs mashing against eachother with the pepper in between i think

how is this not video games

The saying implies that his abs are so chiseled that the depressions in between them are holes. It's an exaggeration obviously.

got anymore of dem vidyas?

Wow great thread Mark

maybe its ont of those things that go against common sense, user

take a block of cheese with you next time you go to the gym and try it out, you never know


>this thread

I tasted my cum a few days ago, pretty disappointing, didn't taste like anything and the sticky feeling wasn't good.

fuck off normie

>we must follow the rules set out by the BASED MODS
uncuck urself

No. I'm straight

Eat a ton of fruit and especially pineapple, brah

still not video games

Masturbation can't be gay.

You could smear cheese on those abs!

Meh, the reason I tasted it was because I want to suck my dick when I can stretch enough, so I wanted to know if cumming in my mouth was to be avoided
I'm not even gay to be honest

It's describing how firm and evenly distributed the abdominal muscles are on someone who works out. Obviously not to be taken literally but it's clear they mean the gaps between each ab muscle would be the holes like in a grater.

I can't wait till the next World War and the next Adolf Hitler puts bullets through your heads you disgusting cum ridden faggots


>I can't wait till the next World War and the next Adolf Hitler puts bullets through your heads you disgusting cum ridden faggots

The idea is that he's "shredded"

Cheddar abs


drumpf xDDD



Can you imagine that guy flexing his pecs with cheese on them hahaha. Do you think he'd be crazy enough to do that? Just wondering.

based abs-poster

Is this dare I say it the birth of an epic new meme?

best thread on Sup Forums atm


Asiago cheese belly? Yummy!

No but I have eaten food after touching my weenus

Yeah. I even swallowed on one or two occasions.

I've eaten my own cum but it just made me want to puke.

Abs are a meme, gotta go for that strongman mode

how can you not like salty coins and milk taste?

>this has been up for 48 minutes
Mods, the fuck?



there was a furry porn thread that almost hit the image limit in the morning


god I wish that was me


>52 minutes
>thread still up

go back to Sup Forums you fucking autist, you posted this exact same shit in the Matrona thread




>no one recognized this quote from spnati
it's lame now but come on Sup Forums i expected more from you.





god I wish I could lick those abs.

is this the bara thread


man what is going on

This is gay porn isn't it?
