Why don't black men want white women anymore?
Why don't black men want white women anymore?
They've realized asian women are better
Probably because they're too busy playing VIDEO GAMES
It's not that we don't want white women, it's that in 2018 we will no longer allow thots to influence us.
No longer shall man be controlled by fat asses in yoga pants.
World have gone mad
Because white women are too spoiled for them, since politics is constantly out there white women try too hard to point out their suffering and all the while try to hard to make up for racism.
All in all white women often see their man as an accessory for personal status.
>tfw you will never have enough confidence to not melt in the face of female affection
Because White Men don't want White Women anymore.
this is the most degenerate shit I've ever seen, take away her internet access and she's bacisally a monkey
Fact : if all males did what Tyrone did in this webm the quality of women would increase tenfold.
because white women are fucking gross
American chicks are so fucking disgusting.
Its a weird thing, white women are caring but it seems to all be fake as fuck. They seem to have it the easiest when it comes to society in terms of being taken cared for. Not all white women are like this, but they often get nore help than they need and that turns them into "I dont need help Im stronk warrior woman" then when push comes to shove "Im stronk warrior woman but we need to change the rules for me to succeed."
>literally a monkey
wtf happened to women?
White women are the best to watch suffer though.
Women are trash.
I'll just stick to playing video games.
Men are more monkey than women.
Im not gonna lie, here in california white women have become like pigeons to black people. Cooing for attention and crumbs of street cred.
No, noooooo, thats not ok, the only suffering they shpuld recieve is a social backlash that makes them look like idiots. And thats only the dumb ones.
Black user here, when you see white girls with black dudes. 99% of the time both are trashy pieces of shit.
Fuck this cuck fetish. We get almost zero worthwhile white girls from it.
And fuck sjw too.
Hell are you talking about? I'm seeing more white dudes with asian or hispanic dudes than I am seeing blacks with whites. It's all gross.
>zero worthwhile white girls
>implying thats not 99% of them
>white girls
Finding a needle in a haystack there bucko.
Hey, look, I love a good off-topic bait thread as much as the next Sup Forumsirgin, but you have to at least pretend you're talking about video games.
Seeing coal burners suffer the inevitable is fucking hilarious. Don't deny it.
Real life is as good as any mmo, except when you die you dont respawn.
lmao white whores are the worst choice of women on earth.
what are some games where white girls are not walking garbage?
>Skank trying to steal a wizard's power
Reminds me of this though.
I don't care about the whole black vs white thing.
I just like seeing a chick like that get rejected.
It's awesome.
Any more?
Fantasy genre.
>Dating real women
>He doesn't get a fuck doll and has babies grown in labs or surrogates
Get a load of this cuck.
honestly, everyone who contributed to the destruction of human civilization should be forcefully sterilized
there's no justification for allowing these "people" to exist
>tfw general populous is waking up to white roasties
looks like she'd do it again too for some of that BBC action
Im an avid lurker of both Sup Forums and Sup Forums and sometimes i have to scroll up to check on which board i am
this thread made me do it
Stupid apes.
>going for white women
>not a qt white femboy who wants to dedicate his life to you
step up
>2014 meme
What? You mean me? Or the guys who beat these women
>tfw no amount of societal engineering will make skanks attractive
>tfw chastity is still the most appealing trait for the average male
>ny dad goes to your site
>he saw my boobs
>he said they are only for him to see
doe her pusy stanked or something?
Tfw this is all I want to be
>honestly, everyone who contributed to the destruction of human civilization should be forcefully sterilized
So 99% of the people on Sup Forums?
>the way he coils in fear when she starts falling
What a fucking pussy lmao
>"oh shit she's probably gonna kick my ass ohfuckohfuckohfuck i hope dad forgot to close his gun safe"
Fuck off cuck
Im in LA, and I would see a lot of white women flock to the tall black dude than to the tall white dude.
>tfw chastity is still the most appealing trait for the average male
Did your mom tell you this
based dad
>chastity is still the most appealing trait for the average male
appealing to who?
There are still white women left in LA? You sure they're not jewish women?
shes the right amount of thicc and sticc
In their cases sterilization isn't really required
Yeah, and also/tv/.
Because nobody wants white women anymore, not even white men. White women have become even crazier and more spoiled these days that nobody wants to deal with their shit.
>chastity is still the most appealing trait for the average male
More like "she's going to sick a lawyer on me and I will get kicked out of school + lose a shitload of money" you mongoloid
did she die
Yeah, the white women here are often working as party princess or they get good highend jobs, or are sjw activists, and some are latina who look white.
are you retarded?
why would you want a woman to shake her ass in your face in public?
just have some standards
Countless general surveys have asked men their preference on women. Overwhelmingly, for the decades these surveys have been going, men prefer younger and more sexually inexperienced women over older and more experienced ones.
If black dudes are honestly starting to distance themselves from white females then good for them. Race mixing needs to be outlawed. It only hurts black communities.
No its not dude, its just sad
jew getting hurt by his own creation
keep looking on Sup Forums, that's how I found my partner, just make sure to get one who wants to be completely monogamous
This. There are actually more jews in inner-city NYC and LA now than there are whites.
Latina qt master race is where it's at
Nah I like black women, they actually have more logic than white women.
You hit me i hit you back. Black women are tough as fuck.
>76 replies
bravo mods
The real mvp
They realized that white wyman are even beneth animals like them.
Nah. You can practically hear him screaming I WAS SELF DEFENDING MYSELF SHE DID IT A THING TO ME FIRST right after
Not when they have to drag their families everywhere, and they can be pretty spoiled to, especially the sjw ones.
You need to stay away from black women, dude. It's for the good of society. Black communities are in a state of disrepair and isolation is the only way that blacks can solve those problems.
All white women are thots.
I've seen worse.
Problem with the internet is that you have to trust what the other person says without any proof, and there's no way to tell if someone is telling the truth or a really convincing liar.
>isolation is the only way that blacks can solve those problems
All these fellow black anons appearing out of the woodwork.
>white women
not even once
Based niggas getting redpilled i hope
How much did she get?
>black user
>iphone filename
you can't make this shit up
Fuck you, I wouldn't be born if that was the case.
Even the Bible says race mixing shouldn't be allowed. I guess not even God wants me alive..
nigga you know we here
if she has to dye her hair blonde that means she ain't white. that's probably why he's not interested, she just looks like a run of the mill slut you see everywhere.
very true, I guess I can say I lucked out a bit on that front, one would hope that someone who wanted monogamy and to find a loving qt partner wouldn't fuck that all up trying to fuck around
>people angrily downvoting a bot
why is everyone so fucking dumb
I prefer to call myself mixed tbqh.
that dude is beta as fuck
>p-please don't touch me i'm a pure chaste male, b-b-begone thot!!!!