Now that the dust has settled, whats the Sup Forumserdict?

now that the dust has settled, whats the Sup Forumserdict?
is this an actually good survival/crafting/base building game?
i couldnt care less about it being or not a 'Metal Gear' game
I only want an actually good AAA tier survival game that is challenging and fun


I'm addicted. It's the kind of game you play and kinda forget about it and start thinking about other things or listening to a podcast.

>now that the dust has settled

It's a surprisingly fun game. The story is shit and it takes hours before you can get into coop, but something about it keeps me coming back.

It's alright.


decent game cept for the SV coins being needed for base camp drilling, anyone know how i can cheat the timer to instantly start?

If you considered it for even a second you’re a brain dead retard. probably have no sense of money management either.

>The story is shit
the story is your average metal gear silly bullshit

It's shit

It's a game, not a good game, not a bad game.
Just an off the shelf game with nothing significant about it.

Played it for a few hours. Got really boring.

Honeslty Fortnite is basically the same game but less tedious and no hunger/thirst bullshit

How could a single post be so wrong ?

its very nice to play while listening to an album or podcast

The wait times are a bit annoying, and some of the community is fucking retarded. However thats also the fault of horrible tutorials that never tell you important shit in multiplayer.

That's not true.

>mfw I just figured out that you can kick grenades into people

it's $40, poorfag.

Definitely worth it provided the MP sticks around for a while

you can kick mortars grenades too

go shill somewhere else


But can you choke out people easily? I love griefing in MGS5 Online by just choking people out and continuously re-stunning them when they wake.

>now that the dust has settled
i see what u did there

This shill thread again

>is this an actually good survival/crafting/base building game?