HI GUYS Im about to buy a Nintendo Switch this morning so I want to hear some advices and recommendations about it.
Im thinking about buying Zelda and Pro Controller Pad, maybe mario kart too. What do you guys think???? Is it worth it?
HI GUYS Im about to buy a Nintendo Switch this morning so I want to hear some advices and recommendations about it.
Im thinking about buying Zelda and Pro Controller Pad, maybe mario kart too. What do you guys think???? Is it worth it?
Sure, go for it.
inb4 peasantfags telling you to wait a decade on the emulator
Yes. Be ready to exchange your pro controller if it comes with a bad directional pad. Amazing controller otherwise
I'd try the regular joycon grip before buying the pro controller, they really aren't that bad and the pro controller is too expensive for how it feels.
oh I dont want to exchange my control pad :(
tell me about the games, zelda is on point right?
I'd say he should try the joycons in the grip and detached from each other. Personally, I enjoy using them detached from each other much, much more than using them with the grip.
Yes it is expensive I have to try between controller or another game :(
Not him but Zelda is great. I really enjoyed it on the Wii U and recently bought another copy for my Switch (this time + the expansion) because I found it for cheap.
i dont like expansions because Im an old school gamer. I need to learn more about it. You can get that expansion physically or just digital download? I imagine the game is worth it without the expansion anyway
>I imagine the game is worth it without the expansion anyway
Of course. I paid 70€ for the Wii U game and it was absolutely worth it. I haven't gotten far in the Switch version, so I haven't actually experinced much of the expansion yet (only two new items and a new feature of the map so far). So I can't really judge the expansion yet. But the game definitely runs better on the Switch.
No, it's not worth it. Zelda is boring as fuck. Go ahead and don't believe me, I guarantee you will regret it, the game gets stale after like 12 hours. It's an extremely boring world with not much in it, virtually no dungeons and terrible combat. I hope you like doing shrine puzzles. I was just like you and bought a Switch mainly for Zelda and Mario and I very much regret it, I just sold it back.
Just buy it faggot, what are you 12 that you need other people’s approval to buy something?
Also, OP which country are you in? In some countries, there have been really good deals on the Switch.
I think you have to be mentally challenged to buy a Switch, but since you're just another dishonest fucking drone spamming a circlejerk thread, it is obvious that you aren't here for actual discussion.
You faggots are the most cancerous fanbase ever to grace this site.
Im smart man just comparing some impressions before spend some money
wtf bro Im just asking for some information, Im not part or any fanbase. The last console I bought was a SNES back in 1992. Just want to check some opinions, relax bro
enjoy user. I played it on wiiu back before it's release when it leaked and I still have it today. It's okay but the switch really set the experience for me.
If you like wipe you ass with money go for it.
Im from spain, the prices are a bit expensive imo but Im tired of waiting
>It's a ... world with not much in it
Yeah right ;)
BOTW and MK8 are better on CEMU in 4K/60
they mean to say that if you have the money to wipe your ass with then you might as well buy the game. Imo it's worth the experience. just sell it back or to someone else if you don't enjoy.
If you didnt get a wii u id say go for it
If you own a wii u i say wait until christmas for more games to come out because its not worth it for mario odyssey, xenoblade 2 and Kirby alone. Fire Emblem depending on the quality should be the seal if its worthwhile assuming it still comes out this year.
>huge stutters
>incorrect lightning
>way more glitches
In my opinion the expansion isn't really worth buying, it doesn't add much and the regular game can be enjoyed fine with it.
I was going to make a thread like this. I was gonna buy a few games and a controller but someone said that if I get too much I won't play anything and get tired of it. So what should I get? I think I'd like Mario and maybe just buy stuff from the E-shop until I finish oddesy. Does mario play well with the joycons or is a gamepad necessary?
don't bother with a pro controller, the joycons are fine
Ok, I might just get the console, a game and an e-shop card then. By the time my tax return comes in I should be bored with mario and I'll buy some more shit like zelda and a controller and a microSDXC card. I've also got like 5-7 3DS games to trade in since my 3DS broke.
Nope it's not worth it. Nintendo are Jews.
I'd recommend Bayonetta 2, it's a good deal since you get both 1 and 2 for the price of 1 game
The d-pad on my pro controller had a few issues with down registering as left or right, but the problem seemed to disappear with more use. Or if you're impatient there's a very simple tape trick you can perform in like five minutes.
>HI GUYS Im about to buy a Nintendo Switch this morning so I want to hear some advices and recommendations about it.
Don't buy it.
That's all.
I haven't played either of them and I hear great things and it's an experience that's really for consoles (I pirated the first game on my PC and couldn't get into it) also princess peach skins...I might pick it up. But does it play OK with the joycons?
I play it in handheld mode just fine, it also comes with the joycon grip that they clip into like a controller