What's the problem here exactly?

They were getting like $40k a few months back


What’s with the sudden drop?

botw is 100% playable

"Few months back" was at april 2017. After that is was dropping every month.
Why? Because all the patrons saw that only game worth playing on switch was BoTW and it was already playable by then.

Cemu is a great thing, thanks to this I was able to play BOTW without buying nintendo overpriced toys


At least the codemonkeys are no longer making a collective six figures a year by stealing from Nintendo.

was it a coincidence? updates went down as the money got up

People finished BotW and moved on. Bayo 2 sound fix never

Who the fuck cares about BotW? I want my fucking Smash 4 to work.

>Smash 4

>only get paid 13k a month for stealing other people's work

Glad to see nintendies are still absolutely devastated by the fact that emulation is legal.


Not to mention there asspain when the Switch emulator was announced.

The GPU is not capable of doing that.

>the graphics processing unit is incapable of processing graphics because we are too lazy to create a shell program that emulates the gpu in the wiiU so we'll put it all on the cpu instead

Whoa, you're an actual idiot.

Pretty sure cemu does use GPU for graphics. I thought you meant running the game itself on the GPU and not just rendering.

You mean it doesn't already work?

you're a squidiot


8600k overclocked to 5GHz here.

On 1.11.4, it literally crashes 5 second in without even getting to the game.

On 1.11.3, regular vs matches work ok, but there are still pretty big frame drops. Single player is broken, the opening cutscene is a still green image and the text prompts are blank. It's not even close to 100% working.

he seems to be enjoying it

I threw $5 at them, not for BotW, but because I had so much fun playing Toad Treasure Tracker.

I might give this game a go is it really good?

switch to single core compiler on 1.11.4 you nob

It's a personal 10/10 for me, but I love puzzle games.

Better hope that code isn't derived from Nintendo's original coding for the Wii U, otherwise it's bye bye emulator city.

Nintendo drones are so funny.

>milking patreon by slowing down updates
nigga thats how to be a patreon jew 101

Is Bayonetta 2 playable?

Are they still butchering other games to make botw run better?

Are you legitimately retarded?

the only game those faggots ever managed to get to run was Turd in the Wind. they deserve fuckall.

You dense cunt. There's a reason Emulator Developers hate this closed behind doors development. Especially if it's put behind the guise of "we don't want to show it because people are mean >:,("

8 player smash (even with 5 players) makes the rendering go nuts and massive frame drops

Nintendo drones are extremely funny.

>sex figures divided by 6
>a lot of money
poor people are so funny

Are you? Fucking hell, do your research on copyright before you open your mouth. There's a reason PlayStation retail emulators didn't lose two court cases back in the 90's.

It's not a Switch emulator.

Yeah yeah, enjoy your shitposting or ebin trolling or whatever it is. Just don't get caught pirating.


I don't think you understand how software development works.

If you're so enlightened then why don't you tell me? Or am I too stupid and "not worth it" for that?

Emulation couldn't kill the Switch or the 3DS so there's really nothing to be so smug about.

Reality check retards. Only poorfags on Sup Forums and Steam emulate their shitty games. Emulators have never killed an entire Nintendo console or a handheld. Portability was the point of the bloody thing which gives people less of a reason to care for switch emulation.

It's not only that. Getting games and setting up an emulator aren't very normie friendly for most platforms after a certain gen. The amount of people who actually put in the effort to mod a console or rig up settings on cemu are a minority compared to fanboys and normies buying shit.


Pretty much every WiiU game worth playing minus Pikmin 3 has already been announced coming to Switch.
There's literally no need for CEMU, everyone already owns a Switch.

w101 still hasn't been announced, just teased

Good now they can focus on the Switch Emulator.

I said worth playing.


>everyone already owns a Switch
good soyim

Best selling console in history. Yes everyone already owns one.

It would only be stealing from Nintendo if they used their code, or distributed Nintendo's software with their emu, but they don't. Delusion fanboy. Thats why no emulators have ever been removed unless they specifically use proprietary Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, or Sega stuff. Emulators are coded from the ground up to EMULATE hardware, thats the point.

tl;dr If Nintendo didn't make it themselves, they cant claim it.

Why Ninty hasn't send those motherfucking thieves to jail?

no body gives a shit about your shitty tablet

That's on by default, retard.

that's literally exactly it ROFL

Doesn't matter if they earn $0 next month.
They got their deserved money when nobody else offered a WiiU emulator.
Stop complaining.

Sm4sh optimization when?

they need to fix their fucking shader bullshit


BOTW still wont run without crashing on start

Worked for me like 6 months ago. Maybe you should update your drivers :)

>Oh no, they are only making 161,000$ a year!