Two Handed VS. Dual Wielding

Which one and why Sup Forums?

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Sword and board is better than either if you care about your life.

Two-handed became dominant meta IRL once armor got good enough and shields fell out of favor.

I raise you this

2 hand, dual wield was always a meme and suicude tier

In vidya DW tend to be more effective because LOLDAMAGECAP and there often being combo-mechanics. But it really is more style over substance.

This, half-swording is the only thing that's going to be of use against decent armour and even then that should be a last resort if you don't have something better for the job.
Even rondel daggers are going to be a better choice than dual wielding anything in that situation.

Two handing is much cooler looking and functional. Focused and ready.

Just mordhau those fags, user.

Dual wielding looks cooler, attacks faster and gets more crits so I like it more

>Durr but historically it was never done

Fuck off its a video game. Historically fire mages never existed either

lmao meleefags

Mordhau is a move within half-swording, no?

>Agincourt's behind you

sword n board

It was done historically, see Nitouryuu, Eskrima, off-hand dagger fencing, etc.
It's just that it's easier and less time consuming to teach your fodder soldier to use his pointy metal thing with both hands than to use one in each, if you want to be decent with dual wielding you probably needed to be well off enough to train for it and/or be a sword autist like Musashi.

If you gonna be that kind of fag you should go the distance and go with this or Drones.

Once I actually used a sword, I can't get enough of two handing. It's just so good, being able to use the handle like a lever due to having both hands there gives you a beautiful sense of control and weight a single one handed blade doesn't quite deliver.

Kind of, you hold the sword by the blade and pummel the enemy with the pommel.

Why are snipers so beautiful? I can't get enough of them.

I know what it involves, I just thought it was one move within the range of half-swording in general.
Maybe it varies between Fechtbuchs or something.

Enjoy having to set your foot down to reload that piece of shit every time. Longbows is where it's at.

Spear, why? Its better than both.


If we're using shields might as well go with the Spartan Dory and Aspis. That fighting style was something else.

>Games always have 2 handed as slow and clunky
>Dual Weilding is always ADHD spam fest

Dexterity Two-Hander and Brute Strength Dual Wielding see pure fucking kino, and hardly any games do them.

I am personally not sure whether you'd call it a move or a different technique altogether, I don't see someone twirling their sword to switch.

>TFW always have to be a tank if I want to use sword and board


>Almost 100,000$ for one of the most delicate rifles made
At least it looks cool, but battle rifles are where it's at.

Fast and agile two handing is the shit, I agree.

>if you want to be decent with dual wielding you probably needed to be well off enough to train for it and/or be a sword autist like Musashi
Even kids in the past could kick a practitioner's ass today

>Dexterity two hander
>He actually likes anime two handers that are as light as air

Fuck off

Good taste.

raiden btfos dualfags since 2001

>Dual-wielding thrusting swords
That shit won't fly against plated foes

This annoys me so much.

Just stab both armpits, anonboy. What can he do then?

I wish more games accurately displayed the advantage of using a shield. In Mount and Blade you can block two handed swords with a single handed weapon which is mostly improbably.

I miss when WoW gave you the choice to dual wield two handers or one handers with Warrior.

yeah im sure cutting does much better against plate

I mean, it's kind of the flipside of the same coin, but I see your point.

As with everything, the middle point is the answer.

>just kill SOME jews lmao

>Holocaust analogy

You use blunt weapons against plate armor, not swords. You could murder stroke them with the guard but that won't do as much force as a mace or stab their armpits like said, although the person two-handing the sword would probably get to you first.

>no games in which you can elegantly fight with a rapier
i guess i'm going to play a mage for rest of my life

Oh fuck, is this a mother fucking MEYER thread?

You can't choose now?

Nope. If you want to play old fury warrior just play frost dk.

There's plenty, you just have to open your eyes.

>Things can't be agile without resorting to anime tier horseshit

Take your own advice.

>What the fuck is a katana
Fucking retard.

What's an estoc

>two handing
>an estoc
Stabbing with two hands sounds awkward as fuck.

>What the fuck is a katana
>anime two handers that are as light as air
Reading comprehension, user.

One hand to hold, one hand to push

It sounds like you have a small penis.

It was a pretty versatile sword during the time, it was like a beefier rapier if it could also cut and actually be used on the field.

It was mainly done for dueling as opposed to actual warfare.

That's pretty much what I meant to say, I guess I didn't really make that part clear.

2-handed weapons are god-tier
I always use them whenever I can
Dual wielding is a fucking anime tier meme and has no advantages whatsoever to a more practical sword+shield

>Not dual wielding two hand swords
do you even d2 barb m8?

>Dual wielding is a fucking anime tier meme

Dual wielding daggers or a sword and dagger setup is pretty high tier, user.

Two-Handed > Sword & Shield > Sword > Dual Wielding
prove me wrong

You could do much more with a sword and buckler than a parrying dagger and sword

spears > everything else

actually wrong
twohanding a sword is both safer and more effective in theory if they were going against eachothers

Other Polearms > Spears

Proving his point

>*Polearms > everything else melee-orientated

Where can I buy those kind of poofy pants?

Sword and Shield affixed to gauntlet that leaves hand free > Sword and Shield

>Sword > Dual Wielding
what is the advantage of having a free hand? Not even being ironic

Two shields are impractical and will only get in eachothers way

You can parry and grab with an open hand

you can grab your opponent and beat him up

Grappling once close.

He's probably assuming gauntlets or at least suitable hand protection.

Crossbows were not used at agincourt though pleb

>dual wielding
>not quad wielding

fuck off faggot
twohanding swords are dex oriented


crossbows > longbows for outfitting an army
when you've got peasants unloading 3 bolts a minute with an easy to aim, no skill contraption like that the effect is deadly
it's one of the only reasons the first crusade was a success, in unfamiliar land the christian infantry often got separated or isolated and would form semi circles of spear walls backed by crossbow teams, these fucking annihilated those saracen desert dogs

You know a Zweihänder is only 2-3.5 kg.
It's also about 2m long.
IRL you need a sword not a 20kg paddle also you want reach that's why untrained peasants had pointy sticks and still managed to do some real damage if you keep them in formation.

assuming you're wearing hand protection you can actually grab your opponent's sword

2m of sword is a lot of force to handle. It's still pretty unwieldy.

He could be talking about fencing, you have a reduced target fighting side-on. Depends on the situation though, not much use in all-out warfare compared to dueling. Also .

>getting all his info from dark souls
Real estoc were characterized by not having any edge at all, while most rapiers througout history have had cutting edges

It would seem pretty obvious. Grabbing, parrying, good old punching, the ability to two hand or half-sword your weapon if the need arises. A free hand is very useful.

But how did it stab then?

by having a sharp tip
the one in dark souls doesn't allow you to use the edge that much, and there were estoc with edges

I meant that it did not have any cutting edges, of course it still had the point

Maybe for Zweihander and similar swords specifically, but not so for typical longswords. You're going to be much more dexterous using a longsword with two hands than dual wielding most other weapons, having a secure grip with both hands grants far superior control and less issues with coordination.

Best swords are sabres. So stylish and useful.
I read around that there was some sort of iai adapted to them, Is that true?

you faggots don't understand that matchups matter AND exist
that being said, 2h longswords are the most versatile and the safest all around

Dual wielding all the way my dude

The one in the pic is a bit big but you can see how large the cross is.
You also grab on to that part to swing faster, harder and more accurately.

enjoy not being able to block anything

Genoese mercs used crossbows, but the cords got wet and weren't very useful compared to the English bowmen that simply unstrung their bows until battle.

Every Englishmen and bow fag loves to go on about Agincourt while ignoring Patay where the English bowfags got decimated using the same tactics and positioning, they lost with 5,000 vs 1,500 French cavalry