This game is boring

It's not a troll.

I'm on Wall Market and nothing really happened up until now, except talking and boring fights...

I run away every battle and I could still defeat the bosses with ease...

Is this game overrated, does it get good eventually?

I played it when I was young, got to the final boss, but I don't really remember anything.

Take your ADD medicine and try again.

It’s great but not as amazing as the fans and Compilation make it out to be.

Maybe you just don’t really like these sorts of games.

wow user, but I'm not even trying to fight serious and i'm beating everything. Pretty much just spamming stuff, I don't even have a optimized equipment. When I'll be able to finally use my brain in this game?

I see, maybe it gets better, but it feels like a sopa opera, they went crazy with the talking.

i just finished the game month ago, after 15 years without touching it. It felt amazing, what a great game, it has some frustating points its true but in general its a masterpiece

probably the best final fantasy ever

Maybe it gets better when it opens up.

Also, Cloud is a really boring character, he's just like Squall, I used to hate him.

I thought he was better.

The game doesn't really expand gameplay-wise and everyone already knows the talking points about the story.

It's a mediocre game that was baby's first RPG on the PS1, not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just not as good as everyone touts.

The game is old. I hope your playing on an emulator with a fast forward function to skip slow ass animations. I still love the game though.

>Is this game overrated, does it get good eventually?
Final Fantasy has always been overrated. It's also never been good.

Yeah... but I really like VI though.

I've finished VI, VIII, IX and XIII

I couldn't stand X, X-2, XIII-2, XIII-3 and XII...

I left FF I halfway through...

what makes it a masterpiece is not only the gameplay.

>dat setting
>dat soundtrack
>dem comfy pre-rendered backgrounds
>dem party members
>dem gold saucer minigames
>dem endgame bosses

for me the more times I played it the more I liked it.

oops meant for

And they all felt mediocre.

But, at least, FF VI feels nice.

I also couldn't stand VIII, even though I've finished it.

I sure feels overrated.



Why do you think that writing like a retard is going to make people like your post more? Go fuck yourself.

no u

Don't worry, you're just an idiot.

Cloud was first so Squall is like Cloud if anything.

I had this game so idealized because I loved it back in 1998 and I felt a little disappointed because of the script, but it is fucking great overall and it made me cry a few times. It was so perfect back in the days

It's the usual casual brand propelled by incredible amounts of advertising, there's hardly any substance beyond the shiny graphics.
It's fine as a gateway to RPGs, but anything more than that and the entire brand falls woefully short.

So... it's good because it feels like a soap opera?

Not because its gameplay.

I feel it's actually a step down from Chrono Trigger.

How old are you, user?

Also, you might change your idea once you step on the map and hear the theme for it

I'm an oldfag.

So you're what? 19?


It gets a hellova lot better after midgar :)
Just stick with it a bit more. It is supposed to be easy at the beginning so noobs can ease into it.

It shit game, got overblown by huge marketing budget

So let me get this straight you're in your 30s just now getting to a game that everybody played in 1997, and you've decided a proper use of your time is to complain that that game from 1997 doesn't challenge your mental capabilities?

Maybe in your 50s you will have outgrown being a huge faggot. Good luck.

All the old final fantasies have aged like shit

>not as amazing as the Compilation makes it out to be.

What? I never felt the Compilation was trying to elevate the original VII instead of downplaying it in favor of their own contents. Okay, maybe Before Crisis did try to elevate it, I can accept that stance. But my point as a whole is: Please, elaborate.

Yet they were effective and people loved them. Can't say the same about the newer final fantasy games, can you?

idk at least cloud has a sense of humor, squall's a weenie for most of the game

>I run away every battle
look at this DOOD

>and you've decided a proper use of your time is to complain that that game from 1997 doesn't challenge your mental capabilities?
That's not what he said.
There's plenty of games from 1997 or even earlier that are a lot more challenging or well than FFVII, you fags just don't want to admit that FF has always been all about the spectacle instead of compelling gameplay.
>Can't say the same about the newer final fantasy games, can you?
Even FFXV sold six millions and it's the stinkiest turd in a shitty franchise, nostalgiafagging won't save you, you're the same kind of faggot as those who slob over FFXIII or FFXV, just from an earlier generation so you feel compelled to shit on younger people because your garbage franchise is catering to them now and left you in the dust.

I'm butthurted: The post.

> you fags just don't want to admit
Too bad faggot, game is great. Stay salty.

Sorry meant to quote

>blow up a fucking reactor like 10 minutes into the game
>nothing really happened up until now
0/10 bait.

>Is this game overrated, does it get good eventually?
Gameplay, yes. Story, no. OST? Definitely not.

Yeah, Final Fantasy will continue to sell because its brand name and huge market...

But the games are mostly overrated sopa operas with a big spectacle... Gameplay was always second thought.

Even FFVI has a lot of gameplay bugs, some even game breaking...

You're the one who's salty.

Sorry meant to quote

Really user? How old are you? You need to be 18+ to post on Sup Forums.

>calls people salty
>mass replies out of anger

>reaction image
the salt is real

I see. I'll keep playing until CD 2, if it doesn't get better by then... it's over for me.

But, at least, there're a lot of anons that feels like me, at least. So it's not just a "this game is not for you" thing.

>getting upset at reaction images on an image bored

>FF has always been all about the spectacle instead of compelling gameplay.
user, it's a menu based, turn based, jrpg.
You aren't playing it for the compelling gameplay, and the fact that you even brought that up as an argument means you either have played no jrpgs before, or just a trolling for (you)s.

yeah, right

calm down

be honest, you only like FFVII because of nostalgia

>but it feels like a sopa opera, they went crazy with the talking.
It's a JRPG. They're dialogue heavy.

easy (you)'s

be honest, you only shitpost about FFVII because it's more popular than your favorite game.

Casual detected

u mad?

You are just enjoying it wrong. You are meant to enjoy the story, journey and music.

I'm rad.

deep breaths

I like close to everything about it and I know it's not nostalgia since I like VI, which I played much later, and I consider them the same game.



>still responding to reaction images out of anger

>It's not a troll.
>blatant reddit spacing
uh huh.

Yeah, I agree. It's more about the characters and the "journey". It's hard to enjoy that, though, when the media has evolved so much.

Yes, but I feel the gameplay is lacking, I'll try to finish CD 1, if it doesn't get better by then... I don't think it'll get better in the future.

I'm enjoying FF Tactics a lot though. Even the graphics still holds up.

chill out

> (You)

relax buddy

here's your (you) since you need so much.

I agree OP. Played the game after hearing what a hardcore and deep JRPG it is but left disappointed.

It was an inherently very easy and shallow experience that I managed to 100% in 10 days having gone in blind and never played a Final Fantasy game before...

There's plenty of turn based JRPGs with compelling gameplay, which I've played, unlike (You).
But I'm sure you're going to reply that there's no good turn based JRPGs because of the ten shitty games you played in your life and your atrocious taste and low standards.

>Played the game after hearing what a hardcore
Nobody has ever said this, quit lying faggot.

People used to say it was a hardcore game user. Specially when dealing with the Weapons.

>managed to 100% in 10 days having gone in blind and never played a Final Fantasy game before...

FF games tend to be boring in general. Slow ATB gameplay and the story tends to be about crystals or orbs bringing or turning someone into God.

VII was a bad Final Fantasy. It had absolutely terrible equipment, skill, and ability systems that allowed no room for players to shape their characters in any way. The materia system going off outside of your control was even worse designed than VIII's limit spamming. The combat was slow and boring and the only interesting mechanic AT ALL was the dynamic between Cloud and Tifa, and it didn't really add anything to the game at all. It had a terribly boring setting that's only praised by "classic fans" because it didn't emphasize a medieval theme, completely disregarding that Final Fantasy has used sci-fi elements from the start of the series. Your cast consisted of characters like Barret who was completely forgotten by the plot after his usefulness to the story was up, characters like Vincent who basically just showed up whenever the game felt you needed a party member and didn't do ANYTHING of any relevance, and characters like Yuffie who I'm still trying to figure out why she was added to the game. The protagonist and antagonist being "an edgy swordsman pretending to be first-class SOLDIER and a man with mommy issues" is by far the worst plot in the series, much worse than either the orphanage in VIII or "You're a dream Teedus" could ever hope to be.

The worst part of all? In a series that's known for its innovation in its genre, Final Fantasy VII bitched out and actively BACKTRACKED to boring, outdated, mechanics. At least the early games it was a callback to were innovations of their time like the ATB system in IV, and at least for the PSX titles VI and Tactics all tried to do new things with turn-based RPGs, storytelling, and world building even if it didn't please everyone- whereas VII actively decided to say fuck that, and appeal to idiots who want video games to stagnate.

It was boring and had nothing unique going for it. In fact, nothing about the game is particularly memorable. It has no sense of identity for itself and just takes after previous titles.

No they didn't you fucking idiot. Weapons were a challenge before the internet was so fucking common. The same could apply to any game back then. Even then nobody went around spouting about shit being hardcore because nobody cared about that shit.

>all these disgusting newfag filth falling for shitty minimum effort bait
The absolute state of Gen Zyklon Sup Forums

It's like I'm reading a review by DSP.

If the graphics are bothering you, you're probably better off waiting for the HD remake. Personally VII will always be one of my favorites, not because of game play(though you can turn the atb to active which makes it a little more fun), but because of story, characters, exploration, and a lot of secret stuff to find. Also it's not heavy on the cutscenes, which most games are now.

happy thoughts

go back to Sup Forums

>does it get good eventually?
yes. the first 4-5 hours of the game are essentially tutorial. as you finish with Midgar in another hour or so, the game really takes off.

game goes to shit after midgar, at least until disc 2

So far I agree with you.

Barret is overly aggressive, he even does a Gorilla thing when he's angry. I don't get this character at all.

The Cyber Punk theme didn't fit so well... at least from my point of view, the Steam Punk thing going on in FF VI fitted so much better with the medieval theme.

The game feels too easy, and has so much focus on the story that you've got to push through it.

Vincent is a edge lord king of the darkness. Completely unecessary.

do not listen to this FUCKING FAGGOT. this game will rot your mind. it is FUCKING WEEB TRASH. this game will make you able to tolerate shitty weeb trash, it is an indoctrination program developed by nips. DON"T FALL FOR IT UNLESS YOU WANT BRAIN DAMAGE.

It's a nice experience for 10-15 years olds. Full of cool animu superpowers, super long animations and badasses.

If you're outside of this age group, there isn't too much to enjoy there anymore.

Have you ever played any other RPG before? If not, let me tell you that they are all like that. RPG's back in the days were very text heavy because unlike your braindead first person shooters, RPG's actually have to tell a story and let you play a "role" hence 'roleplaying games'. If you cannot enjoy FFVII then you probably won't enjoy any other RPG either.

you're 20 years late, it didn't age that well in many ways.
I jumped in late aswell and i dropped it 3x within the first 10 hours, this year i finally pulled through and it got a LOT more fun for me once you have access to more interesting materia combinations.
I loved it even if it took me years to push through

t. butthuted

FF5's strengths are its lighthearted atmosphere and player choice/repeatability. It gives you a ton of options to play with.
FF6's strengths are in its scenarios and open ended second half. There's a bunch of interesting short stories tied together by an overarching narrative and you're free to choose which ones you're interested in pursuing to the end.
FF7's strength is its direction. Every angle and shot is fantastic.

>access to more interesting materia combinations.
This is it right here. The balance in this game is FUCKED and its so much fun for it. Because there are so many ways you can break this game with certain materia combos.

I see, I'll finish the CD 1, I hope it gets better when starting the CD 2.