Fighter Z thread.
What's your team and why?
Fighter Z thread.
What's your team and why?
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Im so close to the 530k achievement. Only 15k more. I just wish ranked wasnt high risk low reward.
Also 18, 16, vegeta. Idk if I want 18 anymore but I cant find a good replacement for her.
They really need to implement a ragequit punishment system its getting ridiculous at this point.
When you play ranked you should just assume there's a 50% your opponent will ragequit.
Chadhan, Tohan, 18
Because goddamnit I can't help myself
I don't have a team anymore because this game disconnects in the middle of every match I play. Not ragequitting either. I cannot play more than 2 matches without being disconnected from the lobby.
The patch needs to come the fuck out already.
Nappa, 21, Tien
I'd rather use Nappa, Ginyu, 21 (or Frieza) though, but am a bit too much of a wuss to use them in ranked. That's just my casual match team.
I still can't find one that feels right to me. I think I'm gonna try Kid Buu, SSB Vegeta, and Black or something. Maybe I'll even try Nappa.
Adult Gohan, Goku Black
Then i juggle a little betwen Yamcha, Piccolo, Cell and #18
I like using Yamcha and Trunks. My third changes depending on who I want to play, but most of the time its Goku or Cell.
Trunks, Vegeta (SSGSS), and Goku Black, all picked because I like the characters and not much else. Nearly up to 400k and have 18 ranked wins in a row after finally getting the hang of the team after replacing Beerus.
Don't really like black though I just use him for the assist
I disconnect the moment I see someone using android 16, is this still a rage quit? I dont even play the match.
Vegeta (SSGSS), Goku (SSGSS), Goku Black
Vegeta rekka mixup is scary AF and its hella easy to do with Goku assist, Goku Black has my fav SSJ form
Gotenks Nappa Vegeta
I don't know what the fuck I'm doing and the game gave me threat level pink. I'm just mashing
>MFW reach orange square/Supreme Kai
>Everyone is being a faggot and using 16
>tfw been on a huge losing streak recently
it hurts, anons
Yes you fucking pussy
nah you just decided to opt out.
put a non braindead character on your team and I'll play you. 16 is on BLOCK
No because 16 is a faggot
He actually uses a fucking sword, like a super-human who isn't a goddamned retard.
Swagger walk+victory Dab
I also just like his attitude. He's a spunky little bastard.
pic related is the only Goku that should've been added in the season pass
Does 16 really need super armor?
We need more characters with armor/grappler properties honestly. I'm really hyped for broly and hope bardock has a grab of his own.
stance intensifies
My current team is Frieza/Beerus/Nappa, although Nappa is just a place holder until the real big boy comes out. I originally had Kid Buu in there, but his normals felt so different that it threw off all my combo structure.
As for reasons, both Beerus and Frieza feel right for me, and I also happen to enjoy them both as characters. I don't care much for Broly's character, but his playstyle has always been an immensely unique and fun, and I'm sure it'll be no different here.
but I mean what logical reason is there for him having armor? he's already like a grappler without any of the detriments of being a grappler.
>Not admit your defeat and growing up to be a better person
I hope no one here don't quit a battle when losing, right?
Adult Godhan
Really want to switch one of them for Gotenks though, but can't decide who
I'm honestly surprised to see Nappa so high even for such a small amount of people.
I think all 3 are cool design wise, Trunks being my fav. DBZ character and Cell being my Fav. DBZ villain. Yamcha has cool moves and wolf gang fist is awesome.
I've never once quit mid match, but I have denied or declined rematches where it's clear I'm severely outclassed.
I'm honestly surprised I've never ragequit before, because I have terrible anger issues.
It's reserved for people who can't decide their third character since there was one of those.
How does the color system work exactly?
I'm not very good at fighting games and after a long loss streak that left me at around 40% wr I dropped to dark green
However I started tryharding and avoiding anything beyond yellow, been on a big winstreak and already over 50% again, yet I'm still dark green.
How do I rank up my color?
beerus, kid buu, frieza.
Name your picks for a team with no Saiyans and no Androids
>activating a setup seizure procedure in the corner and charging in the opponents face and they have no idea what to do
He does have some shitty projectiles. Besides that though he is am extremely solid character but I don't really blame arcsys for that. That's more on toriyama for not making more grapplers in the series to really attach that archetype onto so they had to make due with him until broly. And chances are broly will be much worse to deal with since actually has ok projectiles and wall carrying grabs in his outings.
There's always a few characters that no one uses that do really good. Usually they're characters that are alright, but for whatever reason aren't that popular. So the people who do play them have the uncommon character advantage.
Every C. Viper has fought a million ryus, but most ryus haven't fought that many c. vipers
Demon Rank
Gohan is a pressure monster and Vegeta is my best character, he's been consistent on my team since the game released. Nappa is just fun to fuck around with, especially once the saibamen are out
Considering dropping Nappa for Broly or Bardock
I've always loved heavy ass grapplers, Vegeta's one of my favorite DB characters. Frieza just happened to be someone I'm okay at playing and his assist matched really well with Vegeta's to extend 16's combo game.
Goku, Vegeta B, and Freeza
Post-20 update. Ignored replies to this though Also surprising to see Frieza so much. I don't bump to people using him online that often.
>Sniping people out with his ki blast, big damage, his big bang trips people up in general and block strings because the charge is a hit
>Best level 3 in the game, amazing mix up game and movement also has a beam
>Does everything extremely well, great mix up with IT meter burn also best overhead 2H in the game.
Overall the team has great synchronicity as well.
Shit, forgot about Yamcha.
No love for Fat Buu at all.
Is there a release date for the Broly dlc yet?
not yet
Someone post the Cell behind Gohan pic.
You know the one.
>Be me
>Only ragequit when I don't think my opponent deserves the win
>ragequit a decent amount since day 1
>Still not even a purple name
>Only ragequit when I don't think my opponent deserves a win
The only time you might think your opponent doesn't "deserve" a win is when they're doing cheap shit. But that means that you're supposed to beat them on round two and absolutely mop the floor with them on round three. Not a ragequit.
Where is this from?
Source is this thread fed into excel.
there's no such thing as an undeserved win, LTG
I stopped playing. Honestly dbfz is pathetically bad compared to guilty gear and tekken
no such thing as cheapshit, only way a win can be undeserved is a shitty connection
No seriously, that piece of shit didn't deserve a spot in the roster
base goku is in the season pass
I gotta admit I've been tempted to ragequit during 7+ frame delay matches. But I've still always suffered through them and just denied the rematch.
Sometimes I get the urge to ragequit if my opponent is dropping their connection, but yeah they really should just force people who ragequit in ranked into a sepearte matchacking pool. I think the reason devs haven't done it is cause they're afraid queue times will take too long if they split up the playerbase.
jap speakers does this have any new info at all?
bored of waiting, what kinda marketing is this
No such thing as cheap in a fighting game. If you don't like what your opponent is doing, you give them a reason to stop. If they beat you, that means they deserve the win.
Trunks, Vegeta, Adult Gohan. I wanted to do a father-son pair on my team but Piccolo is too meter hungry just to get basic shit done.
16 has been in tons of dbz games and is a important to the cell saga. He absolutely deserves a spot as much as 18 and 17.
I love Tien for the x-factorWhat's that shit called? shitwrecking he brings after being last
You already know the characters aren't releasing until late March at the earliest. What exactly are you bored waiting for?
i'm only annoyed because they teased them
>No such thing as cheap in a fighting game.
I agree. It's not their fault for being "cheap" if it works against you. I was just trying to wonder what that rage quitter's reasoning might be and approach it from that angle.
The only reason why I get dissconect in the middle of matches is because the game keeps booting me off the lobby. What the fuck. Now it seemed that I raged quit, even though I didn't. It pisses me off more than losing.
at least one trailer will likely come next week since v-jump with the full info is in 2 weeks
>not rage quitting every match you're going to lose to enrage the entire community, forcing Arc to deploy a patch for this shit
It's like you enjoy retarded spergchildern pulling the rug from under you again and again.
Yamcha, Krillin, Tien.
Ginyu, Kid Buu, Frieza.
This game doesn't support dinput? What do you guys with dinput sticks/pads do?
real release date for vjump is 21st
but yeah maybe
are you on ps4? every single issue has been resolved on PC at least for me
If Arcsys made another FighterZ-style game that's a crossover with other Jump series, what would your team be, and what series would you like to see? I'd love to see Bastard, Weed (would make for a nice Okami style character,) and Shaman King since these series have been getting sidelined in more recent crossovers, and Mazinger Z would be a nice surprise even though Go Nagai hates Jump. My team would be the true shounen holy trinity, Goku/Seiya/Kenshiro.
I'd rather have spirit bomb and kaioken over meme goku.
>Not Goku/Naruto/Luffy
nappa, piccolo,16
Many Naruto characters could make for fantastic Fightan characters. Shikamaru alone could be super interesting.
x360ce (64bit). No problems whatsoever with it.
Anyone have any good BnBs or tips for using Le stance man xd
Ultra Instinct would've been less shit if it had stayed like that instead of going Blanco
Motherfucker it happened it again and it occurred as soon I lost. Now that guy thinks I'm a sore loser. And yes, I'm using the PS4 version. I'm too much of a poorfag to invest in a decent PC.
>got the 530k achievement last week
>starting the grind for 20 million zeni
>4 million in and already want to kill myself
haha you god damn pussy.
>playing 16
get that ass banned.
I love Ginyu but I don’t know what role to give him and what I should be focusing ob
16/Vegeta/Ginyu but I'm switching to Bardock/Vegeta/16 when he releases, I just have Ginyu for memes right now.
>wanted to play Cell/16/Vegeta since announcement
>turns out they are high tier/broken
Now people are going to think I'm tierfag
Only time I've truly ragequitted a fighting game was Skullgirls, fuck infinite combos, then I learned how to do those myself.
Goku Blue/Cell/Goku Black is my main team right now. I was fucking around with Krillin and tien against a friend last nigh and I really like playing with them. I also play Goku, Kid buu and Vegeta Blue.
I played 16 for the first time yesterday and could already do his BnB with the vanish from watching streams. He's pretty boring though so I don't touch him. Same for Adult Gohan, I can play him but he isn't fun to play as.
sg doesn't have infinites you retard
Use Ginyu Force to keep up with pressure if you're running out of assists. You can pretty much summon one or two after each knockdown.
Time to make some doughnuts
Just for fun!