*Extends your opponent's combos*
*Extends your opponent's combos*
Win or lose, I will not rematch you if you play 16. I just beat a guy who was able to do faggot 10 second combos with him.
And I don’t care what anyone says, this game gives certain characters priority on their attacks and 16 is one of them.
>this game gives certain characters priority on their attacks and 16 is one of them.
There's actually no facts to this, you just made that up and said it.
Any word on the new content? Either way, post webms.
t. teenager playing his first fighting game ever
I love 16
>complains about 16
>when literally every team has Goku Black on it
Honestly, I don't want any of them nerfed, but it would be nice in the future to maybe buff Nappa, Krillin, Tien, Piccolo and Yamcha a wee bit. Like give Nappa a variation of his lvl 3 that can be performed in the air and doesn't need the initial hit to connect to start.
>could've done a level 3 instead after candy beam
That buu deserved it
Oh whoops, meant to reply to
Your game is dying
but black is totally ok because you use him
kys capcbro
>That invincibility when Buu's vanish should have hit him
A people say 16 isn't bullshit.
You dont know if I use Black or not.
I do but you still didn't know that.
>at EVO
>tournament vids popping up all the time
>thriving community of modders, tourneygoers and spectators
>still receiving DLC support
>already sold more than MvC:I
>accolades and awards
Here's your (You)
Hey Bulma took his suicide chip out dammit.
Someone didn't play story mode
It's still the most alive fighter currently besides tekken. Not to mention it set sales records for steam and is getting the most popular movie characters in about a month. Is mvci even getting dlc anymore?
Fighting 3+ meter'd Vegetas is fucking scary.
>Cant dash him because he'll 2h you
>Cant let your guard down because he'll Final Flash
T. Saltboi with more than 1 second reaction times
I absolutely hate the "vegeta is only good for assist" meme that the furfag started. He has way more versatility than most and his damage isn't bad either. Blugeta is easily much worse than super saiyan.