Why are 90% of video game protagonists always ideals of perfection, Sup Forums? They have the perfect face...

Why are 90% of video game protagonists always ideals of perfection, Sup Forums? They have the perfect face, perfect background and are mostly OP regardless of the situation.

Why can't we play as a fat/ugly/nerdy/weak person (v?) and improve from there?

how could i as a 5'6 beta asian male ever hope to please a woman like this?

Cuz no one wants to be a loser. This is the dumbest question I’ve ever seen.

where are you getting these stats from?

women clearly do though

No thanks, I like to play as Chads. Most men just get the urge to improve themselves after seeing perfection. Fuck off now women.

How about you fuck off and fap to your traps instead, neckbeard?

Because it's fantasy and the truth is everyone wants to look like a 10/10 Chad or Stacy deep inside

If you have a largish dick and some skill in bed (dominance and soft bdsm) you’re good. Literally nothing else matters.

Unlike women who get triggered by perfection, I get an urge for self improvement.

while I would say that man is very attractive, his face is kind of uncanny, he looks like a sex doll or something.

Slight imperfections can be attractive and add character to your face. There's something just really bland looking about people like the models in the OP.

Um, you kinda need to get them in the bed first

Why would you? Just get an asian woman that's built for your size (and more loyal / less slutty to boot). That's what I did as a 5'6 male.

>There's something just really bland looking about people like the models in the OP.

not a bad idea if you could excute it properly, seeing how your miserable fat piece of shit becomes turbo chard both visually and statically
kinda like fable but you start with a pathetic character

How do I be like the left if I'm Asian?

blonde + blonde couples look boring af

Because as a male I dont care if he looks prettier than me, in a fantasy world where i can look good I will. Doesnt make me feel bad about myself because the character itself isnt real.

What's the source of that gif? I'm guessing she's looking at some form of female objectification from a game?

He looks like he's spent 3 hours getting ready to take that candid photo. Perfectly grooming his face and hair, applying makeup etc.

There's a porn game that has you start as some skinny dweeb then as you progress the missions you become more and more muscular and chad-like
somethingtown is the name

they're aesthetic af, racism will get you nowhere user

I don't care,just like fun games

you can create ulgy characters in fallout, saints row, whatever game swith character creating options
youa re fooling yourself OP

>skill in bed (dominance and soft bdsm)

So you have no idea what skill in bed means?

Women wants other women to feel like losers, they are very vile and hateful sex.

perfection also turned me gay

Ditto. Never considered whether a character looked like me or not until i started playing games with a character creator. And even now those are the only games where i might care to represent myself. As a kid i loved Cecil from ff4. Do you think i cared that he had purple/blue hair?

why would you want to?

By being handsome.

>you can never be this fedora

>spanish flag

>He isn't a 8/10
loling at u OP

Frank West was great for a more realistic person in his field. Visually anyway.

They are perfection BECAUSE they are the protagonist, look at Mario, Manlet, Fat, Hairy, fucking gigantic nose but still got so much porn it is silly since the style he is presented in downplays his "flaws"

Dick doesn't matter. Skill in bed does though.
Type "how to eat pussy" in PornHub, there is a video of a guy that knows his shit, watch this. If you know how to make her cum just with your tongue and fingers, you will never have to worry a day in your life.

so the elevator scene on Drive is just a western version of this?

My hairline is starting to recede at 20 and my hair is thinning.

Because I want to play as a protagonist that inspires me to improve myself and work hard

White American women seem to have a general tendency to completely ignore Asians as potentially attractive people. My wife thinks it's absurd that a man can be attracted to an Asian woman. They just don't see it.

the virgin blacksmith's son
the chad lord

thats gay as fuck

cuz if a fat weak nerd starts doing incredible things its unrealistic self insert wish fulfillment garbage which is even worse.
I'll take good looking gary stu's any day over that shit

white girls love asian guys

>Dick doesn't matter, that's why I watch videos on how to compensate

>Why can't we play as a fat/ugly/nerdy/weak person
But this is same with females? Besides some latest sjw games were females were specifically made to be okay-ish at best, women protags were usually hot.

So blonde...

If they all look the same and one looks good then they all look good.

do you even play games faggot?

>ruining actors' fight performance with frame skip
Modern editors, ladies and gentlemen.

Let's be honest user, only a certain type of white girls like asian boys.

Dude, if you aren't a handsome dude then you aren't. Most of us aren't. What are you asking? How to be born with good genetics?

You can be 'more' handsome than you are now though, by going to the gym for a couple of years and dressing well. But you know... it's a pain.

If you're not willing to learn, you're not ready to please women my friend. Be confident with your sexuality.

5'-7" beta spic reporting in. I feel your pain. Most I can do is get /fit/ because my dick is pitiful and can only probably please a petite Asian girl.


that woman is too ugly for that guy

Yes, it's called dirtyblonde.

>Sitting down with his jacket buttoned
fucking slob

No, it's just that it's a fact that vaginal (penetration) orgasm isn't the best orgasm for women. Clitoris stimulation is literally the way they are meant to cum. So yes, a BBC can make them cum, but it will never be as good as a simple lick well executed. But hey I am just a random guy online, you don't have to trust me lol

Asians are inferior in every possibile way to whites

Whenever I see a blonde dude + blonde chick couple it makes me smile, especially if they have kiddos

I fucking hate seeing brown haied dudes with blonde chicks, or blonde haired dudes with brown hair chicks. Waste of rare colour genes, pisses me off.

I want blonde chicks to still fucking exist in 20 years, not be fucking gone

Sorry about your genes, bro. If you have thinning hair early and your head isn't shaped funny i suggest just shaving your head. Go bald. There is cool bald. Also, exercise enough to not be a slob. Good hygiene. Decent clothes. Be funny, but also listen more than speak. Girls love love love talking about themselves. Make them think it's all about them.

I think it's mainly a height-thing. Most asians are shorter than western men, and women are OBSESSED with height.

But of course, most people, regardless of race, tend to prefer their own race as partners. So asians in western countries who want a white girl probably has it difficult becaues you have to get over two barriers, first the height-barrier, then the race-barrier.

asians have better brains

>Why can't we play as a fat/ugly/nerdy/weak person (v?) and improve from there?
Fat and ugly doesnt sell unless its a cartoon character. Realistically its hard to root for a realistic fat person unless he is trying to improve himself like you asked, but even then think of how a fat person would be controled and how he would feel in your hand. They are slow and often times in the way and lazy. When fat people of reality actually change their outlook in life to a positive one we can all agree on, they will be known as the fatty whiners.

Maybe in shit-skin land, in Sweden that guy isn't blonde.

>There is cool bald

There isn't.

GTA characters look like shit

here we go again

I also have a big forehead.

Non-Japanese Asians are literally subhumans

If your dick was long enough to hit a woman's A-spot then you would know this isn't true.

I make the character how I want to look, its a lot of self loathing but its not like i cant fix my actual appearance.

>school shooter and suicide race
>better brains

Hes a cartoon, op is talking realistically

Ugly people shouldn't reproduce or be loved, i don't see the problem.

Only the Japanese, some Koreans, and maybe a few Chinese. I guess you can throw in Taiwan too but they are basically Chinese.

Southeast Asians and middle easterners are subhumans though.

they only get higher test scores because they cheat

google "china cheating tests"

it's strange to be bringing this up on Sup Forums, where most girls are weebs and on Sup Forums which idolizes asian game skills

it might be true with the general population but with the gamer/weeb crowd an asian dude seems to have a decent enough chance. seems like half the cute girls on twitch already have asian bfs or expressed interest in one


uh white kids are the school shooters you moron. School shootings only happen in america anyway. American-asians are NOT true asians anyway they are literally whites in asian skin. They haven't gone thru the hell of living in an elitist asian society where money and education rule the world.
I agree about suicides tho. Have seen multiple friends do it. Have go thru that phase myself

>falling for the women need a big dick to orgasm meme

Girls liking anime boys doesn't mean they like asians. Anime characters are designed after white people.

>on Sup Forums which idolizes asian game skills
the only thing Sup Forums idolizes are pics of soy consuming men with switches in their hands user

Don't be dumb. You knock on that cervix and fun time is over

Most of the "white" kids that commit massacres like that tend to be half of something else, generally half Asian or half Hispanic. There was even one dude that was half black.