just bought pic related for £15. is it worth it? is the game actually good?
Just bought pic related for £15. is it worth it? is the game actually good?
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where did you get it for 15 bucks?
No! Nononononononononono!
Yeah it's alright. I'd focus on the combat, weapons and enjoying the world.
Difficulties are kinda inconsistent. I'd recommend Very Hard but that sometimes almost forces you to use stealth, which is broken.
grainger games, local chain of game stores around where I live (Newcastle, UK). It's a used copy but I didnt feel like paying £25+ for a new one.
The first hour or two where you are introduced to the characters and plot is fucking atrocious.
Once you're free to roam wherever you want it gets very good.
Also this Once you get out into the world is when the game starts being fun.
it's alright, standard ubisoft style open world game. fighting robo dinosaurs is fun but can get pretty repetitive pretty quickly.
story is kinda mediocre and predictable, but the general setting is kinda cool and I wish shit was more fleshed out and well developed. overall HZ:D is probably one of the most safe, bland games I've ever played. Only remarkable thing about it is the graphics which are seriously impressive for a console game.
I'll try out hard or very hard, don't usually play higher than normal cause I'm a bit of a casual but I'll give it a shot.
Very Hard is nice because traps and CC are very useful, but there's a slingshot and a "rattler" (shotgun) that are way more fun if you can run and gun.
>fighting robo dinosaurs is fun but can get pretty repetitive pretty quickly
I disagree with this. The amount of ways you can battle every different dinosaur is great. Every robot is made up of smaller parts that can be interacted with in different ways.
are there many enemy variations? or is it just like 100% robot dinosaurs, with 3 different types of them?
Not him but there are like 15 different robots in the main game. There are three recolors iirc but the rest are unique and require different strategies on higher difficulties. The redeeming factor is that as said in they're all made up of different smaller parts.
You can shoot powerful weapons off the robots and pick up yourself, destroy horns and antlers to disable attacks, explode fuel canisters off their backs, destroy cargo holders for loot and antennas/radars to disable abilities etc. You'll notice in game, you can scan them if you want.
Aloy is actually already dead. You find her corpse near the end of the game
thankfully I don't care much for ubisoft's story writing and I'm mainly interested in just blowing up some robo dinos
Didn't care for the story, but it looks good and is pretty fun.
ohhhhhhhhhh dear.
order cancelled.
is it though?
I mean say said that Mad Max Fury Road is a feminist movie and I didn't see it at all.
Buy the DLC too
>says he already bought it
>then asks if it's worth it
>then asks if it's good when he could be playing it to see for himself
Sure is shitposting around here
Nah man I've just ordered it, doesn't come for two days. Just wanna know what I'm in for.
Is that situational, or does this kind of thing run through the whole game?
I kind of was on the edge of buying, but I don't wanna buy propaganda
The game is definitely trying to push an agenda
nah, it's not IN-YOUR-FUCKING-FACE kind of shit
you'll see a lot of coloured people, strong women, weak men and their opposites
the lore will explain it all though, thank god
>play game
>tutorial is terrible
>wanna drop it
>ask /bee/
>"fucking shill play it for yourself"
If you like to do nothing but follow orders of devs like a dog, go ahead. The game almost play it self alone, everything is descripted in de HUD who is flooded of informations that you didnt had any effort to have.
aw man :/
I wouldn't bother with very hard unless you want things to one-shot you and you want to spend 90% of the game picking up plants, because you actually get LESS drops the harder it is, inexplicably.
>If you like to do nothing but follow orders of devs like a dog
That's nearly every fucking game ever made.
If that's what you paid for the complete edition then that's not bad. Otherwise you paid for an incomplete game.
Everything is propaganda if you think it is. You could easily argue that this game is anti-female in the same way that it is feminist.
>Three female leaders are really stupid throughout the game
>Female war leader is a moron who leaves her more sensible son to save her ass
>Leader of the most modern/technologically advanced cultures are men
>Only characters with actual development are male, as if the writers are scared of writing interesting females
Besides being shitposting, it brings up an important thing:
Turn all HUD elements to dynamic. It's really important.
The game definitely has an agenda, but it's got a fun game to back it up, so unless you think you're going to get brainwashed by liberal propaganda because of one decent game, give it a go.
Just play the fucking game you insecure emasculated faggot.
t-thanks feminism
>meanwhile in Japan
Very generic open world game elevated to "pretty good" because of very fun robot battles. Learn how to hardcounter birds because they're really fucking annoying.
It's a good game and the dialogue makes sense. I don't know how many times I've said that, but the game is more anti-Feminism than anything. The Matriarchal tribe Aloy comes from is fucking stupid and so many character point that out. Aloy also comes to a realization that her tribe sucks. It's a fun game with an interesting sci-fi story.
I swear the only people who give a shit about "SJW shit" in games are insecure manlets.
pretty much, I was actually kinda blown away at how decent this game is, compared to how Sup Forums reacted to it.
>fighting robo dinosaurs is fun but can get pretty repetitive pretty quickly.
I hate this lie meme. The combat is the core of the game and upgrading and getting stronger is this game at it's peak, the robots have more variety then literally any other open world action game, too many factors for any encounter for anything to feel the same or repetitive.
I was worried about getting this because I saw a screenshot of the map and it looks like side missing poison. Were all those icons insane quests?
I swear the people who say that shit never actually played the game. It's made very clear that the Nora are considered backwards retards, the matriarchs are portrayed as being heartless and corrupt, and even the main character herself rebukes them.
And then there's the little detail about every other advanced tribe being led by men.
While that's true (the interaction robots have with everything is insane) it does get pretty repetitive killing watchers and scavengers and a few others.
>I swear the only people who give a shit about "SJW shit" in games are insecure manlets.
This. You think Chad gives a shit about “SJW”’shit in his video games? No, he’s bragging to his many friends and girlfriend about how he’s playing this “badass game about robot dinosaurs”
The issue is that there's not actually a ton of them, and a few varieties (like glinthawks or sawtooths) you keep fighting over and over and over again.
>the average sony fan
Feels good bros
I also hate killing those robots that look like giant kettles, they feel like they have about 70% more hp than they really need.
>bringing console wars into the thread
You're even worse than Sup Forums
>they feel like they have about 70% more hp than they really need
Start taking advantage of weaknesses. They all have hardcounters and weaknesses that you can exploit to kill them extremely fast. If any robot (besides arguably the big three) feel like they're taking too long, you're not fighting them right.
>It's made very clear that the Nora are considered backwards retards
You can see it as soon as you go out of the village for the first time and see huge cities and shit, tribes being able to easily dismiss a bunch of those sabretooth robots (if im not mistaken), the same type of robotos that alone was sufficient to swipe an entire squad of the best nora soldiers
>"console war" in a thread about a sony exclusive
sorry sweaty you have to be at least 18 to post here.
yeah, possibly doing it wrong, they're not hard, just irritating.
>want to replay game and play the DLC
>remember the first few hours
>remember the boring human enemies
>remember half the fun of the original game was exploring and figuring out how to fight new robots
>is the game actually good?
No idea. I've liked, though.
The Open world is big and beautiful, the sound track is great to really put invest you but the game doesn't promote mystery and exploration as much as it should.
There is a lot of lore here and besides side quest and collectables they don't invite to explore it, i ended up exploring just for fun but the rewards are just collectables, instead of like special weapons which is what it should be.
The moment to moment combat is this games claim to fame, it plays like a mix of dark souls and a quality 3rd person shooter in the best way possible thanks to genuinely detailed and deep character design.
Fighting robots -> Make new gear -> fight stronger robots -> Get stronger gear and so on.
There are no bullet sponges so even the strongest enemies can be killed easily if you're pre-pared and smart, the game isn't grindy at all and really technical.
The plot and characters are generic blockbuster movie shit, which is fine if you're into that and it's passible but i personally was hardly interested, alloy is too sassy as well.
This game could have been a 10/10 if it let you create a character and make him/her a silent protagonist or some shit, the character models are absolutely amazing so i'm sure deep customization would invite so many on the fence fags.
You could just lower the difficulty and try to do it at low level? The new area is fucking boner-inducing if you like snow.
The DLC is unironically fun
>it's alright, standard ubisoft style open world game.
>fighting robo dinosaurs
something someone actually said. Cool meme posting, guy who never played the game
>Batman Vision
Hard pass. Made Witcher 3 unplayable shit compared to the fantastic Witcher 2, I'm sure this game is no better.
They can't create good art, so they claim that something actually decent was created by them. Leeches.
at least they give some explanation, and it's actually brought up a lot in the story.
>I didn't play the game: The meme picture
she's talking about the pygmy women's tribe she's from, it's the shit tier of tribes. if anything it makes fun of the idea of women running things
probably one of the best looking areas in any game, too, tbqhwyf
It fucking baffles me how people can't even play a genuinely good game because it has some themes they disagree with, can you all just stop being edgy kids for a bit and enjoy some video games please?
everyday until we like it right?
It's not just that some people disagree, but they're also completely wrong about the things they're disagreeing about
The thing is, the main character is an opposite of a feminist. She is capable, direct, polite and humble.
PS And smart.
going to buy the complete edition. Fuck if i ever buy games on release. This one has been on my bookmark page for ages. Looking forward to it.
Have fun with robot dinos user
This game has far better combat, so the moment to moment shit isn't tedious button mashing.
And likeable.
thanks for funding feminists ruining video games...
40 hours for plat, i hated the character models but the game world looks good
all the males in the game look like soy boys except the one Daddy in the game who is exiled perhaps it is a narrative about modern society
yeah I always thought it was weird how this harsh horrible world is populated entirely by noodle-armed wimps, even the main character.
Make sure you play on Ultra Hard for a decent challenge, and consider not taking perks for a while too.
>Fighting robots -> Make new gear -> fight stronger robots -> Get stronger gear and so on
Except you can the best gear excluding the stuff you can trade for the marks way before you should, so after a certain point there is no point in fighting stuff outside of missions.
It's nowhere near something like Monster Hunter as far as that gameplay loop goes.
it was her friend that got me the guy looks like a twig, makes me sick, atleast Jap devs can create a nice fantasy world with aesthetically pleasing people
Aloy is a surly fuck, honestly she’s fed up with the “noble brave tribal life” bs her world is comprised of.
Hell, the entirity of her character is cookie cutter and doesn’t push her gender being important at all.
If anything this defines her best:
>>You killed my dad? I’ll kill you bad!
>>You killed my mom? ILL KILL YOU WORSE!
The gameplay is repetitive but the enemy variety is gradually introduced, which is really the sell point. Think Sci-Fi MHW really.
The bow and slingshot are better than anything, and then the DLC gives a Tazer Assault Rifle, a Flamethrower and a Liquid Nitrogen-Thrower because why not?
Solid game. Sequel needs to have more enemies.
From the top of my head: Sylens, Banuk chief and that ex-military Shadow Carja guy look sold.
>I already bought it
>was it worthy it lol?!?
Why do millennials do this all the time?
>The bow and slingshot are better than anything
Tripcaster is a lifesaver on low levels, and of course useful since you can set traps
>fighting robo dinosaurs is fun but can get pretty repetitive pretty quickly
That's how I felt too. The first time you fight one it's fun, but then it rarely is. And there just isn't enough variety.
Erend, best bro?
My biggest problem with Aloy is how contemporary she feels. She grew up in the woods with no contact with civilization, but she talks like any other snarky cookie cutter protagonist.
>Think Sci-Fi MHW really
Not really.
>26 base robots
>n-not enough variety
If you more or less ignore sidequests and just focus on the main game, this is really reduced. I'd still do cauldrons and challenges as they're fun and simply different from the rest of the game.
And how many of those aren't variations?
>tfw no option to ride his cock
Guerilla Games fucked up on this one. It's obvious that he was hard as fuck for you.
i know story wise it isnt possible but i want a sequel themed around greek gods and mythology robots.
I find it really boring. Killing robots isn't fun to me, though. I'm more of a MGSV guy, I guess.
Also I own Zelda and it is at least 100 times better, easily.
>do that hunting quest for the lodge where you take down that big robot with that girl who is vouching for you
>do all the work. companion does jackshit
>return to the lodge
>she gets all the credit, i only get an introduction
Had to be done really. She’s the square peg and needed to be out of sync for the narrative to develop.
True, she could have been more clueless but her visor thing was the plot device for it remember?
I admit I was oversimplifying as hell but the concept is similar as hell:
>>Go into a vast world in the past and hunt giant dragons.
>>Go into a vast world in the future and hunt giant robots.
Looting and carving is different but hell, even the companies saw the similarities and began cross promoting each other.
My major complaint is the difficulty choices. Anything below Ultra Hard is too easy and Ultra Hard is too tedious in the beginning because the starter weapons do jack all and you need to get the sharpshooter bow asap but they they jacked the multiplier on the prices of everything in the game since it was meant for newgame+. Its too easy to abuse elemental debuffs and stealth in anything under Ultra.
>I admit I was oversimplifying as hell but the concept is similar as hell
Yeah, but I admit I was dissapointed when I realized that I was only halfway though the game but already had all the gear and parts I would ever need and had no reason to ever fight a dino again.
I really hope they invest more into the MH loop in the sequel.
It’s a decent 7/10 game.
Great graphics (I’m using a pro) and music, voice acting is generally strong though I find Aloy herself somewhat unlikable and overly snarky at times.
Combat vs robots is good but against humans it leaves a lot to be desired.
There are underlying themes of strong women, though it levels out after the first few hours only to come back right at the end
Ultimately, once the game opens up and you leave Nora lands it is a lot more enjoyable.
I quite dislike how on the ending Sobek is asked “if you had a child what would you want for him or her?” And the reply “I would want HER to be able to heal the world” with a clear tone in her voice that she doesn’t want a boy