Explain to me how the fuck Nier Automata is considered an rpg during the awards shows etc.
If this is an rpg, then so is Zelda BOTW, Ac Origins and everything that has levels or sub quests.
Explain to me how the fuck Nier Automata is considered an rpg during the awards shows etc
shut the fuck up
Its a mix of genres, thats the point of the game, its an omage to games as a whole, that's why its so positively received. It does the 2D sections like your pic, Star Fox sections, shoot em ups, you can play the whole game as a shooter if you want, text segments, etc.
The first NieR did a similar thing, there was even a Diablo-like section.
Genres are pretty much meaningless.
And so are the game awards actually
Because of people like my shithead ex roommate.
>Call of Duty is an RPG because you're roleplaying as a soldier!
Why do you care about awards shows? Just play video games and stop seeking affirmation of your taste and opinions from mass media.
If Nier Automata isn't an RPG then Kingdom Hearts isn't either
It's definitely an action-oriented JRPG, though.
Why do you sit on Sup Forums? Just play video games and stop seeking affirmation of your taste and opinions from chinese cartoons website
Its an action RPG you faggot.
RPG has no clear guidelines, and probably never will. Just because an rpg and another game share some similarities doesn't mean both games are RPGs definitively.
You're right, it's not.
It's an action game, and a terrible one at that.
But that's not what I'm here for. I'm here to call people like you faggots and move on.
So Assassins Creed Origins is action rpg?
Pretty sure most of are here because we made the mistake of coming here when we were younger and this place is oddly addictive, despite being a festering hole. Or maybe it's just the last hole we have.
RPG. "Role" "playing" "game". It's a "game" where you "play" the "Role" of someone.
I know, it doesn't have stat sheets and turn based shit, and by this definition, every multiplayer game is a "MOBA" but who really gives a shit?
every game is an rpg according to this retarded definition
>play overwatch
>play the role of character Mercy and the role of team support
>you are now playing an double rpg
He did absolutely nothing wrong
It's an ARPG and since they dont have a "Best ARPG" category, they shove it into the "Best RPG" one.
I want to wife 6O
RPG =/= turn based
in fact, turn based rpgs are the worst ones
JRPGs were never really RPGs, but still considered as such for the purposes of classification. If that's a surprise to you, you're either retarded or underaged.
Do you really want to put Nier in the action category in an award season where Zelda and Mario were raping everything?
Almost every single video game is an RPG, if you disagree you're a faggot so disagree with my right now.
Yes you ESL shitter. Fucking type like a Romanian farmer.
Looks like a "zhe" to me
Stupid faggots think anything with numbers in it is an RPG.
Just wait till you see what he's packing downstairs.
You don't level up in BotW
People get a little too hung up on looks over gameplay and systems. For example: Agents of Mayhem has xp, damage numbers, leveling, random dungeons (in addition to the open overworld) and switchable party members. It's basically a third person action rpg like Fatal Bullet but people still call it a GTA clone because you can steal cars...
>levels makes rpg games
So where is that 24 hour live stream? Aren't they going to announce some new dlc or something?
niconico, we're like 5 hours in. check reddit /r/nier for the link
probably no DLC
>BotW or anything that has levels is an RPG
>BotW doesn't have levels
>>levels make role playing games games