Who is the best league of legends champion?
Who is the best league of legends champion?
Your mother.
Ahri is the cutest, post more.
Getting back into it and Im really enjoying Ornn. Best girl is probably Morgan’s, too many of these other bitches are all looking like the same generic fap bait.
go back to /vg/ assfaggot nigger
Yeah okay, I'm just here for the Twitch lewds
Your bidding, Master!
just drop league porn already
the most fuckable aka kindred
My favorites are Kindred, Jinx and Xayah, but only because I like their designs. The voice acting in this game is 100% cringe
I dunno about best, but Ahri is the most overrated
im new to lol, is he a good champ for a newfag? ive been playing chogath top and enjoying him
Yeah, Jax is pretty easy to play and can spiral out of control pretty quickly
nice ill get him then, you got any more top lane tips?
spam comet sion and win every game
Try to learn the opponents you will be up against. Dosen't matter how great of a player you are if your enemy is using a kit you can't understand
he's fun tier
duelist,retard stomper, nice jungle, requires some minimal thought to play as and against, when jax is on the equation you've gotta play his game, you cant justor used not to get on anyone's face, press all the buttons and get a kill
>tfw hard carry from support
I have skills.
fuck off
Poppy is Waifu tier
I fucking love having a blitz as a support. I remember winning every lane with friend of mine and when ever he landed one of his Qs I would use Jinx's E to trap them if they tried to flash out of it.
my main man Vel'Koz, though it's a shame that his skin selection is a little short.
Yes, stop playing fucking cho you noob. Crutch champion that won't make you a good player.
Dunno what her name is, but I saw someone cosplaying her earlier today.
Just rolled people with.
Any body have a good build? I just got back into it after 4yrs.
>ywn take ahri's knot
Forgot pic.
I love Lulu!
Best bottom team
Thematically it's Jhin. He's so thematically tight it's ridiculous. Everything he does feels like he's dancing round the battlefield. I also like how his ult is like opening a curtain and people running away are like actors.
Sort of agree.
Urgot is pretty fuckin tight to.
only the best
I like how grimy new Urgot's ult is. It's like the actual most violent attack in the game.
Ludens, Hourglass, Liandries, Void, Deathcap. Pretty good build.
>gets kited by an adc
Like a horror movie.
I just realized Jhin is V from V for Vendetta thematically though.
Alistair/Twitch is a pretty good kill lane I agree.
The one with the big titties
>league still has "bad" heroes
Play HotS, every hero is viable, plenty of cute girls to choose from.
>nydus zagara
I wish, that shit only work when the whole enemy team doesnt know about creep nor is capable of figuring out how it works during a match
Still a better game than lol by far tho
Kled is the best champion and also my husband!
LoL is the best example of "great characters stuck in a shit game" on the market.
All those great character designs and concepts, wasted on watered down Dota for casuals, filled to the absolute brim with children.
Darius is really fun and very good atm. Illaoi is fun also. Fiora is very good but difficult
furshit aside
hes a pretty solid top laner
post ricegnat ahri porn
this is the right answer
i miss early fiddlesticks, his ult was retard strong
>Has literally NEVER been below A-tier
Kerrigan and Elise are my favorites, but I don't like either of their kits.
i want to fuck that rat
Jax is good.
>Teaches you how to actually lane by not being retard strong in it, but actually has the tools to do well
>Can both top and jungle
>Solo carries games if you do well
>Pizza da champ
I want to lick Zoe's feet
The Champ
I only play Hots? Should I play League for a change? I like Dota games.
If you want your Dota to have """"""strategy""""" in the form of a meta and of a single map to plan everything out in then yeah I guess
bard is cool
Why do they both want their Summoner's cock so much
Archangel's > Liandry's > Rabadon's
Abyssal > Liandry's > Void Staff
Fit some Sorcerer's Shoes in there somewhere, pick up some utility/survivability items when you think you may need them more. Max W > Q > E. Always, ALWAYS use your ult on E, unless you know that someone's just going to be standing on top of you for several seconds, in which case use RQ.
J4 is pretty good
Best girl burns the cookies.
Veigar is the best one even though they keep fucking with him.
its twitch x zac
All the Yordles
Short stacks a best.
I want to fuck with Veigar too!
I just wish there would be a proper keystone.
e-even the boys?
your one true king
Lulu of course!
Good taste
Need more Lulu x Veigar
How do I git gud at Zoe? I feel like her damage early nothing. Late game I still feel like I'm not doing any damage.
Veigar/Kled is better