Piracy is illegal and immoral

>piracy is illegal and immoral
>terminating access to the shit you paid 60$ for is ok though, we also unilaterally gave you tons of obligations and none to us publishers :^)

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Anyone who says that piracy is bad is either dumb as fuck and never figured out how to install a pirated game or just straight up enjoys getting fucked in the ass by the big publisher cock.

It's just lawyers doing their thing.
They just want to cover everything so they play it safe.
Nobody is just going to take away your games unless you're involved in some kind of fraud., the outrage would be damaging to the business.

This desu, good ol' brainlet jealousy.

you probably broke 3 laws today without even knowing it, idiot.

This makes piracy morally essential.

>numerous reports of people getting their accounts permanently banned for doing petty shit
>oh n-n-no guys! they h-h-have to put that there!

and yet, they're more profitable than ever. gamers are more retarded than the average pleb.

>numerous reports
Name one

yeah, but it's legalized stealing
>pay 60 for product
>we can revoke your product at any time for whatever reason
why does Sup Forums complain about how piracy is morally wrong while publishers fucks you in the ass? they already removed resale rights for digital goods switching to "licensing" model

Stop being so entitled

b-but if everyone pirated there would be no games ;_;

Buying games these days is actually renting games.

Not an argument, there will always be dumb fucks like you who buy every single game, backs every single kickstarter campaign and spends thousands of bucks on DLCs and microtransations. While you waste your money, I'll keep supporting the games that truly deserve my money.

any game that implements a code of conduct followed by
>"we may suspend or deny access to your account may coc be infringed"
and of course code of conduct is extremely vague shit that is as liberally interpreted as religious texts.
eg overwatch, rainbow six, league

Don't spend money on games that can take away your access.


>legalized stealing
do you dumb faggots think you can just put what you want in contracts and that they'd automatically be binding on those exact terms without any doubt
EULAs are basically impossible to uphold in court, which is why companies bend over backwards to ensure that matters wherein one is legally contested DONT make it to court (aka they settle in favour of the gaymer or whomstever the fuck brought the action)

You can't pirate online games without being some 1337 haxor

>He thinks owning a product = owning the IP rights
This isn't true for anything, even with something like a car you just "own" the materials it's built with while leasing the rights to use them as is. You actually legally couldn't for example buy a car and install the engine in a different machine because you do not own the intellectual property rights of that engine so you'd be infringing, mostly this is just not enforced outside of special circumstances.

They're impossible to uphold in court but good thing the average gamer doesn't have the threat of a team of corporate lawyers and loads of money they're able to spend.

>EULAs are basically impossible to uphold in court
problem is I wont go to court to sue an overseas japanese company that is already bankrupt and forgot to remove their meme DRM with dead authentication servers.
there are plenty of companies all but dead with games that no longer work due to DRM and, IF they ever refund, they partially do for 15-20%, not the whole 60 bucks

You can totally buy a car and scrap or swap the parts in a non-commercial operation what the fuck are you on about

what am I looking at here

>I-i-i'll say that you can just take it to court, because the average gamer is totally able to fuck a big publisher with his own expert lawyer strike team!
>mmf! mmf! yes daddy! i love your corporate cock!

Fucking hell, take it easy with the corporate cock sucking.

Yes, same way as you "can" just pirate vidya.

>Paying for video games

I wanna own the right to play the game whenever I want. Paying 60 dollars means I should have that right. But they can revoke my right to play the game whenever they want at any time for no reason.

You're right. I hate when blizzard bans me. It's literally just "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER KYS"
They can't handle my sick bantz, the scrubs.

This is exactly why I never bought Killing Floor 2.


You're a moron.


fpbp as always

>He thinks owning a product = owning the IP rights

instead of a rental program, nothing prohibts them to give me a drm-free transferrable copy of the software for personal use. just a shitty copy which i can keep and cant be taken away, not the whole IP
>You actually legally couldn't for example buy a car and install the engine in a different machine
where the fuck do you live? it's done constantly for car restorations

I have yet to hear about someone who has legimitely had his/her games removed for no reason

Look at thisPeople being banned for no reason.
Money down the drain apparently.

Are you retarded or merely pretending?

That stuff never holds up in court.

Steams EULA was used against Valve in Australia as evidence of them not adhering to consumer protection laws.

>nothing prohibts them to give me a drm-free transferrable copy of the software for personal use
Except that they'd lose a shitload of money since it would make pirating a lot easier.

There's a reason EULA's hold no water in court.

>T.T i can't manipulate technicalities to fuck with people without repercussion
Yeah, nah. Get fucked.

This, keep paying for my games you cucks

Lucky for them, I can't afford to go to court because I don't have a team of lawyers.

You don't need an expert lawyer strike team for that.
Law is not always super complicated. Not every case has 500 pages worth of things you have to know to figure it out.

Did you even fucking read what the person wrote?

He condemned the corporate action.

You FUCKING retard.

t. Person with a Law degree

>piracy is illegal and immoral
Kind of correct. The thing is, copyright apologists, in general, are so hideous that they make pirates good in comparison.

OW players getting their accounts banned for going against the meta, same goes for every ASSFAGGOT game, players getting banned for not submitting to the developer authoritarian desires and playing their stupid imposed meta.

EULAs don't mean anything, even if you agree to them.

>There's a reason EULA's hold no water in court.
who the fuck is going to spend a couple thousands on lawers to get back 60$?

Try a food analogy next time and maybe it will make a lick of sense, you braindead retard.

Do you think you can't legally gut a prebuilt computer either?

PUBG did the exact same thing

I was refering to VALVE's EULA, but now that I said it, I guess I moved the goalposts and lost already.

>i-i-i'll samefag! that'll prove my point that somehow the average gamer will be able to win in court against the corporate machine!

>Do you think you can't legally gut a prebuilt computer either?

Yes, taking things into your own hands is stupid and should be legistations against it, because the average person is stupid and cnanot built things.

Found the John Deere engineer.


you know how lawyers cost a bunch of money right
you know that THE OTHER SIDE also has to pay money for lawyers, and theirs are probably super fucking expensive
and you know that every single company in the world would rather keep costs down than fight a legal battle over a contract that they fucking know is unenforceable (aka, fighting a battle that they'd lose with onflowing consequences)
if you got your game liscence suspend for literally no reason you could probably get it back with a single vaguely threatening email to the right person

>Behave yourself like shit in restaurant
>Don't pay for your meal repeatedly
>They ban you from the premises
There's your much needed food analogy.

Honestly, piracy is literally why all PC exclusives are trash. Ever since Crysis basically.

>Nobody is just going to take away your games unless you're involved in some kind of fraud
You mean like that guy who got banned from Overwatch because he wanted to play the character he liked and not what the community wished him to? Yeah never happens

>implying crysis was anything other than a glorified tech demo
it was a shitty game

>playing overwatch
you asked for it, cuck

>big publishers would just let a bunch of their customers walk all over them in court because they want to save cash and not put up a legal fight

You realize how stupid that sounds? I can tell that you've never had been in a situation like this because you simply fail to grasp how the PR department in every game company does not give a flying fuck if they unjustifiably banned someone from playing their game.

Stop, go home and keep being a good whale.

This all wouldn't have been a problem if I could rent the fucking games at a cheap price and can return it whenever I want

>Game store at my city
>Can rent some old games
>Store clerk tells me to pay 60$
>can get the money back but it's reduced to one dollar each day passes by
>Told him oh ok so do can I return the game after a few days
>No, can only return it after 30 days, which means I'll only get 30$ even if I finish the fucking game in like a week
Fuck this garbage system, I'll pirate whenever I want then.

Just like all PC exclusives—shitty online-only lootbox infested grindfests loaded with "crafting", "open world design", emphasis on e-sports and competitive play, etc.

>Y-yeah!! fight the power! I'm a savior!
Nah you're just a retard who will love with his mom until his forties and then die poor and alone

This wouldn't be a problem if game companies were run by decent human fucking beings instead of mentally unstable, sociopathic pig-fuckers.

>I know! I'll say that they're virgins! That'll show 'em!

Arguing like a woman isn't an argument.

>Nobody is just going to take away your game
>gg ez
>account banned permanently go buy another copy goy
yeah right, kill yourself soy boy jew faggot.

are you fucking thick? allow me to reiterate as clearly as possible
They don't want to fight these things in court because;
1 - corporate lawyers are absurdly expensive, and you don't want to be the guy who has to explain to your boss why you've incurred the company $200,000.00 in legal fees instead of just giving them the fucking game back
2 - they know it wouldn't hold up, which would have onflowing effects because a judge saying your contract is invalid means that your millions of identical contracts are also going to be invalid (except the contracts almost certainly have a severability clause meaning that only the actual offending clauses would be void, not the entire contract)
t. literally a lawyer who works in a literal commercial law firm literally

clauses like this exist because companies rely upon the fucking stupid assumptions people like you have about how the law functions, and your general inabiility to consider how a legal challenge might impact a major corporation.

>>Don't pay for your meal repeatedly
So you're saying people who don't buy DLC should be banned?

You managed to repeat exactly what you said and my point stands, you pseudo-intellectual.

You could always make a kickstarter to pay lawyers I am sure there are good people out there that would donate to fuck with any game company

>t-t-the imaginary i-invisible hand will save you from the shitty practices of shitty companies!

Why don't you take that hand and shove it up your fat ass?

no, it doesn't stand at all because you haven't made a point with any merit whatsoever.
you are dumb, these matters go above PR almost immediately the second a claimant with any amount of percieved force appears. please read my post more carefully and attempt to engage your barin.

would a class action lawsuit work? get a bunch of people that got banned from the same game and let others know about it
it'd be pretty funny

Do it. Start a gamergate against the video game companies

Yes it is. Entitled virgins living in a basement should never have an opinion on any matter
Keep jerking off to your retarded waifus and thinking you're sticking it to the man. Soon you'll realize life has hit you like a truck while you've been shitposting here and hopefully you'll seek help

Again, no because the average gamer does not have the dough to bankroll a lawsuit against a big publisher, you dipshits keep making up these fantasies about a one in a million chance when the thread is about the average gamer getting fucked over by game companies.

>Install a mod for the campaign of a game e.g sc2
>Blizzard sues you
>This is entitled behaviour
After seeing this I pirated all StarCrafts

>h-heh, I sure showed him!

Imagine hating yourself like this guy does.

name one reason I shouldn't pirate a game other than the moral ramifications if it is just as convienient to download a torrent than to buy from the proper channels. Why buy Final Fantasy 6 from iOS store when I can have the original or the GBA port for free within seconds.

That type of thinking is why good games aren't made anymore


Already at a loss for words huh

wouldn't a class action lawsuit involve multiple people and their money though? I'm retarded in law though so I'm probably just spewing shit that's completely wrong
I've never been banned so I don't need to do this

You're a big fucking faggot who is afraid to try new games, stop hiding behind a veil and false cynicism.

What imaginary hand?, people aren't imaginary

If you pirate games you can still buy new(in store) or online, you are a piece of human garbage
Piracy is only acceptable for old games you can’t buy online, can only buy used or if the studio is dead
Support devs you pieces of shit

ITT people don't understand the difference between ownership of software and ownership of a license to execute said software

Your retarded slave mentality is what empowers them to do this shit. They could right now literally just pick a random license in their database and terminate it. Guy finds himself banned, unable to access the game he purchased legally. Guy contacts customer support and gets a generic "we've terminated the account due to violations of the EULA, lel we don't need to present any evidence so fuck you" response. Guy posts his case in social media and everyone blames him of cheating or just generally assumes he must have done something bad, because obviously a company just WOULDN'T ever enforce their legal right to randomly terminate licenses for no reason, mmm right?

Wrong. Games in the old days weren't like this. You owned the game disc.
Games are shit because they started adding these things.

Go ahead and get yourself unjustifiably banned from a game, then try to get your license back, and when that fails because the PR team doesn't give a flying fuck about you, then sue the company and make a kickstarter to ask for funds to pay your lawyer's fee, then tell me how many of those people that would pitch in exist.

To be fair most people who refuse to pirate are making their living coding or doing some other IT work.

>if you pirate games you can still buy new(in store) or online, you are a piece of human garbage

I'm a poorfag in a third world country with a decent internet connection.


this. programmers and code monkeys have a chip on their shoulder about this shit.

>i never figured out how to mount a .iso, so I just say that people who did are human garbage

>I’m poor
>I have the right to steal

>support devs

They've already gotten paid, you mongoloid. The publisher is the one raking in profits on sales.

Do you also throw bitch fits that private establishments such as restaurants reserve the right to not serve anyone at their discretion?

You are a nigger then, dont worry about stealing games is natural for your kind
And if its natural is okay

The average monthly income is 1k usd. How can I afford games with that?