Should women be allowed to play video games?
Should women be allowed to play video games?
>Should women be allowed to
i like breasts
i like twitch
>Should women
>should women do anything
no. the story of adam & eve was our first warning. no one listened or cared.
Should men be allowed to play video games?
>video games
Who is gonna stop them, (You)?
Who is gonna stop them, (You)?
I love foreveralone fags so much because they will never realize how absolute garbage women are. Giving up your bros for any woman is a rookie mistake that you learn fairly early. I'm married and would go back if I could
Only cooking and nurturing simulation games.
Whatever, you nerds are just mad you can't get laid :) :) :)
Wtf I love misogyny now
sad that people unironically resort to this as their go-to reply
remember when society wasn't to dilapidated that being a virgin wasn't considered this horrible thing that should be shunned?
no, you don't. none of us do, because it was before our time.
sex is an insignificant part of life
Yes, and we should be allowed to dominate them in vidya and call them every name in the book just like with male vidya players.
the concept of shunning virgins always existed but only in lower classes
that should give you an idea of how far we have fallen as a society
yes, what is this fucking Saudi Arabia?
no SJWs though, bridge burnt
But user... they don't play video games
Yes, but I will make fun of, and try to hit on them on gmod servers specifically.
Yes. History proves that banning things never fixes anything.
Even though this is a shitpost, this is about 60% true. Desperate white knights are what create whores in the first place, and a lot of legit misogyny stems from people who can't nail a woman and who are bitter about it because they put pussy on a pedestal. Lust was a mistake.
Sad but true
i still find it funny every time jacob says gamer girls and brings up that image
nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein
Who gives a fuck desu
I am a girl and I don't need permission to do anything. ANYTHING.
does anyone have that picture where someone explains the reason why "tits or gtfo" exists
Fuck no.
cute ones are allowed to play with my dick but no one wants it :(
Yes. Since without them my biweekly paradox grand strategy multiplayer group will be literally just me.
this. men created this new problem of women being too damn entitled. they idealized lesser beings and now we're paying the price. all of us men living today.
and still, so many choose to simp
As a guy who only pays attention to the kinds of thots I like to pretend I'm not attracted to, I can vouch that this is 100% accurate to all the women in my life I pay attention to.
Most women still know their place. There are a few you have to break in, but even the most vanilla of women are happy to be a piss drinking piece of property for a proper man.
Only dudebro women.
Should shitposters like OP be allowed on Sup Forums?
Will cocksucking mods and janitors do anything about it?
why is shadman so based?
Brutally accurate
Some of them are ok. The rest will flee at the first sight of "muh toxic competitiveness" so there's not much to worry about.
White knights will have to be purged though.
should anti-women shitposters be executed or exiled?
t. roastie
>act like you know what's best for society
>preach this as gospel in an anonymous place where the dregs of society gather
no, just sick of your shit.
While that may be true about chicks, I bet that also accurately describes 100% of the "men" ITT too.
one eyed man is king
After the way they've behaved lately we should probably take their games away for awhile. Just so they can learn a lesson.
Shad needs to start doing oppai loli.
Thots will be filtered out if treated as an equal to the male player, while the decent women will stay because they just want to play fucking video games. Betas and orbiters are the people that need to be cracked down on.