Is this true, Sup Forums? Are tanks really this way?

Is this true, Sup Forums? Are tanks really this way?

delete this we only make fun of healers

>mmo anime

name a more cancerous combination

Not for me
The tanks I play with are usually chill and focus more on their job in the dungeon, than on how to create drama

heal me, you dumb slut

moeshit anime

V_F why did you delete it

Every tank player is literally a manchild

>healers are up their own ass or complete sluts
>tanks are insecure neckbeards
I guess the reasonable well-adjusted people must all play DPS

Bottom is actually DPS

>I'll be your tank for today ^_^

Implying kevins would play a role where they must focus the enemies, protect their allies, and kill nothing?

They prefer to play the dps mage or assassin/warrior.

tanks > healers > dps

The only reason tanks are above healers is because playing tank is so boring, only a few people want to.

>reasonable well-adjusted people
Dumb memegirlfag

I only ever played FFXI long term and no other MMOs so I can't speak for WoW/etc. Personally the tanks I dealt with as a WHM were always chill and level headed. It was the DPS that were the whiny annoying fuckwits most of the time.

Reasonable well-adjusted people don't play mmos.

>The most skilled
>One of the most valuable
>the most fun
Yeah, fuck you


>mascu can be mages and paladins
>cant be mystic

>most skilled
>most valuable

>most skilled
>this is what DPSfags actually believe

T.butthurt tanker

Too bad that series was total garbage. It could have been so much better.

To be fair, at least 90% of all wipes are because of dps that don't know what to do. The other 10% are because of tanks who get too far away from the healers.

>Count meow-t

Fucking genius.

>homophobic slurs

sadly, this is most online games

>I play tanks
I never speak on mic so I'm just kind of silently doing my job while everyone else talks.
Seems to work out pretty well. Job gets done, we make it through.

That's true though for good DPS. I exclusively play healers and tanks because you can half ass AFK play those roles. DPS actually has to pay attention in order to do real damage.

moe anime

what game?


>The escape key is missing
Nice German angry kid reference


Tanks are usually just normal dudes who get made into heroes by their guild of sociopathic DPS and sexuallly deviant healers

The healers think they have a special bond with the tank(they don’t), and the DPS think they’re sooo clever for sucking up to the tanks for gear

I really hope you are being ironic

>dps falseflagging to try and make his piss easy, replaceable role sound important

god bless online


They are easily replaceable but you can't do shit without DPS. A good healer can carry shitty healers and tanks but it's all pointless without DPS.

>tank has to position bosses for retards
>healers have to keep retards alive
>dps are the retards

I want to fuck that hold the fuck up what even is that thing? a squirrel?

Good tanks and healers can carry shit dps.

Now post the 10 other variations made by the same guy

This is your daddy- I mean, tank for the dungeon.

Not with most MMOs having enrage mechanics now.

This. Tanks and Healers are lucky to be carred by the DPS. Really a team of DPS can easily kill anything they could otherwise. What's even the point in tanks and healers when you can just kill the boss before it kills you? ~typical DPS

It's just the small furry race. You can make them whatev animal

Unless there's a time limit, having a shit dps doesn't matter if you have a good healer and tank.
>tfw never get a healer in skirmishes
>decide to go dps/support and now I can out heal divine clerics
really gets the gears turning

>not being hybrid master race
As in all things, idorts win again.

>the most obvious pun possible
you need to watch less anime holy shit

>no one wants you because you're just okay at everything

anime mmo

>one guy's job is to literally stand there
>the other guy's job is to heal that guy
>the third guy pokes the thing attacking the first guy in the asshole for 45 minutes


Which aren't very strict and good Healers and Tanks can easily make up for a couple underperforming DPS.

>Tank is a small cute girl
>Healer is big buff guy
>Tank is still bossy, leader type
>Healer is quiet and shy despite being the size of a barn

The best.

healers are parents, dps are children and tanks are just there to watch the shitshow

What role should I play if I really believe in people?


Tank or healer

literally nothing wrong with 2/5 party members being undergeared

In order of difficulty from highest to lowest:
Good Healer > Good DPS > Good Tank >
Decent DPS > Decent Healer > Decent Tank >
Bad Tank > Bad Healer > Bad DPS

Tank has the highest skill floor but the lowest skill ceiling.

It's easier to be a decent healer than it is to be a decent DPS.

Healer has the highest skill ceiling because you need to balance both healing and DPS in most games.

Guess healer or tank.

anime anime

>Healer is quiet and shy despite being the size of a barn
You just described me

Yeah, pretty much.

Name 2 (two) shows

>needing tanks and healers
>not being a DPS with lifesteal depending on how much damage you do
solo deeps best deeps

Happen in guild war 2 and that's boring as fuck.

>Runescape has no mandatory healers
>DPS and tanks use items to heal
>Can heal yourself with certain attacks and abilities but don't have to rely on another person to heal everyone
>DPS are required to know basic inventory management so they're not as retarded as other DPSers in MMO's

So glad neither RS3 or OSRS follow the meme triangle

>giving up damage stats for lol lifesteal
>do shit damage


Healer. If you genuinely believe in people and want to support them, Healer is the best way to make the dream work while providing a necessary though not-as-fun role.

or just do like WoW with warlocks and have both damage and leech
>don't we need a healer for the last group?
>nah they're all warlocks
>oh okay then

Varied roles > Trinity > No roles

I was thinking specifically between the 2.

Didn't it turn out that she really was a girl after all and she was just lying?

>Varied roles
>it just comes down to trinity because hybridization is a meme

>Normie DPS blame everyone but themselves.

Tank, because you trust in people killing and people keeping you healed

you-this board

>be healer
>dps insults you
>tfw you let him die next pull

dps have the only easy tunnel vision role in the entire game and everything else is entirely designed around carrying their dumb asses yet every single time you see someone complaining about MMO players its either tanks or healers

tanks don't complain about tanks, healers don't complain about healers, who could be complaining about both?

>tank being cautious and pulling slowly as fuck in an easy dungeon
>everyone starts running ahead of him to try and speed things up
>he spergs out and leaves
>we finish the rest of the dungeon quicker without him
why are tanks such precious little faggots


There's nothing varied about hybrid roles. WoW has rotted your mind.

Some boss fights in Runescape have a specific role, but mostly it's just "a DPS who also does X" or "A Tank who tanks a specific attack/minion"

>people whose idea of a "tank" comes mainly from garbage like WOW
it's no wonder people think they're insecure manbabies, because they're playing a game made for them

>finish dungeon without tank
You think someone would do that?
Just go on the internet and repost lies?

Yes, she was actually one of his teachers or something.

>be DPS
>Kill boss before it kills you, whilst dodging their attacks
>don't need tanks or healers
I don't get these threads

She was the teacher

>finish dungeon everyone out gears without support roles

>we finish the rest of the dungeon quicker without him
things that never happen

If you're able to complete dungeons without a tank or healer, there's a 99% chance you're playing some F2P korean garbage.

If it makes you feel any better, I think most other MMOs are garbage too.

It's ironic that DPS is the only role with measurable growth as a player, but also the lowest barrier of entry.

In neverwinter you can actually heal other people with a dps class so even though you're not doing as much damage you're bringing more to the table than standard dps.

>needing to fight bosses to win game
don't be a scrub
pay some starving korean kid to win the game for you
don't need a tank
don't need a healer
and you don't even need to be a DPS
its just that simple

see what I mean?

that's besides the point

>hard to play
Boy playing whack-o-mole sure is hard

I played a healer ages ago and would always have some leather wearing cock pull 5 mobs and assume he was invincible just because I was there.

Couldn't comprehend getting hit for almost your entire HP every second isn't really sustainable.