Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend

Namefags ironically killing Sup Forumsermin to play leader edition

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OP = faggot

Nooooo delete this I'm a big boy!!!

delete thiiiiis

its auto saging because mods are riggerniggers


We continue in 5 hours.


>threads are getting earlier and earlier every day
y'all make me sick

I feel like doing some exhibition matches after work.

Got any cool vermins to chuck at me? Gonna do some after work in a few hours.


>yfw threads get so early we loop into thursday



how's this


I could give this guy a try. Also stop making threads so fucking early.


your vermin is cute and cool

Hey uhhh
I'll draw the first 4 vermin

This is good, need one more tho.






southernlion > w_m > garbo > everyone else


I LOOOVE Southernlion!


captain_reddit's tracing > everything you just said

Jay-Jay > Cpt. R

T. Southernlion
Did you get your ribs removed so you could suck your own dick?



Beats the usual shitpost.

i cum

into the trash it goes


why is von objectively the best waifu?

>no vermintide vermin


I don't think I've ever seen a vermin line of yours I didn't greatly enjoy, icon-user.
I guess Pixior-user works too since that's your first champ, but (artstyle aside) I've noticed your unique icon set stands out pretty quickly when posting sheets.
t. Clamanon

*bullies you*


As requested yesterday.


also rip aniki, will sorely be missed

Post lore

Uuuhhh what if I have a skeleton that’s half meat bag AND half skeleton?


8 wargraavs


Porn ruined vermin

How are these threads video game related? Aren't they just made up characters?

Okay now do the other requests

uhh i'll draw the skeleton half if he wins

Oh come on you aren't even trying anymore.

>tfw too bad at anatomy to make a good skele

i feel like doodling some vermin
gimme vermin to doodle

Thanks a lot, Clamanon! I guess either Pixior-user or Icon-user works, I'm not picky. I'm actually planning on updating my sheets with a better style soon.

At work right now, someone post my vermin please.



Mods don't touch these threads

Press F to pay respects



O-oh. Dang, some of those look really nice. I kinda did reach a quota of what I can handle in 1-2 hours though. I'll prolly just do them anyway on Sunday evening.

Please look forward to it.




is that billy barrington?


I think Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend just has a mod that participates and keeps the threads protected.




i request no more heroes nelly and nelly’s dad playing golf together


Who is trying what? I legitimately don't understand these threads. They don't seem to have rules and there isn't a game it is referencing that I can tell. Please explain how it belongs on Sup Forums.

I'll bite.

>how are virtual fakemon fights vidya guys, i just dont get it
nigga you triple retarded

I don't think the odds are in our favor, but maybe we can still pull through snakebro!

It's not bait, I'm honestly trying to figure out why these threads belong here. Is there one mod that is a fan of this and so they let your threads stay up? How is it even a game? Just seems like random character designs with made up stats.

>I'll bite
C- Cute...

They get put into battle engines. That's where the stats and abilities are used.

Will you be doing more tomorrow though? Just curious.

What said

Who decides the parameters of the battle engines though? Why could you trust one user to simulate the battles? Couldn't they make it favor a certain stat or just purposefully enter the opposing creatures stats incorrectly? Are the battles recorded or streamed so you can watch it? Or is it just, "post creatures, user takes them and sims the battles, results are posted and people react"?

>no vermin that snuffs out the light

That answers my question about them being recorded. That helps it make sense as a game more. Thank you for actually answering my question.

"post creatures, user takes them and sims the battles, results are posted and people react"?

P.much, the recordings are released and sometimes balance engine screenshots are given.

Anybody can become a host, though, so if you dislike certain hosts, you're welcome to become one yourself. Of course, most people don't do that and just bitch instead.

Jesus Christ dude, it's not like vermin fights are done for honor, glory, and victory. It's just cheap enjoyment. Most of the battles focus on RNG anyways.

There's no absolute definitions for calculations, but the engines generally have stats functioning the same way. Also, the hosts are expected to balance characters in the engine, assuming they have an ability. If stats were done incorrectly, they are expected to redo a battle.

It's not just one person though, it's several people who code their own game engines.
If you don't trust a certain host, then don't participate in their tournaments. They really haven't given anyone any reason to believe that there's rigging going on. Besides, it's all RNG, and it's not like there's money on the line. This is all for fun, so it's not like any of it matters.

Give me a vermin and a scenario and I'll draw it. Post the sheet, please. I don't feel like looking for it on the booru.


I'll prolly do those 6 I mentioned earlier.

Here's a sneak peek of what's in store.

Here's the tutorial and an example

with literally any other mu vermin doing a jam session

Standing on the edge of the crater.


I assumed they were just for fun but when these threads pop up they aren't always the most easily understood. That user that linked the video was the first time I've ever seen a battle played out in the vermin threads I've poked my head into.

Ty user


Pls no!