Help me with this

Help me with this

Dark Souls


pillars of eternity

Your favorite series

Any weebshit really

what is your favorite series

Final Fantasy

How has no one said sonic
It's not even a joke, it's fucking true

What is Pokémon?

devil may shit

Kingdom Hearts

Here's your reply.

Sonic the Hedgehog

It's only true if you're a gen z abortion.

Sonic the fucking hedgehog.
They're all so fucking bad.


Assasins creed
Sonic the hedgehog

Any Nintendo soy garbage
Most weeb shit


ok furry

Grand Theft Auto
Call of Duty
Assassin's Creed
Gears of War

The Lego series.

The Elder Scrolls
Final Fantasy
The Witcher



Most weeaboo games in the same seat as neptunia/senran etc.

Japanese things cannot be wannabe Japanese, and you should maybe go look up what objective actually means (same goes for most people in the thread).


Pretty much any fps.


World at war and assassins creed 1 and 2 were good.


Your favorite series

Gran Turismo

>Nintendo soy
You are getting played like a fiddle and don't even know it.

Neptunia and Senran cannot be weeaboo.

Butthurt weebcuck soy detected

Annual games


t manchild
It's ok to grow up, sweetie. All the big boys do it.

Literally every game that gets a sequel.
Originality is the most objectively good quality 99% of games are missing.

Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Mass Effect

Can't really come up with any game. They have to had been good at some point to at least be able to build up a strong fanbase.

Elder Scrolls

every single sports game, pokemon

Devil May Cry

Unironically this.

I don't even own a Switch. You are getting played because this whole Switch = soy meme is totally fabricated and arbitrary. And you fell for it.


Spotted the Bayonetta cuck.

Reasonable comment in an unreasonable thread? How preposterous!

Let's see. I'm gonna actually solve this.

Two Worlds. How can you even explain the fact this game got a sequel and DLCs and a remastered version? It's got to be sales.

Spotted the failed weeaboo

This. They're all awful.

No, but you probably own a ton of chinese cartoon games. And a fridge filled with soylent

Still better than being a cuck. Literally nothing worse.

Assassins creed


You're trying to change the subject because you know I'm right.

Initial budget covered two games.
That shitty sony exclusive, little bad planet or something was covered for 2 games from start

Anime garbage that pander to ironic weebs shitters.


Dynasty Warriors

I believe that was government money, in a similar way to all of the Uwe Boll movies

sucking "dante's" cock seems worse

You're trying to talk to someone that can't produce any original thoughts, and only communicates using pre-fabricated memes.
What the fuck did you expect.

Switch or no, we all know you're a soyboy.
Go back to your cuck shed

What is Chibi Robo?

i will never not be entertained by the notion that weebs are mad about people that aren't "real" weebs

what is "that series you like so much"


reminder that the way weebs see ironic weebs is how normal people see weebs in general

Anime isn't garbage and anime games don't pander to weebs given that weebs are not and never have been a target audience for them.

You must be actually retarded. I'm trying to help you understand that you're getting played and this is how you keep responding.

t.pic related

Imagine having to completely redefine your personality every now and then out of fear of how people look at you.
The most childish thing of all is fear of childishness.

Weebs aren't the only ones mad at the ironic kind. The anti variety don't like them for the fact that they are essentially untouchable due to the ironic street cred and/or sheer popularity.

the sims. All games are shit, regardless. 3 was the least shit though

>Anime isn't garbage

Most weeb shit games really. Shit like Persona and Neptunia.

How should I know. If I didn't like the base game, I sure as hell won't play the sequel. You must be a huge masochist or a massive shitter if you think otherwise.

I'm not an ironic weeb and never said anything to suggest I am.


Once again: Japanese things cannot be wannabe Japanese. And Japanese games are not objectively bad.

Devil may cry

Holy shit its a real fucking weeaboo.


I said or implied nothing that would suggest in any way that I'm a weeaboo.

you don't need to play a game to know it's shit

You keep using that word but i'm pretty sure you have no idea what it means


Mortal Kombat.

I'm not a pedophile, but clearly you are.

t. weeb
Fuck off back to Sup Forums


ITT: Anal blasted perma virgin weeb pedo loser

>the audience is normies so the games are shit!

>implying that isn't the exact audience for said games

>l-l-l-loli 2D only not p-p-pedo bro!

*calls someone mean names while sipping on soylent and watching his gay cartoons*
Ye, I don't know about that one buddy.
I bet you can't go through one sentence in real life conversations without stuttering and shitting your pants from anxiety.


Please enlight me in the quality of the series.
Tell me your opinion. I am listening.


Your pedophilia is not my fault or responsibility or problem.

I'm calling you retarded because you completely fell for the soy meme and kept insulting me even though I was just trying to help you see the problem.

>I bet you can't go through one sentence in real life conversations without stuttering and shitting your pants from anxiety.
This is projection.