Which one we finna play?
Which one we finna play?
negro souls
You should steal DS3 too. It's great.
Dark souls III
I'd recommend single player russian roulette
Play Bloodborne again
>Have old game that not many people had a chance to play but would be interesting
>Instead give the remaster to the game that's only been out for like 6 years and is literally the biggest meme game of our generation
Nice one. Japan are fucking retarded. Shits locked at 60fps on PC too, japs nintenbro culture when it comes to games is pathetic.
king's field
Fucking negro just stole 4 games call the rozzers!
its ebonics for "gonna"
Actually, it's "preparing to" taken from the ebonic version of "fixing to."
For example, "Hello Elizabeth, what would you like to do after class today?" Would translate roughly into ebonics as "Yo ShaQueefa, you finna get that pussy smashed lata ho?"
Only right answer
Man, I wish I could take Ebonics 101, sounds like a fun class.