I'd wanted to get Starmie instead of Lapras, but then I'd have 2 psychic types.
Post yours
I'd wanted to get Starmie instead of Lapras, but then I'd have 2 psychic types.
Post yours
I'm about to play FireRed now.
Which starter should I get?
Nice well rounded team
Pick Charmander cause fire types are rare
Which fucking faggot doesn't have a starter in his team
Thanks, sounds good
Starters are too OP
Rhydon > Golem
Nah, Golem is my dude
Who the fuck play Pokemon
I do obviously
This is Sup Forumsideo games
Lads, so i've played only Pokemans Red and that was some 20 years ago.
Whats the best game to get back into the series?
I've read Gold and Silver are the very best but I dunno.
Heart Gold/Soul Silver
But they are hard to smoothly emulate on phones
basic as fuck/10
>posting white bitches
Gross. Post Asian or 2D.
Do I need a Galaxy or a Motorola or something to emulate them?
I got a chinese brick and I can play FFVII android version just fine.
Post yours, m8.
What's your phone? I found the free NDS emulators for Android pretty bad. Drastic is better, but it costs money.
You could also jsut play Pokemon CRystal for GBA
Honestly I'd say play the games in order
Skipping gens won't be too fun, you'd have to learn too many new Pokemon at once and you'll burn yourself out.
Because you stopped at a gen 3 game I'd say just play diamond/pearl/platinum
>Pokemon red
>Gen 3
Are you retarded
My dick
I am
I thought he wrote FireRed.
>drastic costs money
>on android
it doesn't
You could have alakazam alone and it would be enough
Google drastic apk and you will get numerous links.
too much malware
That's why I won't give you a link. I downloaded mine ages ago and don't have the link, but I am sure there are good apk download sites out there that still provide a good version of drastic. Maybe apkhere, but again, always be careful.
Yea, but it's hard to see what is malware and what is not for android. For me at least.
Does Pokemon Heart Gold work smoothly on Drastic? I've only got a Snapdragon 625
Yes, but that wouldn't be fun.
Why does nobody post their teams? :(
What for? It doesn't even learn Extreme Speed in Gen 1. There isn't anything you really, really need a fire type for, and don't tell me that you're scared of a Parasect killing your Alakazan. Dragonite is better (hell, Dragonair might be better) and it comes with a bunch of resistances that Arcanine doesn't. Your team isn't particularly ice-weak anyways.
Why using Golem instead of Rhydon?
>Nah, Golem is my dude
Okay then, fair enough.
I also remember having a bunch of images of that cosplayer, when I had a large Hilda collection. Nice choice.
>also remember having a bunch of images of that cosplayer, when I had a large Hilda collection. Nice choice
Post them
Hilda is bead pokegirl
My favorite type is Ghost, what does that say about me?
Having. I don't have those images saved anymore. They're pretty much just what's already being posted.
>Why does nobody post their teams?
Fuck gameplay, use your favorites.
I never tried that game, mainly used it for Layton, Advanced Wars, and Picross 3D games and I had no troubles with performance. The only thing that was troublesome were the controls, where the game's controls and the regular phone touchscreen controls would interfere with one another. Also, the overlay of the DS buttons on the screen can also interfere with regular touch screen controls.
Alakazam best poke...
Nobody learns flying, you dumbfuck
Get Gyarados or Charizard
Oh no! It's a weakness to the ultra-dangerous Lick and Bug Bite.
alright, post them.
decent taste