New Splatfest, NA only

New Splatfest, NA only

Which side did/will you pick?



Phylogeny-wise the egg was a development before chickens were even a thing

Europe has the same

>cocks vs chicks

Marina, because she's my existential octopusfu, and because the egg came first, biologically speaking. Though I know the question is rhetorical and refers more to the origin of all life.

>semen vs piss

My mistake then

best pic i saw in lobby

>team chicken because god don\t lay no egg

so i rolled chicken to back up my boy


Are we getting white ink for this?

egg came first and its origin is from a "chicken like" species

Wow, this is almost as bad as an EU Splatfest. Guess I'll pick Marina's side since I can't stand the idea of Pearl being happy.


I don't have a master's in biology but I'm like 99% sure eggs were a think before chicken even came into existence, they evolved from something that hatched eggs.

This splatfest literally has an objectively correct side

im picking the white ink side

>"Marina" is another name for the harbor
>Pearl Harbor

>Goby Arena
>Kobe Arena

Wow, it's really true that people around here have nothing better to do than be autistic smartasses.

>people around here have nothing better to do than be autistic smartasses.

that is general education, stop being dumb

only people picking chickens are kids with shit taste or religionfags

You stop being dumb. The question is extremely ambiguous, but you just went and assumed it was talking about eggs in general rather than CHICKEN eggs, which is what literally everybody means when they ask this question (also pro tip: if you look at the picture, you'll see baby chickens come out of them).
You don't look smart by intentionally - or unintentionally - misinterpreting a question so that it has an obvious simple answer, mr. science pants.

And I'm not arguing that the answer isn't eggs, by the way.

you sounds angry user, relax

Ok, let's assume it's about only chicken eggs. For the purpose of this argument let's asume that there is descrite set of rules that define chicken beacuse othervise we cannot detirminate what is chicken and what is not in the age of their genesis as a spicies.
Genetic traits are iheireted from their parents but their combination is unique. If first chucken was born, it was born from non-chicken parrents. But all chicken are born from eggs and, beacuse chicken that will be born from that egg will be first , egg was before chicken.

It's an obviously simple answer regardless of how you look at it. The chicken/egg question basically boils down to "Is a chicken egg an egg laid by a chicken, or an egg which hatches a chicken?" If it is the first, then obviously the chicken came first, since a chicken hatched as some sort of mutant offspring out of an egg of another related bird. If it is the second, then the egg obviously came first, since the first chicken hatched out of the first chicken egg.

Although realistically, there is (or was) a broad spectrum and not a clear chicken-notchicken divide, so you could keep going back in chicken family tree and continue running into animals which were clearly different but still-not-notchickens until you run into something which clearly seems to not be a chicken, and yet almost identical to the other thing you said was clearly still a chicken. And then, you still have the question of if the egg was a chicken egg by virtue of hatching the chicken, or not a chicken egg by virtue of being laid by a non-chicken.

Why marina acted like monika during this splatfest
Did treehouse smoked some DDLC?


who knows what the guys from treehouse do?
it's not in the german and probably other non-english euro versions

It is in russian. It's even worse.

really? didn't expect that

You're getting their amiibos, right?

>another dual pack
>just wanted Marina

This Splatfest is going to be great

Depends on how much detail they give Marina's ass.

I have friends who are Pearlfgs so they can fight over my scraps while I worship the superior girl


When and what stores are supplying them?

Now you know how the EU felt with the TP slapfest

Chicken has white ink right?

my god

Already have them preordered.

>tfw picking chicken because I'm a contrarian

ur fuckin ded kiddo

If the egg containing a chicken is a chicken egg, then the egg came first. However, if we consider it to be the egg of whatever laid it and it simply hatches into a chicken, then the chicken came first and started making chicken eggs after that. This is especially true if the first chicken is male and can't lay its own chicken egg immediately afterward.

The choice then becomes something more relevant to modern audiences. Egg-first is pro life (the egg belongs to the offspring inside) and Chicken-first is pro choice (the egg belongs to the chicken that laid it)


I ate a chicken omelet and it was delicious

Kys brainlet

>Nintendo sponsoring a Creationism vs Evolution event


What the fuck does this have to do with either?

Bases samurai stirring the pot

>Pearl wants the octo-pie

The egg literally came first. We evolved hard shelled eggs when we first rose from the ocean, way before birds came along.

If the egg came first it's because life evolved over the course of a very long time until a chicken was produced.

If the chicken came first it's because God created chickens and they've always been around, so there were no chicken eggs until God's first chickens laid them.