SE sale

Should I? I sort of enjoyed the first two games. I heard this one has a time limit though.
Also, how does dude sex: buttcheeks divided run on a 1050ti and a 4690k?

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Easily one of my most favorite and underrated Final Fantasy games

It has a Majora's Mask vibe, the gameplay is extremely fun and good, the OST is god tier

How's the port? I know it's not great, but is it real bad?

I hate the "door is only open at certain hours of the day" thing

the time limit is enough, just let me go wherever, fuck off game

why is noel so hard all of a sudden

I bought this on steam for my 2016 prepared toaster. It ran pretty good, and I had a blast. However, either I was extremely bad at the game, or I spent too much time on the side missions, because I ended up losing pretty hard at the majora mask aspect of the game.

Just know that if you are not good at Jrpgs such as myself, you might have to play through this game a couple of times to beat it. On the other hand, it gives you replayability, so it is up to you how you personally feel about it.

Have it on ps3. Is getting it on pc worth it?


It's fun but the time limit might as well be removed since it's so lenient.

Buy literally anything else

All the bosses are hard if you go after them early, don't have the timing to block their shit down and/or don't know how or don't have the correct abilities to stagger them efficiently. Personally I didn't have much trouble with Noel when I played the game because all his stagger requirements were shit I was doing instinctively anyway and it didn't take long for me to learn how to perfect guard his attacks fairly reliably.

The time limit is not really a problem, you have plenty of time to finish the game. You might not be able to complete everything in a run but there is a new game+ mode where you unlock additional stuff

FFX worth £10?y

Someone post Lightning+Serah lewds.


If you never played it or X2 before yeah it's worth it. Also comes with the after story episodes.

But user, that's l-lewd

>All the bosses are hard
Nigga Caius was the only hard boss and you could still beat his ass with Bravery steal

Good good, more.

It's better than XIII-2. Honestly, shitty ports are Square's specialty.

I still get mad when I see the Chrono Trigger Steam release.

Is the Las Remnant good? Thinking about getting it.

the time limit works like Majora’s Mask, it’s not meant to fuck up your progress, but instead to make you do different shit when redoing chapters to get new quests and rewards.
literally nothing is permanently missable and all shit that gets closed off for a while will open up later (and you can skip time to reach that opportunity again faster)

>It has a Majora's Mask vibe because it has a time limit
Fucking retard

yes, but be aware that it definitely doesn’t work like your usual grindy jrpg. go check some threads about difficulty and stat scaling.

No imbecile, the Majora's Mask vibe is because the world is gonna get destroyed and you have a time limit to save it, even people in the game act nervous about it

The game is constantly on sale for $2.50. And yes, the game is pretty good and will give you at least 80 hours of entertainment

How is the port of the first one? I’ve been meaning to go back and play through the trilogy, but I don’t have a ps3 or 360 anymore.

Do you like games for the story? If yes, then God no. LR might have one of the worst stories in all of FF. Even XV's half finished plot us better than the absolute Waifu Wank that is LR.
That said, the gameplay's decent enough, and like the other XIII games it's certainly pretty.
Outside of that there's a few quirks like with that are up to opinion. $10 isn't too bad a price.

>implying all LR has in common with it is the time limit
how about looking up fucking Wikipedia, at the very fucking least, before shitposting on threads about vidya you never played?

Have you guys noticed that Final Fantasy games never go above 50% off? They can be years old on Steam, and Square still won't sell the games for less tha half, even on Summer Sale or Holyday Sales

Don't think it's been that price ever since they got rid of flash sales.

it’s not the percentage that matters, user. it’s pure marketing gimmick.
50%off on games from this year are going to cost more than 50% off on old shit. wait for a few months and the same game will be 30% off instead but will hit the same price because of a price drop on its MSRP.

Nigger, did you just stop reading my post 5 words in or did you miss the part where I qualified that statement? The early game in LR can be brutal if you don't have a good grasp of the mechanics because your stats suck and you don't have any good abilities. Of course if you've been doing a lot of sidequests or are already knowledgeable about the game it's not going to be hard, but for a first timer I can absolutely see the bosses giving people trouble. On my first playthrough I did Snow's story immediately with minimal sidequests completed and until I actually had a clue about what the fuck I was doing, I did get my ass handed to him a few times.


>pick up XIII-2
>actually have to try a boss a few times before I beat him a few hours in

I forgot you could actually die sometimes in these games. It actually seems like you can fuck up your stat investments in this one too, unlike in XIII.

I actually really like the gameplay of the first two games so that's why I'm interested in this one. Honestly, I fucking love paradigms and hope FF tries it again one day. I got a rush out of switching paradigms every 10 seconds in some of the harder optional battles.

XIII-2 is easier than XIII user.


I guess I suck then.

LR is filled with swapping between three Paradigms/Loadouts as each has its own energy bar.
That said, you will ALWAYS be playing Lightning, and only Lightning. No party set-ups.

B-but they're sisters and girls can't love girls anyway!

The gameplay has very little to do with the first two games. It's even more real time, relies on shitty perfect timing on attack/block mechanics and most importantly the gameplay is extremely reliant on alpha strike. Either you have enough damage to kill enemies with your initial ATB bars and the fight is over almost instantly or you don't and the fight devolves into glacially slow pace of you watching the ATB bars slooooowly fill so you can hit the enemy once or twice for pitiful damage.

I know some people gush over Lightning Returns combat but I found it just plain annoying compared to proper action games which it tries to imitate.


I got it on a sale and played it to completion. It's genuinely just not a very good game. Don't be suckered into completing it to finish off the trilogy like I did.

>Bayonetta comes out on PC
>nude mods within weeks
>Lightning Returns comes out on PC
>nothing to fix this abomination

The bayonetta nude mod is absolute dogshit tho

you don't fix what isn't broken
she is literally built for S E X

Square doesn't want to devalue their mainline titles. They don't mind doing deep sales for stuff they publish like Tomb Raider and Deus Ex. But Final Fantasy is their baby and they don't want people thinking they can wait for a 90% off sale.

>time limit
lmao no thanks

>t. millennial

Should I get the FFX remake or just emulate? I lost my PS2 copy awhile back. Im not sure if the remake added anything of substance. I heard the textures were hit or miss.

How difficult was it to get running? Or, rather, how is the framerate? I don't mind if it's a little bad but fuck sub 20 fps.

>relies on shitty perfect timing on attack/block mechanics
It doesn't rely on them, they're just something to reward players who actually want to get good. Even if you suck at timing you can spam guard to basically guarantee a perfect guard at the price of more ATB if you really need to get that perfect block.
>or you don't and the fight devolves into glacially slow pace of you watching the ATB bars slooooowly fill so you can hit the enemy once or twice for pitiful damage
The ATB refill isn't that slow for inactive schemata unless you're using equipment with abysmal ATB recovery and if you weren't an ADHD kid and waited until you have enough ATB to use more than one attack you wouldn't be doing pitiful damage. Wait until you have enough ATB between your three schemata that you can stagger the enemy and you'll do plenty of damage.

How is the Chrono Trigger port? Do save games work? FF VI deletes saves and they still havent fixed it.

It's not that bad. I don't have a frame counter on so I can't get too specific, but I believe it runs at 60. The problem is that it drops for a few seconds every couple of minutes. Not to unplayable levels, just to noticeable and annoying levels. You're not looking at sub 20fps at any point though. As for getting it running, it works outside of the box. There are some patches and fixes you can apply for minor stuff if you want, but it's functional immediately.

The remake fucked up some of the character models and they don't emote as much during cutscenes. Just emulate the original or international version.


It's just totally inferior to emulating. It's a port of the mobile version and it still has the mobile UI and even some messages telling you not to turn your phone off when saving. It doesn't look as nice as the original either, there's something off about the coloration.

Thanks user, I'll give it a shot.

there are mods for Yuna and Tidus' faces, the game is now all around superior to the PS2 version.

I really liked the game except for the time system in the game. If you don't know what I'm talking about. look it up and if it sounds fine then buy the game. It's good.

Oh, cool, didn't know.

Oh man, I do *not* want to play this game on hard.

yes keep it going hnggg

The remake is fine. You won't notice the differences unless you're an autist or looked at screenshots side by side.

Stay away from the Chrono Trigger port. Download the rom and higan (if you have good enough CPU) and play that way.

Really not a terrible port. There's already a mod to get rid of Bilinear filtering.

The new soundtrack sucks though, and that was one of the best parts.

Is there a mod that unfucks the UI yet?

I'm pretty sure you can switch between the soundtracks.

X's soundtrack was always meh and there's an option to use the original anyway.

Chrono Trigger port is fine and loads faster than any other version.
Fix the yellow filter and the font and it's perfect.

Hamauzu's tracks are masterpieces.

>you can change lightning clothes

>but shes flat as a table

5/10 game


Steam release is good just for the option to get rid of the random encounters.

>not a terrible port
>introduces several gameplay breaking bugs not present in the original

such as...?