Star Citizen

How is this game so big? Are they just going to copy and paste or throw in a randomized generator for environment? I am going to assume you squeeze into one part of the city and find an exact replica of it somewhere else

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They explain how they do it in the video the screenshot you posted is from.

fucking triple a devs making open world games can't even populate a map like just cause 3 or ass creed with interesting content, so how the fuck are rsi gonna do it for a whole galaxy (galaxy = a couple of planets according to Chris Roberts lol)


100% verified magic

You'll have no reason to explore any other part of the city/planet so you'll never notice the repetition you get from procedural generation

procedural gen is often just used as eye candy (ie, another addition to visual fidelity)

Player owned structures.

Is what the Sim City franchise has always done with zoning tools, I don't see what's wrong with it.

Don't tell me you expected them to manually create entire to-scale planets of unique cities, building by building?

I thought they were going to make a game where the engine organically allows you to go many places in the world, perhaps copying same shops, but much to be unique nonetheless

by copy-pasting

They showed in the presentation it was possible to put NPC's, shops etc. basically everywhere inside those buildings, but there's no reason to. They're focusing on a handful of locations per planet polished to a high level, the city is mostly a setpiece which is fine for a city planet.

I'm not exactly sure what you expected otherwise, enough unique signs and building shapes to cover an entire planet?

Also those are signs, which are almost always adverts for companies, so it makes sense that the adverts and logos would be the same each time, that's the point. The whole planet is owned by an in-game company, ArcCorp.

A friend of mine bought it years ago and he tried the beta like last week and he said it's completely unplayable on his GTX 1070

The game is incredibly buggy and unoptimised. No point optimising it at this point given how much the game is changing month-by-month but it also means it's fucking shit to play

>he thinks it's ever going to be optimised
This your first early access game??

It's a big scam.

Is this a big issue? If you knew anything about game design you'd know that repeatable assets saves memory and time.

no shit sherlock, its modular

The assets dont make themselves from scratch.

It's netcode issues, not related to your graphics card. Basically no network prioiritization in the game yet so your client slows down being sent every update from every object in the solar system. Sometimes you get a fresh server with nobody in it yet and you get decent framerates but it slows down as people spawn ships. Play single player Arena Commander or go to the hangar and you should be getting 60fps+. They're planning on implementing a few improvements in 3.1 and hopefully a bigger improvement in 3.3 with object container streaming.

I came here to see ships. Post them ships, they are delicious.


don't got ships but here's an updated view of the "truck stop" space stations (it's WIP, some of it is untextured etc). too big for Sup Forums unfortunately so here's the link

also pic related is the updated Yela for 3.1

>no we make lore
>youre fired


Fucking how

The screenshot should tell you how porly made it is look at all the same buildings below theyre even the same height i doubt youll be able to drop down there and talk to different people

Rsi devs on suicide watch literally

Blind culling keeps getting pushed back. It's quite irritating.

I still love their ship design.


Theres a whole community doing stuff like that, cramming as much as possible into as little as possible space, cant recall whats this phenomenon called. Im no programmer, but if i understand correctly they rely on algortihms to generate animation and textures, so they wouldn't need to store that data and take up space.

A few years ago there was a game floading around that was insanely small, a 3d first person shooter. Pretty fantastic.

Watch the presentation. They literally can do that.

In a closed setting

It's "Bind Culling". Binds/unbinds are a network function for managing traffic. When it does get implemented it essentially equates to better cleanup of unnecessary data traffic. However that's still not the full network optimization planned so don't expect amazing framerates when it's in.

Yeah it's annoying, it was originally supposed to be in 3.0 and if it was we'd have a playable framerate by now at the very least. Just gotta keep waiting I guess. I find the dev stuff pretty interesting anyway so I appreciate the amount of info they give even if stuff is delayed.

>selling plots of land for real money
>plots of land that don't even exist in the game yet


What does that even mean? It's the same tech people are playing on right now with the moons except larger. It's procedural generation, user, that's been around for decades.

Theres also a dev video covering the tech in detail, breaking down how it works and how the cities are built. Pretty cool. I dont support the game but love the dev videos, theres probably nothing else like that, documenting such a game made from scratch.

They're making some hub areas where you can get clearance to land and walk around a hand made hub. But the rest of the city planet is window dressing. At most there might be randomly generated points to land and a shuttle to the hubs. I don't get how people think they're going to fill an entire city with any sort of meaningful content, let alone an industrial planet.

Welcome to Star Citizen
If you spent more than 0$ in this game you got scammed

It's going to be incredibly boring procedural garbage ala No Man's Sky

Either they dont watch dev videos or are delusional kids without a solid grasp of reality.

Still technically amazing though.

Why the fuck do you retards bother having threads about this game on Sup Forums? Sup Forumsirgins try even harder to stifle discussion about this game than they do for Breath of the Wild and Nintendo.

It's okay, I refunded this shit back in 2015 after citing UK distance selling law. Got my 90 USD back and used it to buy Japanese Pokemon trading card booster boxes

I feel I did well.

why are you so angry?

Why are you projecting?

They probably won't be the studio to prove the technology, but procgen is the future. Manual building and curation of content is extraordinarily demanding all things considered. Even with photogrammetry you have to alter the package and handle world placement, and you're restricted in cost and dimensional scale. With some of the emergent technologies like deep learning and neural nets you could start making the computer build assets from known and repeatable assets while adding interesting variety but without detracting from realism.

Why are you rejecting?

this is the proper way to do it, espeically for a space focused game. I'm glad they're being sensible instead of trying to make the whole city area explorable.

Good job m8
90$ are better spent anywhere else rather than on Star citizen

>We have the ability to make interactable cities on planets but we're not going to

Yeah ok, Sean.

Star Citizen retards are the most gullible people on the planet, jesus christ

Sup Forumsirgins, the most pathetic of creatures.
>REE they're making a video game REE

Cloud Imperium Games has around 160 employees, which means that they've crowdsourced around a million dollar "home-school AAA dev training" for each of their employees. What could possibly go wrong?

The same way SPORE was.

Procedural generation.

How Destiny 2 was made.webm

The plan for the landmasses, as I understand it, is that the vast majority of it is going to be procedurally generated. Points of interest will be handcrafted for each. Bear in mind the game is only meant to have a hundred or so systems with several planets in each, they're not trying to ape NMS/ED here.

[Citation needed]
As of 2018 they have nearly 400 employees in 6 studios

Wouldn't avoiding having pointless empty spaces for the sake of it be the opposite of nms? Simulating city life seems harder than a bunch of retarded lizards crawling around, so not surprising they'd keep it reasonably doable. One step off grid and the illusion of a city would disappear.

How does Chris Robert's dick taste user ?
Does it feel good in your ass when you're giving your money for a game that will never be finished ?
Also if you don't want to see your favorite video game shitted on don't come on Sup Forums

I thought it was 470 in four studios. Two in the US, one in Germany, one in the UK?

Wouldn't making an actual video game ruin the scam?

>scam citizen
No thanks. That is >shadman tier.

it is

all the creatures were handmade
all the buildings were handmade
all the vehincles were handmade
all the spaceships were handmade
only planets and starmap was done by proc gen

lurk more faggot

> Forums.fag
475. The Derby one is new enough that I didn't know it existed, but that's still a fuckton of employees.
>muh "roberts embezzeling money, look at these holidays pictures"
newfags who don't know how rich he is detected

Nobody said otherwise
What do you want to prove

It's already ruined. Unfortunately it turns out it's a game.

It's the smart way to do a populated built over planet without having impossible standards. Originally the city hubs were simply places you loaded into masked by a pretty loading atmosphere cutscene. Them going full bore into seamless planets and fight changed things but they took the sensible solution to randomly generate the planets and plop handcrafted hubs into them as areas of interest.

In the same presentation Chris mentioned they're going to restrict flying to space lanes on large industrial planets and when entering cities so you can't fuck around as close like at the start of the video. "Lore wise" because of because your ship is slaved to the planetary traffic control if you go off the guided path so you can't space 9/11, but really because there isn't anything to really do there. At most they've mentioned that there will be more traffic, randomly generated people on walkways, and maybe landing pads and player housing off the beaten path. The idea in the future they'll keep expanding planets by making more hubs or adding onto them.

You know if any of this actually gets to the point where they can release a "finished" product.

spore was a terrible game but not because of the procedural generation

Depends if you count the subcontractors' studios. They have:

Los Angeles
Derby (Mocap studio)
Montreal (Turbulent, webdev)

I know those last two aren't working for CIG and obviously the whole studio won't be dedicated to S42/SC but worth being aware of.

Remember seeing all the shit about Kingdom Come having a 20gb patch on launch day a couple weeks back and their PR guy had to explain how garbage Cryengine is at replacing patched files? I'm so fucking glad SC has delta patching sorted.
The entire game is pretty much using proc gen as a windowdressing to fill out the space between handcrafted content. Are there any other games that rely on it like that? I can't remember if the POIs in Daggerfall were handcrafted or not.

Weird, I don't see a game.

What if they're actually trying to make a video game, but they're so bad at it that they're completely inept? They'd not only be scamming customers, but themselves in the process. That would be even funnier than if they were just scamming people.


You could say that games like Ghost Recon:Wildlands do this, the terrain generation system works in a similar way to CIG's system of painting different biomes and the procedurals generate mountains, plains, deserts etc. Then they go over and add roads, settlements, etc. However due to the difference in scale I bet there's a lot of hand-tweaking of everything to suit gameplay while in SC you have an entire planet to explore, so it doesn't really matter exactly what shape each individual hill is.

There's more working systems in the current alpha than plenty of the EA tripe on Steam, mate.
Yeah, I was trying to think of something on a similar scale. RAGE comes to mind but it's still orders of magnitude smaller than what they're planning, which is several hundred planets.

You must have put on the 'im still stuck in 2013' glasses by mistake. Common issue.

>There's more working systems in the current alpha than plenty of the EA tripe on Steam, mate.

That's not a game, that's a demonstration. Where's the game?

The one you can download right now? With missions, combat, basic trading/economy, planets, etc? That one?

It's out? It doesn't look like it's released. I don't see any gameplay of it.

If it's out, why is no one talking about it and only playing Star Citizen™, the greatest for real video game ever?


You talking about Elite Dangerous?
A new update came out.


No, otherwise I wouldn't have said "basic". What's in it? Haven't kept up with it since about the time ayys were interdicting people. star citizen 3.0 gameplay


Some of the demos are pretty radical.

That game you mentioned? .kkrieger.

>hurr durr what is pre-alpha what is early access

you can download the game as it exists now, they are continually building it, nobody has claimed the game is finished but it is available to try right now

nobody complains that Assassin's creed 12 hasnt been released yet, come on Ubisoft, get it together, stop scamming us etc. Because it's being developed in secret until just before launch. CIG are developing publicly. That's all. If you don't like it just ignore the game and go play something else, who really cares.

>i'll redefine what a game is so i can win this argument i started


At the moment it plays just as well on a 1050 as it does a 1080ti, poorly, because the networking is still terrible. If you want an actual idea of performance you need to play offline or wait for bind culling.
Why are planet-sized cities so cool? I'm still pissed the Star Wars game set in the Coruscant undercity got canned.

>this .exe you can download and play right now with other people with gameplay mechanics isn't a game
fucking w e w

yeah thats the one. Thanks for the links. If coding was an art form, this would be a genre of it.

New planet textures, new ship, improved crime and punishment, improvements to trading. News is now broadcasted through a voiced option on your UI. New UI voice (finally male) and some other tweaks to fix minor bugs and all.

This isn't a game, though how broken and devoid of content it is made me burst out laughing several times.

Because it represents the endgame of our current view of capitalism and development, like Blade Runner, it's an entire global landscape of human intervention and utilization of space. Total control over nature. I think it's even cooler that it's a single company that controls the whole planet, and the difference between how they used it compared to Hurston or Microtech. Can't wait to see the full Stanton System out.

As stated is the server networking fucking everything up. If you manage to get the game to play offline it actually runs extremely well.

Wake me up in 2022.

please tell me you're just pretending

>If you manage to get the game to work in offline mode, play that, because otherwise the game is unplayable.

Wouldn't playing an MMO offline make it unplayable?

lol wtf are star citizen cult members!? You guys have lost your mind in fanboyism and buyer's remorse. I've never seen anything like it.

Holy shit can you do that? I wasted £150 on this scam

More like 2077

is this the Cultist meet up thread?