filename thread
Filename thread
I've always wondered what is the context here
What is the story behind this one?
Weeaboo spic watches a show about cute girls camping and decides to try camping himself. Hilarity ensues
i was using 3dm for 4 years and not a single time this happen to me
op is a fag
Holy shit how much of a retarded was this guy who recorded this video?
He didn't even bother to check the obvious fake file extension
This is some darwin award shit
i been pirating games my whole life that didnt happen to me
Yeah, he was so retarded he was somehow able to record it. It's almost like he ran it in a safe virtual machine or something.
these reddit threads aren't fun anymore
maybe try something new?
pirate fags revealing themself
op secreatly made this thread to lure pirate fags
why is felix's gorffriend a chain smoking hooker beatnik?