Do you wanna play my game?

Do you wanna play my game?

Other urls found in this thread:

>no animation
>just pixelated pictures
fuck off with that shit

Tower of Succubus>Castlevania Succubus>New one.

There's also pixelated animation, so you're wrong

>Tower of Succubus
download where?

I've literally played that game and there were only 2 slide pictures whcih were repeating. That's not animation, you dumb fuck.

maybe use a search engine, retard

>want to fap while playing
>game expects me to use both hands to play
Fuck you.

No need to be rude, my dude

Old games trully had better aesthetics

>fug animation with slimes, tentacles and other monsters
>2 slide pictures
Who's dumb you fuck?

I have and it was not good, the H isn't great, and one of the bosses was absolute BS.
Any H game with absurd difficulty is shit, people play it for simple gameplay with lewds, not for hardcore Ghost n' Goblins/Contra tier difficulty.

No hands is a thing, you know. Alternatively mount your fleshlight under your desk and you're good to go

just joined the thread to write this too. the atmosphere and character design was just way better back then.
i agree. i really enjoy the story of some of the games or the effort to get there, but sometimes its just too much. cheatengine.

You high or something? Instant gratification is a cancer, and this game is still extremely easy. Maybe you should just look for CGs at this point, why use a skill in a GAME?

Yes, I loved Tower of Succ, I'm going to legally purchase your game.

I did. It was fun and had some original ideas, although you can tell the developer didn't really have enough and so just tossed it together based on fan demand. I'd like to see what they have planned next, and don't mind if they're cancelling an idea if they have better plans for a different one.

>H game with absurd difficulty
Go play Eroico if you think this one was difficult. Hell, the first psudo-Castlevania title was harder than the one in the OP.

Is there a way to extract the pixel art off the game?

I'm not saying they should all be braindead, but many H games take things way too far, also this game is far from easy.

I have played that, and that's absolute garbage as well.

I thought Tower was fun and I don't really like Castlevania gameplay
What is third one like?

You regain health fucking your enemies. If the game isn't hard, there's no need to actually fuck. Also if you die, you respawn at the beginning of a screen with all defeated enemies already dead. Even dying at the boss, you'll restart just before a fight with full lifebar.

The stages aren't the issue, its the bosses.

I guess that's why they're called bosses

I really like the bounce animation when invoking the spell select menu.

And what's your point? Bosses being semi-challenging is fine, but its not fine when they are brutally difficult.

Which boss you have in mind? I fought with two already and both were pushovers. The evade action helps and also you can shoot down some of the bosses projectiles.

Also to answer what you said on CGs, I play hentai games for the animations, anything that isn't animated and is too much work I just find CGs for.

I only played this back when it first came out, so I can't remember exactly, I think it was some ice bitch or something.

The first game was just Succubus, where you can seduce enemies and fuck them along with damaging them. Fairly standard sprite-based platformer otherwise.

The second game was Akumajou Succubus, which was basically not-Castlevania. Complete with the awkward jumping controls.

The third game was Tower of Succubus.

The fourth game was a black-and-while "sequel" to Akumajou Succubus, slightly better controls but looking like a Game Boy title.

The fifth game was in the OP, Succubus of the Six Magics (or Succubus: The Six of Magics) and was similar to the first game, where you're the succubus again.

There was a sequel to Akumajo Succubus?

It's called Succubus_H or Succubus Hunter. RJ184888. It's a fairly simple and straightforward game.

So what game is this

Skeleton fag cannot be seduced

Reported it for lewd.

Looks like she's about to get boned

helpful tip for next time

Go away nazi frog poster


>make barely average game
>slap tiddies and sex on it
>make money
shiggy diggy

> 4chanx

Cheers m8
downloading it right now

There are actually a surprising amount of enemies you can't seduce in Six Magics. I guess they wanted to make things just a bit harder than in the first game, where you could just seduce everything and have next to zero challenge. Still, it would've been nice to, say, seduce the female enemies and have them rape the male enemies to death for you.

Then again, I heard that they wanted to cancel Six Magics but just completed it anyways due to fan outcry. It seems that they just put it all together and finished things up rather than working through adding new ideas past that point.

Filtered and downvoted
Enjoy getting punched in the face.


>not using 4chanx

No thanks, thot. And yes, I'm gay.

Yes, and you are?

So which one is best if I just to fap?

oh man i remember this game

it's a shame it could be such a pain in the ass because it was actually kind of hot.

>west vs east

The first Succubus game or Six Magics. You're basically just seducing stuff and having it rape the female succubus character. The first game is easier, but the bosses more annoying (from what I recall). Also, Six Magics plays a lot better.

Tower of Succubus is quite fun as well, although there's a bit more of a game challenge there.

Akumajoy Succubus and the "sequel" (Succubus Hunter) only have H as part of cutscenes, still images for finding items relating to NPCs and bosses. So they'd be the least interesting unless you were enjoying the gameplay.

titty whore makes me jizz

What's the gameplay like? Any achievements? Co-op?

If you count ulocked pictures and animation in the gallery, then yea, there are achievements. There's no random informations in the corner of the screen telling you that you fucked 100 enemies, the game is not on steam either. No coop, just single player. As gameplay goes, you shoot, jump, crawl, evade. You gain new attacks after defeating bosses, just like in megaman. You refill your lifebar with potions or sex, also in between levels you buy refills for your life and attacks, and you gain money by killing enemies or destroying candle stands, just like in Castlevania. There are also hidden crowns which unlocks more CGs, but they're invisible until you shoot the surrounding area. Overall nothing spectacular in terms of platforming.

>co-op in a 2d platformer H game

The fuck are you on?

Best place to pick up these games and more like this? Lost a bunch of the side-scrollers when I updated my OS from 7 and I'm looking for somewhat engaging shit whilst being fappable.

I played it months ago. It was good for a h-game 2d platformer since most of them are actual garbage but it wasn't very good when held to actual game standards.

Did that other escape from succubus game ever get a translation. Shit is no fun if you can't read moonrunes

>tfw got inspiration to make an H-game because of those succubus libra heart games but my sprite work sucks.

so this game is hard? I suck at metroidvanias.


Thanks! Didn't know this was out.
Tower of Succubus is probably the only hgame that I actually like as a game.
The only Hgame I'll play at all, actually.
Libra Heart is a dope team

>not wanting to play a co-op H game
You can even make it a team game with both hands.

Reminder that you can get all of these games and more like it at /hgg2d/ over in We love helping out!

There should be a thread on /t/, if not there look at /hgg/
You guys really need to visit more than one board

I want to make an H-game as well, but I don't know how to code. I'd like to think I'm okay at spriting, though.

Literally You are lazy as sin, motherfucker.

Entry level Megaman game, not metroidvania

One of these threads, huh?

I'm doing sprites without knowing anything about programming. I figure you can find some template code on youtube

There are no Metroidvanias in the Succubus series.
Just Megaman-likes and Classicvanias.

combat looks nice, but the running/movement animations are so wooden and stiff.

This looks fucking terrible, why are H game standards so fucking low.

Because there are very, very people people with the talent necessary who are willing to devote their time to making H games. The vast majority either have poor skills, or just take a cheap way out. Plus, the audience is frequently more interested in someone pandering to their fetish than quality and so you'll find even more cheap cash-ins which just pander to whatever niche fetish is in demand.

Most of their artistic talent starts and ends with whats covered in "how to draw manga/anime" book made in the 80s.

What the hell is an IRC client?

If a game has huge tiddies i'll instantly play it

>why do games usually made by one, maybe two people have lower standards than "indie" developers like multi-million dollar company CD Projekt?
Gee, I dunno.



looks too softcore for me

Which FullFlap game is this?

I don't fucking know.

Sorry what I mean was how can you enjoy this garbage

The same way you enjoy your garbage.

The upcoming one

>implying I play garbage

I enjoyed Demon's Sperm, so I hope this will be fun too.

You do. Stop that.

I'm betting you play lots of garbage.

And your choices when it comes to H games is fairly limited. You're either looking at shit 3D models, shit Flash models, shit indie pixelcraft, or shit RPG Maker games. There are probably less than a dozen good developers out there, and that is even including stuff like Monster Girl Quest titles (which is fun but has some really terrible artists on board).

Game's are usually shit, so you speed through them to get to the pretty images. Unless they're good and well written and have good art like knights of xentar,



>tfw was working in Adobe Animate to work on my game character
>it crashes
>it happened twice
fucking hell, it's annoying to start over.

that game was pretty hot, but it took way too much time to unlock anything decent

any game thats longer or harder than my dick isnt worth playing

Tell me about it. I Found a webpage with tons of H-games but you really have to look hard to find anything of quality there. I'm not even talking about VN, I'm looking for a proper game. From all of your list, the shit indie pixelcraft is the only one that is appealing to me. AA2 was good in terms of animation and characters, but it's just dating simulator, with no real gameplay and H-scenes don't have any depth in playing, you just watch a scene and wave a mouse. Ganguro girl had more depth than that.