Ok Lads, Which one and WHY?


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It's like comparing Doom to the original Duke Nukem.

Never really played super, so I go with prime.

Both are amazing but I find myself replaying through the first Prime more

What do you think super did better than prime and vise versa?

I love both but I think Super Metroid is the perfect game for its high replayability. Prime is a great "once every couple of years" game, but you can play Super every couple of months and not get bored.

Super Metroid is pretty much the epitome of gaming so I'll go with that.

This. The pacing in Super especially is better than Prime

Super for gameplay and replay value, Prime for atmosphere

Prime (NTSC) > Super > Prime (Player's Choice)

With the early space jump, Prime is the superior game. I hope Prime 4 has more sequence breaks.

Super. I started with the Prime series and did not enjoy the bland and slow gameplay that much. Recently played Super and it was a blast.

I see you are a man of culture as well

I just enjoy it more
I replay it every other day
Super is something I'll play through once in awhile

Metroid Prime ruined the series by introducing a bunch of annoying faggots who think they're experts on Metroid but don't even know or acknowledge the timeline and think everything is a plothole.

I prefer 2D metroid to 3D, so Super. Although Prime 1 is very good, if not for all the backtracking.

To go a bit more in depth, I just love how fast Super Metroid can be played, especially with the speed booster. It's more refined in the other games, but you can still run around at Mach 9, and charge up that power to fly around the place which is great, and takes quite a bit of skill to master to get those secret items.

I felt Prime was a bit clunky and slower, which makes sense since it was the first transition to 3D, but once I got used to the controls I couldn't get used to all the annoying backtracking, and so Super pretty much beats it in that regard. I think both are great though. Finished the prime trilogy last year after I could emulate them, and I'd say Prime 1 is my favourite. Prime has a great atmosphere, more so that Super.


Super is my favorite game of all time, but I have played Prime more, if that makes sense.

I think Prime is fantastic in it's own right




FASTmus vs SLOWmus


It generally depends what you're looking for. On paper, they're a 2D and 3D application of the same concepts, however the perspective heavilly changes the emphasis of the game.

After replaying Super Metroid recently, I appreciate that it's much faster, and the controls are tighter. Prime is great, but the pacing is pretty slow. Another issue is scanning - it ruins the pace of the game. Scanning should have no influence on completion - rather, it should be upgrades collected and speed like the other Metroid games. That alone would make it much more enjoyable, because you won't anxiously spend 20 minutes in one area to ensure you haven't missed anything.

Super Metroid's constant movement is a huge plus to the game, which Prime would benefit from as well. Instead, scanning feels contradictory to the game design, because you can't have the fun you'd otherwise have.

I'm a HUGE atmosphere-fag so i have to go with metroid prime.