She killed millions

She killed millions...

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To breed billions




So do we agree Nerg is just an opportunistic fucker bullying old and dying Elder Dragons, and would get his shit pushed in in the old world by healthy ones? Why is he classed as an Elder Dragon if he's not an ecological threat?

Because he is DILF

I'm assuming you haven't seen Nergis turf wars with Teostra or Daora.

>Why is he classed as an Elder Dragon if he's not an ecological threat?
I would suppose because he's a threat to ecological threat elders which in turn makes them act out of behavior and might lead to more disastrous results. He indirectly affects potential threats.

>mfw I saw a Diablos win in a turf war vs Black Diablos



I saw him dunk the fuck out of Teostra once


What is with this meme

Nerg is my girlfriend

I would fuck her.

>tfw you see Nergi's big kitty jellybeans on his paws



The nerg storyline was completely pointless and could have been replaced by deviljho. Hungry monster eats elders. Perfect for jho, who has been known to destroy environments because he eats everything.

Nerg should have just been a new elder dragon without any major story attached.

Source? Artist?

I want Nergigante to be my mother!

but can jho FLY?????

I like Joe just as the next guy but why people here love sucking his dick?

The one where the dude is fucking her is better

just fucking kill yourself jhofag

damn you got me

I guess Nergigante shouldn't even exist

>all of these (she) faggots
Whats wrong with you all? Do you not want her to dominate you and fuck you with her monster pussy or some shit?

I stopped using the SOS thing with her. It's literally impossible to beat nergigante with randoms

so, how does an elder dragon reproduce?

people love jho because he has personality, unlike most monsters

hunter benis

>spiked cloaca

Anyone else kind of done with MHW? I put ~100 hours into it (HR 45) and just don't have the desire to go back to it anymore. The only thing I can think of that'd be fun to go back to is co-op with other players..

>Why is he classed as an Elder Dragon if he's not an ecological threat?
They even stated in game, and it's been true for every game, that everything that isn't a wyvern or beast is classified as Elder Dragon.
Nergigante has four legs and two wings separate from those legs. He's a dragon, which gets filed under elder dragon next to the unicorn and the giant moss jellyfish.

Yes, please.

Nerg is pretty fucking ugly desu.

So /vee/ which monster do you want back? For me personally I want to see my boy brachy smash some elder dragon face in the new world

Yeah but Jho isn't that powerful. It'd be weird if they just retconned jho to be strong enough to kill and eat elder dragons. Plus, nergi is fucking cool and his regenerating spikes is a cool mechanic. Idk why you'd rather just have jho instead of nergi when nergi ended up being the best new monster in the game.

it'd definitely be cool to see Brachydios

We could get Slime stuff again, too, which is also a big plus!

Blast is literally Slime user

>It'd be weird if they just retconned jho to be strong enough to kill and eat elder dragons.

well, you better get ready, because it's already been confirmed jho will be the one winning turf wars against elders when he's released next week

Nergi literally shows up in the Elder's Recess during Kushala and Teostra quests just to bully the fuck out of them and then leave right after.

Because a lot of people started with 3U.

My boy Shagaru Magala.

There can never be enough Lagiacrus.


How do you trigger this? I have yet to see 2 in one map let alone 2 in the same area go at it. Even in the quest where you have to slay 3 elder dragons they only spawn one after another.



we could get SLIME STUFF AGAIN, which is ALSO A BIG PLUS

Oh whack. That's weird, like Jho is top of the food chain. But elder dragons are like a league above that, I thought.

>dying elder dragons
did you even read the post
the Kushalas and Teostras you fight are not in their prime

jho has pretty much always been a top tier monster, usually reserved for g rank quests. he's also huge and intimidating.

also, keep in mind that elders actually did get nerfed. they used to be multi quest battles where you had to wear them down. now you can speed kill them in under 2 minutes.

Rajang, Dalamadur, Nekkros, Glavenus, Tigrex, Gore/Shagaru Magala.

>TFW you will never be a novice hunter meeting your first Nergigante in the wild.
>TFW you won't be able to run fast enough and she catches you to drag into her cave, hold you down with embedded spikes and proceed to use you as a living dildo for days.

How do you think daldamadur would work in worlds? Would it's just be exactly like in 4 or would he have a bunch of crazy new mechanics

I thought that was only in consideration to Zorah.

Quit sucking Jho's gluttonous dick. The very thing that made him iconic isn't even going to be in this game with you transferring screens into new areas only to see him standing there waiting for you. Unless the Jho can do seriously shocking things like Bazelgeuse, he isn't going to have as much impact as he once had.

Bazelgeuse on the other hand, will always be an annoying nightmare of a Monster. Interfering with everything you can do in an area with him around.

they never state that the elder dragons you fight are dying EXCEPT for Zorah Magdaros

Zorah and others of his size go there to die, but the smaller ones are drawn there by the energy that Xeno'jiva gives off and the influx of life that blooms from large elders dying, which then leads to "elder dragon predators" like Nergigante arriving

what made jho iconic was having him show up unexpectedly. that's exactly what beetlejuice does.

so how can you like bazel but not jho? they are doing the exact same thing.

Teostra, Kushala Daora, and Vaal Hazak aren't dying, they are there to feed on the new ecosystem that evolves/migrates from when a gargantuan elder dragon goes to the rotten vale to die

the only dying elder dragon in the game is Zorah, and yes you are right that Nerg is being a huge dick and picking on him

I want to fuck a Rathalos

Slitfuck him until he thinks he's a Rathian?


rathalos (female)

They even say prior to the nerg HR15 mission that he tried and failed to kill the other elders so he was hangry and a threat to town.

Because Bazelgeuse is designed to work with the open area game play of World by fucking flying. Not to mention be as fucking annoying as possible with constant roars and the bombing bullshit.

Deviljho cannot and can only run or walk. Can you see him flying up to Legiana's nest or even climbing up to it? Because Bazelgeuse can do that.

Then why akantor/ukanlos arent elder dragons?

Not the user you were talking to but this seems somewhat related.
Dont you think it's wierd that nergigante is supposed to be a big deal in that he preys on other elder dragons, but he's the first one they send you to kill? Like if he's the toughest shouldn't we be fighting the others first to stack up on gear? Instead you beat him and never have to worry about the others because you already got the best equipment for killing elders.

>it can actually attack you in the tent

hr 165 melding like crazy no attack gem and dont even care anymore

Even when if they aren't bothering him, Nerg will go out of his way to shit on them

should've duped
>mfw 770 attack gems

I want a Nerg boyfreind

They went overboard with randomising shit in World. It was always bad enough relying on luck for quest rewards but now you have to also rely on it to get the jewels you want and quests you want (Tempered investigations).

Well, deviljho can dig... Imagine him coming from the ground without you even notice

Should have kept it at mining for decorations.

They send you to kill him first because they think he's the reason the other Elders are all riled up. They think Nergigante is the source of the disturbance. The entire plot of World is killing monsters that you think are the source of the problem until you bump up against Xeno'Jiivah, the Actual Problem.

Get in line

I sincerely hope he does that in this new game.

Because that could potentially fuck a lot of people up mentally and it would be hilarious.

>implying xeno isn't a drone to queen xeno just like aliens to the alien queen

I just want the cutest gf(female) to come back!!!

from a progression viewpoint, I agree with you, but I can see why they put Nerg first: he is tough as a brick shithouse, but at the same time he is very "simple", he has no special moves like Teostra's explosion, Kushala's tornado's, or Vaal's effluvium

the other 3 elder dragons require a bit of a specialized loadout, but Nerg doesn't require much thinking outside of finally having a use for armorskin and demondrug

what if capcapom actually made it canon that nergy is actually a girl just to fuck with barafags?

Yeah. She.


is that protective polish a good skill? for sns

Tigrex, nargakuga, alatreon, crab bois (herm/cena), blangonga, qurupeco, kut ku, garuga, gravios... fucking all of them really, mhw lacks of monsters and weapon designs


Please stop.

if there are monsters that can beat elder dragons shit in why aren't they also elder dragons

Wrong. He failed to feed on Zorah, so he went to the Elders Recess. Other elders got scared and started showing up at places they shouldn't, so you had to kill Nerg to see if the elders would calm their tits.

this kills the nerg

Literally this. I put 200+hrs into Gen and 150+ into 4u before I needed to "take a break." MHW gets stale after your first few tempered runs

Sure is, especially for a single point skill.

Actually sweetie, it's already canon that Nerg is gay, so no.

Is there a better feeling than flying wheel cart hammer down from a slope, crashing the monster and mounting it?

Official Tempered Elder Dragon Difficulty List:

Fuck Half the Weapon Types tier
Completely Balanced tier
>Too Easy with Eflluv Res tier
>Staggers so Easily They're Dead in 5 Minutes tier

I think we can all agree that Bazel is the best new monster, right?

It's canon Nerg kills all the males to take their wives.

this will never not be funny

>XX on the Switch is the worst selling entry in the series too.
>Let me ignore XX being on the 3DS to strengthen my argument with lies.

>So you never did any tempered monsters?

Monsters hitting harder has always been the standard you colossal fucking idiot. Tempered monsters offer nothing different outside of that. They are by far one of the laziest endgame "mechanics" in ANY Monster Hunter game. They are literally just fucking monsters that hit harder but were given the name "Tempered" to sound fancy and deceive the player into thinking they are something more than what they really are.