>100,000 subs
>$2.50 per sub minimum (more popular streamers often get better deals)
>250k per month
>3 mil per year before donations
After tax this faggot is making millions, the absolute state of gaming and people who watch streams in 2018
>100,000 subs
>$2.50 per sub minimum (more popular streamers often get better deals)
>250k per month
>3 mil per year before donations
After tax this faggot is making millions, the absolute state of gaming and people who watch streams in 2018
Other urls found in this thread:
Its almost like Capitalism is a failed system
so stop giving him attention
if he has no audience then he has no growth
Put me in the screencap
Literally never heard of him before. Americucks ruining shit as usual.
>only plays PCbro games like fagnite
Why is PC gaming so fucking cancer?
Pretty sure there is a bot giving people subs via using the free trial of Amazon. These subs aren't following anyone, they aren't in the viewer list, and going from 45k subs to 100k in 3 days is pretty fucking suspicious. He gets paid either way but its nuts.
Why not cash in then if this lanky little shit is making bank
>giving a fuck about a e-celeb
this but unironically
He deserves it and you don't
Late capitalism in effect.
why make your bait so obvious? at least use PUBG since that definitely still has most its base on PC as opposed to fornite which is probably the most popular console game in the world right now
what's stopping you from doing the same?
>250k per month
Twitch takes a half from most streamers or 30% from super popular ones
He has a point though.
Remember when you were kids and teachers asked you what you wanted to become?
A teacher, a firefighter, a lawyer, a doctor!!!
We would all shout, all jobs and skills to benefit society.
You know what they shout now?
A streamer.
And why wouldn't they, its easier to achieve and you make more money and contribute nothing to society.
You are all idiots
It's bots, you can make an amazon account, use amazon prime free trial, then get twitch prime, then sub to any channel
if you aren't making 6 figures a month you don't belong on this board
>t. H.Bomber
Still leagues better than Socialism or Communism.
People give money to watch retards play games
It's the more subs you have, the more money you get from each one
t. Watch a guy who talks about it a lot when people ask
To be fair he is incredibly skilled
Twitch is fucking wierd, watching other people play games and then paying them for it under the guise of "supporting" them I will never understand
That's factored in to the OP - $5 subs, twitch takes $2.50 from each one
250k per month instead of 500k
The best quote about this is "Capitalism is the worst economic system, except all the other ones" it's flawed as hell but nothing better exists right now
read the line above the one you quoted you disgusting brainlet
What's wrong with becoming a streamer you fucking retarded anime posting tripfag.
Sounds more like a success story
Literally who?
Just tuned in for the first time ever.
He sounds like a whiny faggot.
Is it because he's relatable to kids?
> late
Post-scarcity soon then?
he is modern day pewdiepie
basically kids watch him and subscribe with parents money
By your logic any sort of entertainer contributes nothing to society. And before you ad hominem I don't bother with the streaming scene.
>Pro Halo, Battlegrounds, and Fortnite
Who fucking cares? That's so boring to watch.
Yes, I'm sure that is super duper beneficial to society
>donating to someone who earns millions so they can say your name during a game
It really is the most pathetic thing
eceleb general when?
This, goys shouldn't be allowed to get this rich without our approval!
Phantomlord was getting 70% while being twitch top dog. That's from his recent lawsuit.
Wouldn't know how much subscription costs since I never spent a cent on twitch.
entertainment people would want to become actors or sports players its literally no different and he doesnt this speaks to the merits of capitalism
What does this guy do that other streamers don't? There must be a reason why he has that many subs right?
I'm jealous desu. I wish I had the means to get into this. Preferably when I was younger and life wasn't so shit.
But while entertainers like actors, sports players, or even vidya creators, require some skills sets and are hard to achieve, becoming a streamer is not.
Oh so it's not about being beneficial to society it's about skill?
well that is completely irrelevant
he's arguably the best fortnite player
Is that knife photo shopped?
if its so easy and makes so much money go do it yourself
>The most famous e-celebs are always white blue eyed blonde dudes
What did Society mean by this?
>guy makes money off retards
>capitalism failed lol
no you are just jelly as fuck, like the rest of us
>becoming a streamer is not.
then how come you're not making easy money? 3 million a year before taxes is rich tier even in the richest country
Nothing unique, he just pubstomps fortnite all day - before this he played PUBG and was garbage at it
Why would you even watch first/third person shooters
What else could one expect from a tripfaggot other than a big load of bullshit? Fuck off with that stupid facebook tier comment, retard
>suffer through college for years
>work everyday
>barely make 4k a month
>faggots playing videgames make much more
Whatever, I'm not bitter or anything
>anime posting tripfag
>talks about what's beneficial for society
hard to sell product if it isnt scarce
>Wouldn't know how much subscription costs since I never spent a cent on twitch.
Yet you felt qualified to lecture people on how big of a cut twitch takes.
A huge crisis is more than likely to occur before we reach that state.
you better have not eaten recently commie, that's cultural appropriation
he's not just a faggot playing videogames he's a former pro and he's leagues better than anyone else
I'm pretty sure being charismatic, being able to play a game well, all while commentating and interacting with your viewers requires a skill set that's a bit hard to achieve.
>and going from 45k subs to 100k in 3 days is pretty fucking suspicious
I heard he was at 70k on Wednesday. I'm not dropping conspiracies, but there's gotta be something behind that, right?
I mean, Geek & Sundry was the highest subbed channel over the summer, but that's banking on the star power outside of CritRole, and even that wasn't overnight, and it was only 40k. At that same time, I heard people on Twitch saying Faker was the highest subbed at 32k.
I literally had never heard about this guy until this week.
Except the streamer still gets the same amount of money from an amazon prime sub.
Those are separate things and OP hasn't made it clear if this includes a twitch cut so yeah, i did.
I got corrected, you got buttblasted.
I'm alright with this deal.
Good for him, I guess?
The problem is these arent sustainable. These faggots will stick to this one sided entertainment without branching out. If i were these people Id have made a website and started cross posting on said website with other forms of media entertainment besides "lol look at me play duh vidyuh" because these people who watch this shit are fickle as fuck. As soon as someone new or better than him shows up, or some fresh pair of tits pop up, or people lose interest, hes fucked, because he thought he could ride the twitch wave forever. Its the exact same problem with these youtube faggots. Theyre all too stupid to realize they could make the same amount of money if they were independent of youtube
I'm beginning to think communism was right at this point. Some people just don't deserve to have the money they do.
I'm not talking about the streamer though, but the people donating to him. How sad do you have to be to pay someone to play a video game? It's actually astounding.
Are you a charismatic blue eyed blond who excels at what he does? if you are then don't worry you'll make it
I know, Amazon is paying for it, it's gonna be fixed eventually unless they other reasons to keep the exploit
The most talented people make their craft look easy. You're just too dumb to understand that.
This doesn't have any longevity. He won't maintain 100k subs, it'll fall back down just as quickly as it went up.
>meanwhile straight white males cry about '''female streamers''' making more money than men
Even if he doesn't sustain those subs for a year, in a month he's earned more than any out of college professional. And he's got the charisma and looks to keep doing well. Don't be mad just because someone is cool enough to make money with no effort
>entertainers receive large sums of money
>poor people continue to get jealous
>capitalism is bad when things *I* don't like succeed!
>democracy is bad when someone *I* don't like gets elected!
No different than people throwing money at strippers and camwhores nowadays. Fools and their money are soon parted, and the beauty of capitalism is that everyone has a chance to be on either side.
>getting irrationally angry at the financial success of people who have skills you don't
Sort yourself out.
I mean, you can pay for twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook followers. I’m sure you can pay for Twitch subscribers too.
Are there clauses in companies TOS that you have to pay back money/pay a fine if you get caught gaming the system like that?
How can you browse Sup Forums and complain that people don't contribute to society?
Are you suggesting that streamers can be actors, or sports players or game devs?
They require SKILLS, anyone can pick up a camera and be a streamer, how stupid.
>people are defending streamers
You can tell when someone spends their time paying money to them.
>guy makes money playing vidya which is why twitch was mad
>Sup Forums hates it
>girl makes money showing boobs
>Sup Forums hates it
You don't need to sustain it.
5 months of this is enough to invest into literally anything and be set for life.
Besides popular streamwhores stay popular for years. He'll have tens of thousands subs a few years from now on as long as he won't get himself banned .
In theory you can get an amazon prime trial and subscribe to a streamer. So there's probably at least one shady Chinese corporation doing just that for cheap. I'm pretty sure Twitch wouldn't be happy if he caught him doing that though.
Can anyone do this? I want to make big moneys too playing vidya
They need to get a real fucking job and contribute to society.
>le white male is life on easy mode :^)
Too late to start
If it's so easy how come you're not doing it?
>inb4 i don't want free money
It's because you can't and if some people can and some can't then that's what you call skill
>people shill for ecelebs
>Sup Forums hates it
>check his stream
>he's actually getting donations with msgs like "sorry I cant donate more but im a big fan"
>poor people literally donating to a millionaire gamer who is going to keep playing regardless
i'm so confused by this behavior
Can you be one of the best Fortnite players in the world while also being entertaining in front of an audience of thousands? No, exactly.
>Implying every streamer gets 60k+ viewers
>inb4 Merely pretending
Its a combination of Twitch prime skins for Fortnite, and some bot gifting out subs from suspicious accounts. Fortnite is huge on console, so its probably partly due to kids on console asking parents for a free trial or for their existing Amazon prime.
He isn't the only streamer getting a ton of new subs. Summit1g got like 4-5k in the last two days. Anyone streaming Fortnite is getting a ton