The switch has no gam-

>the switch has no gam-


>supporting Limited Scalpers

it looks like mario is about to eat those yoshis

>let me buy every stupid shit that the switch has
>loads of ports and indie shits

Christ what a waste of money, have you even played all of those? Let alone beaten any

>and here is my girl repellent collection...


Is this the new meme word of the month? Its being used alot lately. Who was it this time?

this. Even buying every single garbage port and shovelware that shelf looks empty as fuck. Kill yourself OP

Are these done by 3D modelers, or are there bored rich people out there? I don't get it. Those are objectively bad ports of Syberia.

This image upsets poorfags

All those wouldn't even fill up the top row if they weren't flared out as filler.


>monkey grip dents on the switch box

That's like $5000 worth of games.

Looks like the clearance section at gamestop.

Wall of Soy

>buys a billion cartridges for his handheld instead of going digital

>putting a cereal box on display

Beat most of those for free. You're wasting your money. HNWI btw


>wasting all that shelf space
>displaying the boxes
All that and the console has like 5 games worth playing on it.

If Mozart painted on a cereal box, wouldn't you want to put my work on display? It doesn't really matter the medium when you have such a great man as Mozart.


>Steam shuts down the servers

i think im gunna throw up

lmaoing @ your collection

My DJ Hero collection is like 1/3 of your games

unironically only interested in mario kart atm
is there anything else on the switch if I don‘t like jrpgs, meme ports like bayonetta/dark souls or boring 3d plattformers?

I love Mario Kart, Smash, Power Tennis, Smash Football and Pokemon handheld shit. Is there anything like that coming to the Switch?
No bully pls, haven‘t paid much attention to nintendo since the gamecube

>living in the past years after a game is still relevant

>if you dont buy every indie shit that you don't like and Marios and Zeldas makes you a poorfag
But user. All i want are like 10 games and 3 of those still don't have a release date.

next mainline pokemon will be on switch. new mario tennis is coming soon, i think in may. smash is definitely going to happen, but no one knows when. mario kart 8 port (which is the best mario kart) is already out.

That Switch owner has no life.


Seriously, femanon here. That shit is really unattractive no matter who owns that.

Guys seriously fucking give it up already Mozart is dead and has been for a long time now.

thanks user
gonna wait until then with the purchase

I'm still mad Ill never get my cereal amiibo

stfu whore. If the guy is pretty and has money 99% of women aren't going to care what they own and fuck them anyways.

>displaying your toys like trophies

what a sad sight

>LOVE, LAUGH, LIVE generic art from Target plastered on the walls of every room
>random geometric shaped trinkets on empty shelves next to plastic plants
>hundreds of candles randomly spread around the gaps between the meaningless crap

These are the things that make a guy's dick go flaccid.

To be honest, Switch in it's first year has a lot of more worthwhile games then PS4 did in 2 years.
I have Switch for like 5 months and already 9 games where I had this many after over 2 years for PS4.

>some soywitch owner made a literal shrine to the system in his room (mom's basement)
This is why we give you guys so much shit.

>get your account hacked and banned
Fucking never again

you are the biggest fucking tool I've seen here in a very long time. You are the Nintendo version of that Razer kid. Holy shit, I would actually be ashamed if I were you.

>OP doesnt own doom for the switch

What are these two?

I think its funny that most of the games worth playing are lesser ports of other consoles

what's that second from the bottom in the third row?

Holy shit I didn't know the Switch lineup was so abysmal. Glad I didn't bought one.

>90% ports


Virgins detected. Lol you guys are pathetic.

Just as bad as the guys who collect Pop! figures lol

ecube games

>hurrdurr you make sense like most men with common sense

Women logic. Your panties would be off in 20 minutes around a guy like me but your wildebeest ass would never have a shot anyways. Go back to your 5/10 who kisses your ass and stfu.

First one is ittle dew 2.

Second game is Ostwind

Lol don't reply to me looser.

Wouldn't that be the same for the PS4?

>the PS4 has no gam-

How many times do I need to tell you to shut your fat ass up?

the switch has like 4 games worth getting. The rest are garbage which unless you didnt already have skyrim on PC, last gen, or better consoles. Cause if you have taste then you shouldnt be buying garbage to fill the void that the switch has.

It is quite literally a no games console, and nintenbabies are desperate to disprove that by buying every single

>switch has no games
>all these games

post pic fag

The switch has plenty of games. It's just that 99% of them are indi trash or phone ports.

Literelly the same thing has been said for the Vita and PS4. Whats your point?

Do people actually do this? Buy every single fucking game on the platform?
Even shitty indies like these?

I can't wait to hack my Switch and get all of this for free

Why do people still buy Nintendo consoles and games?

The Switch has shit-tier graphic, literally dreamcast-tier

They only have Mario, Zelda kiddy crap and weaker ports of games on better consoles like the PS4?

Grow up and get a PS4 already

ayo gurl
want sum fuk?

>B-back the fuck off-tier retort

Fuck bro not the person you're replying to but holy shit stop embarrassing yourself online. Holy shit this is some high level cringe kek

Lol go jerk off to some trannies looser maybe then you wouldn't be in such a bad mood.

Lol this!

What are the best European exclusive prints?

-es worth buying except maybe ace combat 7 but I'm not buying a console just for one game

Mentally ill nintenfaggots do and seem to be proud of it.

In PS4s case HZD and Uncharted literally don't count. Everything else is niche weeb trash. And Bloodborne.

>everybody who owns a Switch only owns a Switch
I love this meme. Switch + PC gets you literally every game and console fags hate this.

>white knighting some heffer on a chinese mah jong board

Oh shit dude, she acknowledged your post! You're at the peak of your game! Go get it bro. You deserve it.


You motherfuckers claimed only exclusives mattered for the PS4. Now judge the Switch by the same rules or be a hypocrite.

Except all the Uncharted , GoW , RDR , HzD , LastOfus , series i can go on ? Switch is a port trash 20 fpa machine gtfo scrub.

>Agreeing with someone online means you're a white knight

Kek you sound like a virgin who's actually tried to suck his own dick multiple times.

>Uncharted, HZD, Last of us
Imagine being this much of a cuck

>All that switch shit.
>80% indie ports and LRG releases

Good god, if you're gonna go nintendo at least get some taste user.

Is it actually fixed yet

>still a white knight
>s-she a-agreed with me

Probably the most pathetic fuck that will be on here today. You won the most shameful user award.


>no snes

Into the trash it goes.

Oh, guess it cut off. My B.

>Being this buttmad over losing an online argument

Holy fuck dude pull it together. Fortunately for you my bros are here we're gonna shred those slopes.

See ya later virgin.

>buying stuff just to piss off Sup Forums
Honestly if I had more money I'd probably do the same.


>indie shit and ten years old ports

>actual games are just that one shelf

That's just the current gen shelf. I have like 5 shelves full of others games from past gens.

This is when you figure out that shes just like the other 9/10 women inside her empty brain and still expects you to respect her and treat her "special".
Protip: If you want to be treated special actually try being special not just some generic woman like all the rest. Decorating like this speaks volumes about who they are and what they are about. They also have over 50k in unsecured consumer debt as well. Dumb and poor cunts. "Where have all the good men gone" Good luck, that's why they invented lotteries for cunts like you so you have at least a tiny shot at real freedom.

Kinda redeemed but why only 10 games? You should have at least a 100 by now.

Back to /r9k/ with you.

I only keep what I replay in physical. Everything else that isn't nintendo specific/have no interest in is on an everdrive. I do plan to eventually add SCIV and MMX2 to the mix, but thats for another day.

>GOG doesn't exist

>GOG has all of your paid for steam service games and save data
