>You fucked up my face... and now you have my permission to die.
Most kino moment in video game history? Most kino moment in video game history.
You fucked up my face... and now you have my permission to die
Other urls found in this thread:
>Ah, you fucked up my face all along
Was it autism?
>getting this upset people want to discuss the kino
lmaoing at ur life kid
Any updates on the dub? Last I saw, it seemed pretty near finished
>look out on all the fucked up faces and ask if they have your permission to die... their silence is your answer
The cinematography and animation is suprisingly good for an indie game.
Stop making this thread you fucking faggot, it was funny the first time but now it's obnoxious and starts to feel like actual shilling.
>"The right fucked up in the wrong face can make all the permission to die."
Valve used to be so good, lads
The user compiling the audio went to bed.
Absolute KINO
Mitchel and G-man were the only ones who are actually trying with the voices, the rest sound like those impersonations people try to do in stand-up comedies.
>Most kino moment in video game history
>Most kino moment in video game history?
>blatantly stealing lines from high-tier movies and completely destroying their awesomeness is kino
Some new scenes got uploaded a few hours ago.
>you fucked up my nightmare... and now you have my permission to awoooooo
> Russian character
> Literally called Boris
His daughter is called Sasha too.
>From here on out you're Free Man.
Someone need to fucking import Mitchell in MGSV.
wait a minute, those scars.
>you fucked up my ferns
Dub thread when?
konami should hire this guy for the next metal gear solid.
You're more a fucking retard to actually going and searching this.
the comrades i've lossed...
it takes 2 clicks to do that. stop shilling your shitty ass game
you fuked up mi face, mitchel yelled at the top of lung
mitchell shephard who was adrian shephard's brother was one day in a military waiting with troops. he got a call from his brother that said that aliens and monsters were attacking black messa and asked him for help so he went.
allen goasts leave this place
No fucking way
Before people start freaking out, this is shopped.
Any chance to repost this
It takes quite a bit of balls to do this. Unless the guys were actually treating him badly - which they weren't - telling someone you're acquainted with that their creation is terrible isn't an easy thing to do at all.
Has anybody ripped the shitty models for Gmod or sourcefilmmaker yet?
If he didn't though, people would think he was ignoring the obvious
>Yes Kos, or some say Kosm. A Name name with many meanings. For some it means a gift from god for others who is like god.
you toucha my spaget, you have my parmesan to die
mitch pls
>what deal
holy shit is this nostalgia
Cant believe Valve made this game
>unironically pushing this stupid retarded meme
are you literally 12 or 13 years old? i know its supposed to be ironic but i honestly cant fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chucle to themselves. it gives me the fear to be honest.
dumb frogposter
I'm sure most people can't fathom people over the age of 20 using this site in the first place. Especially those who still use Pepe images to accompany their posts. Get off your high horse.
dumb frog poster, you were still sucking on your mothers tits when half life 2 was released.
dumb frogposter
Tell us that with a straight face after you watch this video.
what;s the name of that song?
posting the best one
>Calling something stupid and retarded
> Frog poster
That's something that makes me have a chuckle to myself at my computer tbhonest
>getting angry at frogposting
pepe is intrinsic to Sup Forums culture
kys newfag
>You fucked my face...
Never came so hard in my life.
Is that AIDS Skrillex?
Now I know I just said I was laughing you Silly Mc-fuckin-sillyhead
>hyperlinks the image instead of just uploading it.
>laughing you
dumb brainlet
>Is that AIDS Skrillex?
I think it's one of the GDQ trannies.
>dumb frogposter can't into reading comprehension
clockwork pots
Damn. I can't believe I was shut down like that
Just kidding I also have a trump card No u
>can't into
dumb brainlet
why are frogposters so dumb?
Laughing at a garbage piece of media is universal user.
>You should voice this line the so that it makes you want to cry.
How the fuck is this even real.
Because they're mostly children. Or manchildren.
The only people who frogpost nowadays are the same crowd that waves the kekistan flag, thinking that the whole movement grown out of the current state of Sup Forums is the core of the whole culture. People like . People who are dumb enough to have their entire sense of being be influenced by an anonymous mongolian shadow puppet imageboard on the internet.
People that think a dumb cartoon frog actually stands for something, rather than just being a dumb reaction image.
deal or no deal special edition for nintendo ds
I think I posted at least 3 of those lmao
You fucked up and we all saw it.
IHE wouldn't lie on a video like this, especially since he's involved in the product
i feel bad for him honestly
It sounds like someone tried to do voice directing without understanding how to voice direct.
It's not nostalgia.
Zombie Master : Reborn is coming to Steam.
The devs is really active.
There are regular events every 2 weeks.
There are even some fucks like myself still mapping.
Both vary wildly from being impressive to being laughably bad
>try to censor name
>still pops up
how did you not notice that?
Is this for real? I use to play the shit out of zombie master. I would always try to win using only shamblers and hulks
>"You're talking to a villain my dear."
top-tier dialogue
>censor name
Wat? I am fully aware you can see my ingame name in caht, idgaf about that and anything else.
It's for fucking real, we even got a shitty discor full of fucking memers which I try to avoid.
you're probably one of those faggots bitching about the billy thread saying its old shit no one cares about
Cool, installing now
thats not gherman
thought that white square was to cover the name but failed, never seen it is it just some empty space? are you goys paying tomorrow? i might join in
Based. If you don't like this game you're the cancer killing vidya
Don't be disappointed if nobody is on now, but we got an event scheduled in about 18 hours from now.
Feel free to add me if your profile is not too memey.
I wanted to play ZM again for so fucking long.
Nah, guess that white thing was jsut some standard thing in ZM 1.2.1. Event today see
Come joinnnn us
>stealing from the dark knight rises of all lines to choose from that trilogy
>18 hours from now
so 6 oclock tomorrow?
>Come joinnnn us
You bet!