What can we do to stop toxicity like this from overtaking the gaming community? I think we need to work together as a community to set up a level of standards. It isn't funny when you take it this far.
Toxicity in Gaming
We need to stop playing twitchbait/free/online/"competitive" games that milk your money and make you angry with objectively shit gameplay.
>hit ignore button
>continue playing
Wow so hard
Stop playing video games?
Build a feature into steam that acts as a hot mic all the time. If any Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, or French is detected at any time you will be rangebanned and vaced.
t. bronze "player"
Are chinese really that toxic? Also, you should add the Ruski's
I actually do rather well in every multiplayer game I've played, they're just not fun. Only tolerable while talking about how shit the game is with your friends while playing.
>Game gives you the option to mute the chat
>Do it all the time in ranked
>play ranked
>don't communicate to team
grow a pair.
What a fucking obnoxious beaner trash, you are a fucking shame to my country and i wonder everyday how shit like you found its way to the internet, hope you get banned soon.
>thinks i'm any of the people in the pic
look at the date on the bottom
Is ops pic an example of toxic masculinity?
Stop playing online. Online gaming is cancer that needs to die.
You're just as "toxic" as the shit talkers.
What does toxic mean again?
>I just joke with you
>I love you in ass tho
You're just scared of love.
I say "ggwp" when it wasn't and they didn't. Am i toxic?
It's like poison but it does more damage.
Sounds problematic
i just blow into the mic
Women say it when they don't like it
It's a word that lets them put themselves morally above whatever it is they don't like
We need to ban brazilians
don't like something*
>nah, just reporting you
>Implying Valve bans anyone who isn't a hacker or high-money scammer
hijo de puta
>game features mute/ignore function
>people still complain about toxicity
>Peru fuck you country
el peruANO
It's what you cry about when you can't handle the bantz
You say it in social media and popular video games in order to get your dick wet
A little late to block people after they've already hurt my feelings, dumb animeposter.
Its a song by Britney Spears
>Instantly panics when you mention reporting them
It's always so funny when fags like this talk shit and then freak out when they realize that they can get punished for it. Shit is funny as hell on xbox
>Someone on xbox gets mad and sends hatemail
>Bait them into saying fag or some other shit
>Once they do I report them and tell them to enjoy the ban from big daddy microsoft
>Microsoft literally sends you a message saying "We've acted on one of your reports, thank you for making the community better" when they give people temp communication bans
Never talk shit over text unless you're willing to take the ban
They cheat the most in the world.
>implying I dont already know that and instead report him for a high-end csgo extortion ring
I enjoy reporting people more than playing most games. Kids who mistakenly believe that the internet as a whole is some kind of wild west where they can unload need to learn.
banter is ok, but if you do it too much to the point of harassment or continue to do it passed reasons to stop, it is toxic behavior.
just ignore it you absolute retard. Do you not understand how easy it is to block/mute?
>tfw the internet isnt a wild west anymore
>me? behave? preposterous! just ignore my annoying bullshit! how could it possibly make sense that the source of the problem should simply be removed? clearly it doesn't have anything to do with me that everyone is tired of hearing about the cool new words i read on Sup Forums!
we just kill all south americans
gg ez
*puts a hand on your shoulder*
You need to stop talking about Sup Forums.
>me? /pol? never even went there! no affiliation! i just agree with them, defend them and use their lingo but seriously dude why are you obsessed with Sup Forums it's a great board that i respect and even admire i just never go there!
The word toxic should not be used in reference to video games unless you're talking about a super poison mechanic. Other than that, shut up and stop being a bitch. You did what was needed, move on with your life.
Imagine being this much of a pussy that you can't handle someone sending mean words to you on the internet. How frustrating it must be to have this kind of learned helplessness, where instead of using a block button you feel the need to cry to mommy for help.
It's hilarious that stupid racists are getting banned from games.
Stop using cancerous "services" like Steam or anything from Valve.
Stop paying for cancerous business tactics like digital distribution.
Stop calling people "toxic," this isn't reddit.
Makes sense though, digital distribution is the reddit of game distribution
those days are long gone now
Imagine being so much of a kid you can't behave while playing an online game.
And really, it's nothing frustrated about being whatever colourful thing you'd call someone like me these days. I report people like you and you get banned. And you see that people like you get banned som you get conditioned to shut the fuck up or stay out of the game entirely. Either is fine with me!
Yeah Peruvians are subhuman and therefore cannot be considered a race, they're a species.
>my house is infested with cockroaches
>they're annoying as shit and spread filth everywhere
>one of them speaks to me in my dreams
>says "lol dude just fucking ignore us it's not a big deal what are you 12 lol? are you gonna call an exterminator or something bitch lmao"
Just another follow up for Flaming and Trolling
This is such an awful analogy I don't even know where to start other than by telling you to kill yourself.
>ugh i could tell you off so easily i just want like shut up already please dont make me argue my point or anything because i totally can but i just wont
Roaches on suicide watch.
Well it would be something like
>see a single cockroach outside
>have the option to magically instantly remove it from existence
>cry to an exterminator instead
You might feel like an individual, and on some levels I'm sure you are, but online you're part of an infestation. I can mute you and people would keep being bothered by you. Should everyone in the world mute hundreds of individuals or should we just remove the minority of assholes who can't behave? No one is questioning that you can indeed mute someone and that's a nice fix there and then, but you're not making a case why solving the problem on a fundamental level is supposed to make someone weak.
You are annoying. We can remove you and therefore we do it.
google it
learn the mother language that is English.
Well I'm glad you've abandoned your analogy and therefore admitted that it was absolutely dogshit. You're weak because you feel the need to seek someone else's help instead of dealing with your own minor issues yourself. Also you cannot remove me, I have never been banned from an online game or forum despite messing with pussies like you whenever I get the chance. Keep waving your impotence around all you want though, it's pure entertainment.
It wasn't my analogy but it's spot on and I support it fully. But of course it's hard for a single roach to see his existence from the outside in a macro perspective. I'm sure when you say the n-word or whatever you think you're doing it in a fun and inventive way, but to everyone else it looks like more of the same noise from an homogenous entity of assholes.
As for why you haven't been banned it's either because you
1. Behave (good for you!)
2. Play games with lenient policies
If it's the latter then sperg your heart out, I suppose. Because I don't play those kind of games and fewer and fewer people do. So enjoy it while it lasts.
It's so easy to be a complete cunt to someone without being banned, all you have to do is not directly use slurs at them. It's the sweetest form of pleasure when they cry to an admin who is then limply unable to do anything because you're clearly making the other person upset without directly breaking any rules and it's genuinely enjoyable to find ways to do so.