Post your weaponfu ITT. Any and all weapons are welcome.
OP here, Creighton's axe is probably my other favorite weapon. His armor set is pretty dope too.
I wish my weaponfu was vidya relevant. If she's been in any game, please let me know, I've never seen her in any.
Peacekeeper from Blops 2
What makes this different from any other one handed sword of similar dimensions?
at least post a picture of it dude
>implying people over 18 haven't played Black Ops 2
>What makes this different from any other one handed sword of similar dimensions?
You could make the same argument for any actual waifu.
Also, it's cute.
Im retarted.
Also Im 25. Black Ops 2 is over 5 years old
One of the very, very few enjoyable things in Fallout 4.
Fallout 4 new vegas when? I would jump right onto that the moment it dropped.
Soon brother
>switches fire mods
Bardin's Drakegun thing
>Vietnam flashback insues
Don't hate.
>*armored enemy blocks ur path*
>that fov
BK 442 > Hunting Machine
The chainmail on the feet don't look it would be very comfortable
5 shots > 4 shots
Damnit I just want a game where I can be a badass glaive-wielder that isn't a MOBA or a Dynasty Warriors game. Is that so much to ask?
pate is better and you know it
Not necessarily a gun/sword, but hearing these motherfuckers go off is the most satisfying thing in Siege
I'm also a fan of the toe poppers in Rising Storm 2
Who needs 5 shots or even 4 if 1 will do the job
literally every souls game
Mount & Blade Floris has it
a man of taste
Dat finnish AK
It's not the weapon...its what you do with it
Blue board!BLUE BOARD!!!!
>"fuller auto"
>not having the best ballistics due to bullets actually being projectiles
shit meme
>Call of Duty
But that's wrong. The hitscan comes out of the top of the player character's forehead.
The stalker bit implies that the bullets actually land close to where you aimed
Alondite a cute
\m/ i fri*kin love doom
hello gggman
My fucking nigga
you're joking right?
>not "babes in position"
shamfur dispray desu
so satisfying
too lazy to google
Twohander for life.
Smoke is pretty based but nobody is retarded enough to stay in the smoke so I just use it for area denial
Ironic shit meme , right you are. I love me sum RICOCHET KILLS.
stays consistent throughout the game
>not "set to jam their meridian"
shit nigga
The repeating cannon from FEAR. And on a similar note, the explosive shotgun from TBOGT.
>placing EDD on windows
oh baby what is you doin
Any game.
*blocks yours and 23 other people's paths*
Unmodded stalker should have the bullets landing on the ground in front of you. Siege and CoD are the same, maybe have the Siege one being a pistol headshotting a guy with a ballistic helmet.
I like halberds in the sequels, too, but the gargoyle's halberd just seems so much better than any other weapon.
It's not common, but there's still a number of games that have them.
Having a Macuahuitl are your weaponfu is true suffering.
this piece of shit right here, unironically
also hi siegefriends
I liked this thing in Black Ops.
>not putting one EDD in every possible position (IE: top, middle and bottom of doorway, windows, etc) available for M I N D G A M E S
Just in terms of appearance.
I loved Stoner's autism with magazines and feeding mechanisms
you can stop worrying about grenades now
What is Black Knight halberd / glaive
Can't think of game where this gun was bad
Falchion is bae. Did a Dork Souls run where I went straight to Blighttown for the falchion and wanderer's set and powerstanced them in Dork Souls 2. In fact, any single edged blade that isn't some gay weeb katana is great. Halberds are great too.
You played Killing Floor 2 my nigga?
Pretty shit in Payday 2 tbqhwyfam
lol no, I actually Love the Stoner63
>we’ll never get an Aztec bloodborne from From Soft
I don’t even know what to say
Whatchu tryna say senpai?
I love blasting elites and brutes in an almost full auto fire
The Sunken King dlc did have a Mesoamerican-type setting but that's about it.
Wish I had pics but I'm phoneposting
I love the SCAR from Crysis
It was a stalwart performer when you had ammo for it, I loved the profile of the form, and the customisation options made my dick hard
It looked pm good with a suppressor, grenade launcher, and the sniper scope
That I'm full /k/ autism mode when talking about Stoner.
Sometimes I wish I had an Xbone just so I could play Halo again.
Personally as a mesooameriaboo, I'm sort of tired of of mesoamerican stuff that is just DUDE HUMAN SACRIFICES and makes everything super primitive, and wish we got more media with it that actually shows their cities politics and the arts and stuff, since in reality the region was highly urbanized and was basically bronze/iron age tier (pic related)
But at the same time, playing up the human sacrifice and batshit religious stuff a la Apocalypto, even if it's not accurate at all, would be absolutely perfect for a souls game.
Halo 5 is actually really good for the MP and forge. Single player is trash though
GORN has a glaive in the latest update. It's pretty fun, especially if you use a broom handle as your in-game handle.
There are a bunch where the MP5 ranges from poor to okay but other SMGs beat it easily.
Typically the MP5 and SD variants have good accuracy/stability but very weak power.
Or it's a 10mm or MP5K version and they have the power but no control.
Any snubnosed revolver. I claim them all. Actually all revolvers. Single action cowboy ones included.
Lego ninjago my dude
Also in addition to macuahitls, poleaxes, which are also sadly super rare
Are there any games that somehow manage to make a double barrel unfun?
I've never once fired a military round in either metro game. Maybe I will against the librarians or the big swamp thing on my next play throughs