Teammate dropping Sup Forums lingo on voice chat

>teammate dropping Sup Forums lingo on voice chat

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I always greentext in game.

Like who gives a fuck? You're acting like nu-v cucks have standards.

Anyone using chanspeak outside of chans deserves to be purged.
Fucking pieces of shit, trying to build a "personality". Fuck you all.


>muh secret club

a little late for this. I agree, though it's cringey as hell.

>Team mate who everyone thinks is a girl forgets to put on his voice filter before talking
>Everyone is like "Who is that?"
>Team mate awkwardly explains (now using filter) that was "her" boyfriend.

That's the attitude that downgraded the site.

>something amusing happens
>"fucking lol dude implying did you see that nigger he got cucked feels good man"

Sup Forums is not your secret club, it's been at least 7 years from the time it was underground.

Based. People who do this are always fun to be around. I know you guys have crippling anxiety and justify not talking with "it's j-just annoying a-anyway," but try to live a little.


>He uses the greentext triangle in the chat

That's a big double chin

>Guys having fun
>This makes socially awkward Sup Forumsirgins seethe with so much rage they have to constantly post this to convince themselves social contact with likeminded people is overrated
Truly pathetic.

The point is that lingo and behavior that makes sense within the confines of an anonymous image board doesn't once it has leaved those confines.

Hugging other men is perfectly normal when your favorite team scores, but if you do it in any other context don't expect people not to immediately label you a faggot.

>Strangers add you to discord and group up for a few games
>Everyone is getting along and joking around
>"Dammit, I just got jewed so hard"
>Dropped from discord and ignored
Snowflakes should drop dead

>that kid who greentexted in his finals

You don't know shit

Automatic red flag right here.

Says some faggot twitter user with an anime avatar who probably came here post fappening. Go fuck yourself. Op's right; little bitches like you who try to build a personality around coming to this site are cancerous in the extreme.

Sup Forums or Sup Forums lingo is a ban on my server. Generally people who are spouting memes, being homophobic or racist, or not understanding how to properly communicate get banned.

Screeching like a bunch of monkeys is something you stop doing past kindergarten. Of course a kindergartener like you would see it as normal.

>Snowflakes should drop dead

watch newfags getting riled up over this post despite it being completely sensible

You're screeching right now though.
Grow up kid.

can i get an example of modern Sup Forums lingo?

>guildies start talking about sex
>guildies start talking about politics

I've been doing it since before TF2, there is a time and the place for this shit and it's on anonymous image boards and that's it. You 'out' yourself as a channer or whatever and I see no reason playing vidya with you. I've been on here long enough to know that i don't want to play with people on this board for a large variety of reasons.


the only retard here uppercasing its yourself , "kid". just go on a discord server, yell retarded shit with your "friends" and stop posting on this board

>guildmaster presses the question of your political affiliation
>give a straight answer
>kicked from the guild
You're still a fucking faggot James.

Oh my god, those people are the absolute worst, I mean if someone starts spouting shit like that I go straight to the troll.

Says the one REEEEEing at a video link. Which one of those baboons were you?

>Being so jealous and afraid of human interaction that seeing people having fun sends him into a frothing rage
Calm down and realize people act goofy with their friends. Not that you would know.

>mfw I have to use a voice changer to appear as a man to avoid spergs
>mfw everyone thinks I'm a squeaky boy who is using a voice changer to sound deeper
>can't ever use my real voice

Did you say you were a Nazi? Probably why.

The one with friends. Which makes you seethe. You can pretend it disgusts you, but your heart is calling out for someone, anyone, to do that with and you'd do it in a heartbeat if anybody asked.

>Sup Forums

>some fucking nigger faggot dropping Sup Forums lingo on Sup Forums

I honestly don't see a difference besides people from the Donald not using the N word because it gets you banned on Reddit.

>Sup Forums
>not a literal reddit colony

when you're facing a loaded gun, what's the difference

It's only edgy teenagers I know that speak like that, or autistic older guys who are destined to never have a girlfriend.

Both are pathetic.

That's a meaty looking high horse.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Just talk to them dude. They won't bite.

Fuck off kike

no Sup Forums is faggit and neofag, you newfag

There's a line to be drawn for sure, but if racist jokes triggers you then I feel sorry for you.

*Sup Forums
And it's been like that since 2012. In terms of being infested by reddit, you have Sup Forums beat in experience.



based chuanposter

Did you consider getting a cage together? My friends are well-behaved human beings but I can't say the same about yours.

Where do you think Sup Forums posters come from? Reddit. They come from Reddit.

>70 year old newfags

that is the most incoherent use of that metaphor I've ever seen.

With the way you speak, I'm sure you have plenty and are totally not lashing out.

I think the line should absolutely be drawn at racist jokes.

Glad that rainbow six seige is getting serious on banning racism and any chat violations.

I do, since they are my friend's cousins. I don't like them much though and I won't talk like they do. It's just a phase, hopefully, since they're still young and edgy.

it's like a funnel they go from facebook which catches the largest amount of people then to reddit and finally to Sup Forums.

I want to bang an older lady pede.

If you spam racist and neo-nazi bullshit on Steam you deserve to be banned

Yeah, hopefully they turn into a boring wageslave just like you. That way you can tell yourself you're not living your life wrong for another day.

Look there is shit talking and there is being offensive for the sake of being offensive because you are salty.

Saying homophobic or racist slurs is not okay, spouting random Sup Forums memes are just sad and shouldn't be done. I honestly have no idea why people would willingly tell others they go to Sup Forums.

>hugging men makes you a faggot unless your sportsball team scores

Confirmed for never having friends with which you share a brotherly bind with nor ever getting drunk with your buds. Stay lonely cuck faggot

>mah secret club hehe im so old im like from 2015
>reddit spacing
And now he will say
>hehe trying this hard im like so oldfag

I'm just tired of all the irony. There's a difference between calling a person a nigger and screaming that all niggers should be lynched then playing it off as a joke.

any sort of anti-social behavior needs to be punishable (not that it should always be punished or should be punished severely) it's how life works it's how the internet should work too.

Of course, I wasn't the one typing an emotionally charged response at a blank video link.

hehe trying this hard im like so oldfag

>proud white man
>kekistani commodore
those were actual steam names i've found while palying chivalry, once you check them out you see that they fit all the underage ironic weeb false flags (Discord, hentai pic, more groups than games, etc)

If this was a Sup Forums server then it's totally fine that they use dumb memes like that. If it wasn't then it's pretty bad

Sup Forums lingo becomes reddit lingo after about a month.

What? No there fucking isn't, the word is offensive to a lot of people it doesn't matter the context at all. Saying there is a difference in the way that word is used is just ignorant. If urban people want to use it in real life fine, but online you say that word and it's a ban from me, regardless of race.

the only time using Sup Forums lingo is justified is if you are playing with the Sup Forums guild/group/clan/whatever. if you're just doing it with randoms you look like a fucking idiot.
i always hit the person who talks like this up with a time honored classic: "nice meme arrows you fucking redditor." it usually shuts them up quick.

If the jokes are just poking fun at stereotypes and aren't intended to really cause harm, it's fine. When there's an intention of hate or to harm others in some way (such as just plain shouting NIGGER over and over) then that is where the line should be drawn, otherwise you wouldn't be able to make fun of anything.

Everyone is too easily offended nowadays.

>Emotionally charged
That's just your autism flaring up again. The fact that you think people get emotional over Sup Forums shows how emotionally and socially maladjusted you really are which is why no one should take your opinions on "proper" behavior seriously.

I would have 100 of these for every neo-marxist infiltrating the gaming industry.

Literally just said "I'm rightwing".
And then he begins talking about how I want to gas the fags and whatnot.
>Should've just said you were leftwing xD
Fuck off, it shouldn't be necessary to lie like that.

Even then it's usually just on the line when those jokes are told. Honestly though you can't find anything else to joke about besides the low hanging fruit that is racial stereotypes. Reason I don't watch urban comedians because they rely on those too much.

Yes, there is a difference and it's called intention.

Sorry, but it's true. This guy is correct.


>Everything I don't like is Sup Forums
>Everything I don't like is Reddit
Blablabla, you're a broken record.

tits or gtfo

Stop projecting. You're getting invested in this more than I am.

>the N word
>somebody actually went through the trouble of avoiding writing "nigger" on Sup Forums

what you fags don't understand is that most people who use Sup Forums lingo outside Sup Forums are the type of retard that plays like shit and can't communicate properly and every sentece has a meme or random loud noises coming out of his voice chords and needs to shitpost the chat or else he can't live.
and the fact that they tend to be underage weebs don't help either

One word responses are the easiest way to tell someone is seething

>most of the recent Sup Forums memes originate on reddit and twitter
Oh please do you think we just made up thot and soyboy? We don't have the numbers and without the strict insular attitude there's nothing to stop outside stuff from gaining traction here.

I mean right now being right wing implies a lot of terrible things. I mean if you are willingly and openly associating with a racist organization like that it's easy to see why he didn't want you in the guild. I'm a Canadian and don't usually play with your type of people, just not a fan of the racism, homophobia, and usually the strong headed rage you all get at the littlest thing.

I wouldn't take it personally, either hide your political beliefs or play with your own kind.

Sup Forums is from Sup Forums and Reddit. It's true.

Why are you guys so obsessed with Donald Trump? This is the video games sub

>The kid who thinks people get angry at Sup Forums comments just like him is going "no u" now

Must be one of those other places where they bitch about soyboys cucks all the time

how do we solve the underage redditor problem?

kys nigger

Did you watch up to the part where one autist spergs out about CoD in the most high-pitched soyboy voice imaginable and the others had to tell him to shut the fuck up? There is no way this is the behavior of a mentally sound human being. It goes way beyond just spouting a dumb meme or two.

It's not their fault. They're very very sick. Trump Derangement Syndrome they call it.

there we go boy