> playing XIII
> want lightning and hope to get together because of the lightning likes Shota Cock /ss/ memes
> game is hinting towards Hope and Vanille
This is going to change r-right?
> playing XIII
> want lightning and hope to get together because of the lightning likes Shota Cock /ss/ memes
> game is hinting towards Hope and Vanille
This is going to change r-right?
no relationship goes anywhere, not even Serah and Snow
> game is hinting towards Hope and Vanille
You're not past the tutorial if you think so.
Protip, Light x Hope is legit canon.
The third game isn’t even subtle about it, Light IS going to rob all up in Hopes cradle.
A pedophile Sephiroth wannabe is going to destroy the universe, so you don't have to worry about who's with whom.
>game is hinting towards Hope and Vanille
I'm guessing you're not very far into it then. Pretty soon you're going to be getting some major and I mean MAJOR dyke vibes from Vanille.
The problem is that HopexLight is indeed supposed to be canon and you can see that that's where the writers were blatantly heading as the series progressed
But Motomu Toriyama wouldn't allow anyone else to defile his perfect waifu and so they were forced to scale back. Hell, it's the reason they ended LR in the south of France just so he could be with her.
The best that they could do was write it into a post-LR novella
>Tutorial is 20 hours long
I was referring to the tutorial of the tutorial, you know, the portion before your party gets branded.
>delusional /ss/fags at it again
>Tutorial requires a tutorial
I've got an entire folder of this shit. Who wants me to dump?
Upload it instead.
Vanille x Hope is literally a joke
Nah, they brought back the VanilleXHope part in LR. However, since Fang and Vanille are supposed to be a canon couple. it could just be that Vanille is the prettiest lady he's ever seen and Lightning is his OTP. Personally, I like SnowXLightning just because there's a lot of sexual tension there, and the two voice actors work great off of one another, but that's dragging real life into the game. In terms if accomplishment, only Hope can match Lightning.
Bumping for that user to upload his HopuRai folder
Oh man, OP. You're way off.
It's not going to be quick. You'll have to bump the thread while I upload.
I'm trying user. for /ss/
>Bothering for low quality trash you're able to find by yourself
I like this.
/ss/ is trash, why would you pair a perfect shota with some ugly woman when you can pair him with yet another perfect shota?
Anyone have the clip from lightning returns where she says she would kill hope if she had to.
Vanille is full /u/ with Fang, so you're fine.
FFXIII-2 gives Hope a girlfriend and grows him up to be the GLORIOUS LEADER OF ALL MANKIND, but that gets backpedaled hard in Lightning Returns to return to the glorious /ss/ with waifu prime.
because it never happens in vidya
the game doesn't hint toward shit you're just a retarded shippingfag with a stunted mental development
one thing I really dislike about LR is how waify it made Lightning. She's clearly got an athletic build in 13 but they thin her out into a twig and it ruins part of what made her design so good. it's really pointless when Final fantasy already had it's waify heroine
This is actually pretty cute and it made me laugh
But user, what about Lightning and Serah?
Hope and Lightning are all that matters to me in this otherwise shit game.
i want to fuck hope
Hi, Lightning.
>adult hope
fucking disgusting
t. Bhunivelze
>adult Hope
There's a reason why they shota-fied him back in LR
>post-LR novella
Whats it called?
keep bumping the thread to find out
>adult Hope
HopexVanille made more sense. He's a psychical child, she's a mental one.
Reminiscence: Tracer of Memories
Vanille should have stayed as a crystal
>mfw I've been working on a HopexLight fanfic where she incrementally abuses him to induce stockholm syndrome because she's terrified of being alone after Serah moves out
Okay thanks
Look man, after a shota spends a 1000 years working for a girl, then yeah it better be canon.
Wouldn't mind reading it when you're done. :)
>look at all these fags
Adult Hope canon in novella, eat shit
adult hope is literally a flaming homo, he should have stayed shota eternal
It's dark stuff In one scene she beats him to unconsciousness just so that she can nurse him back to health in her house for a few days
>implying that's dark
come back when she goes full edgelord and severs his tendons to make him fully reliant on her
I'm into this type of thing. In the back of my mind, i've always wondered what kind of interesting stories could be made off of lightning being insecure to this extent.
So I finally finished uploading the folder and I can't get a damn link for it because apparently I was supposed to create an account first
Sorry lads but I'm not doing that shit again today, You'll just have to wait for the next thread.
dump it then you fucking faggot, this thread is still in its infancy
That's just the beginning. In public she still maintains the facade of mentor and protector. So when Hope tries to escape and nearly bleeds to death in the street, he wakes up in the hospital to all of his concerned friends and Lightning too. After they all leave the room she whispers that if he tries to escape again then he'll never wake up. Serah urges her sister to find whoever's responsible and make them pay while Lightning's just smiling on the inside. She's the dirty cop charged with finding the rat. She's the fucking law.
is XIII actually good?
it's okay
probably not worth a playthrough though
Lightning is such a bitch. :)
You plan on uploading your fanfic anytime soon?
Also OP is a faggot confirmed. Dump anyway the thread is still alive
Okay, what the hell, reading this made me interested in this kind of stories. Anyone know some like this that are completed? Down to read some right now
>shit tier fanart, shipping faggotry, fanfictions, too retarded to use Mega
The absolute state of /ss/ fags
I'm okay with adult Hope x Light, but I can't stand young Hope x Light. I like /ss/ but I can't really enjoy it with young Hope.
I have a folder containing both.
I need this stuff.
dump it boi
Bumping to get folder
I'll share a few. Excuse the edgy filename bullshit. Saved these in my 'tard days.
>Legit canon
How legit canon are we talking here? This novella, does it go into detail? Or is it just the same Lightning being a sorta onee-chan to Hope?
Play in actually well-written jrpgs for your /ss/ memes.
Berseria had loads of /ss/ too, though it isn't nearly as good as Nier.
Stopping here.
Trust me, vanille does not want that dick
at all